I have been living with generalized and provoked vulvodynia and pelvic floor dysfunction, possibly pudenal neuralgia anyway chronic pelvic pain which I believe gave me sciatica. So its been two years and I feel like with a lot of work its managed and livable. So I get all these swollen lymph nodes and Dr says probably just viral take antibiotics for a week. Some of them get smaller but some are hard not like lymph nodes. I do a little research and ask my doctor to run some blood tests, tell him to check for lupus. So tests come back positive, maybe lupus maybe multiple sclerosis. Now I'm going for a ctscan of my brain???I was healthy,what the hell is happening to me,I'm only 36 I have two little kids. Im so confused. Help me.
How many chronic conditions can one girl have? - Pain Concern
How many chronic conditions can one girl have?

Hi Juliansmom,
Firstly, poor you! Its awful to have to cope with ill health and look after young kids. And you've done so well managing and getting on top of your pain only to have something else come along! But wow! You sorted out your own diagnosis and managed to get your doctor on board too! That takes some doing! I know it's not much comfort when you're feeling low but you have been proactive and brave getting all this sorted out. If it's MS there are now drugs which can slow the disease (a friend of mine has done brilliantly on them) and Lupus I think also responds to advanced treatment too. One step at a time, one breath. Make some time for yourself in all of this. Farm the kids out and be kind to yourself. Best wishes.
That's nice of you to say I just know that doctors are human and limited and if they miss something or misdiagnose it could greatly effect my health so I feel responsible to guide them but these conditions are so similar and no one can tell which precede the other or if that even matters.
Hi, well done to you in taking steps to manage the pain. It has been a long road for me but I am getting there. So sorry to hear of all that is happening to you, as you say, you are very young. I am always amazed at how you young girls manage to bring up little kids and endure so much pain. I am not able to give any constructive help medically . I can only encourage you to go on as you are. You are doing a brilliant job. Take time out to spoil yourself a little. Please let us know how you get on. Wishing you all the best. Ann.
Bless Your Sweet Heart!!! So sorry. I know how you feel. I've had kidney stones, endometreosis, OA, Fibromyalgia and a fungus in my esophagus with terrible reflux. Now they think it's a vitamin B12 deficiency. Hang in there sweetheart. I pray that you have good doctors and that they will get everything straightened out for you!!! XXX Mitzi
Thank you,me too I've lost faith in doctors over these past years but not in the lord. I pray to have the ability to care for my boys at least until they're old enough to remember how much they were loved.