Hi Everyone
My second question of the night is about experiances of second line chemo. I have just found out my ct scan shows recurrance of cancer in abdomen after only finishing first line chemo of carboplatin/taxol (but reacted to taxol on second session so just carbo after) that in July. Seeing oncologist on monday but macmillan nurse told me will be more chemo. Also told unlikely to be looking at cure now.
I would like to here peoples experiances particularly what drugs were used and how effective they were. My ca125 only went down to 44 after operation the went up steadaly on carboplatin to 75 at end of chemo in july and was 125 mid dec. I have also heard of avistan but dont know much about it i believe can have with chemo. I life in wales but very near border dont know whether available here.
Looking forward to hearing from everyone as feeling a bit lost as to where to go next.
Thanks in advance