Hello everyone, I’m looking for people’s thoughts please .
I was diagnosed with HGSOC in July 2022.
Had 5 cycles of chemo ( 1 of carboplatin and taxol - allergic response to taxol , 4 of carbo) debulking operation in Jan 2023 , followed by 2 further rounds of carboplatin.
I have been receiving Avastin and Olaparib since April 2023 .
My CA 125 was at its lowest in Sept 23 at 11 and has steadily increased since then to 43 at present .
My oncologist is reluctant to scan me as he says that this marker is not necessarily a sign of progression of disease as my reading at diagnosis was in the upper 2000s , so is still a small percentage of that at present .
I have said several times : what is the point of a normal range if the percentage is seen to be more relevant. He has suggested that if it reaches 100, we scan then , as we would have to stop both treatments if progression was found .
I know I could push for a scan but am not sure of the best way forward. I am symptom free . Has anyone else been told that the CA125 is not the be all and end all of diagnosis?
I’m just in such a dilemma and would appreciate your thoughts please .
Thanks K x