Hi lovely ladies. I hope you are all doing well this morning and managing to keep out of this nasty rain.
I have a question. In August this year my Ca125 was 15. I started Niraparib in September when my ca125 was 35. Since then it has risen to 81 (October 24th.) I have bloating, fatigue, bowel problems,joint pain and awful brain fog.
I saw my consultant two weeks ago who examined me, saw I was in pain and suggested a scan. She hoped she would be able to give me the results at our next appointment this week. My scan isn't until Wednesday so I know from experience that it will take some time to get processed. I am going out of my mind with worry. I was unable to complete my last chemo in August because of low neutrophils and side effects. I feel so weakened by the Niraparib that I don't think I can face chemo again.
I had pinned my hopes on the Niraparib being effective and now it doesn't look like it has worked for me. My consultant wants to keep me on it and doesn't want to make any changes before the scan results. I am just feeling that it has been a waste of time and I am so panicked because I cannot see a way forward. I am frightened of the effects of more chemo but not having it feels like passive suicide.
Can anyone please offer me any words of wisdom. I have stage 3c primary peritoneal cancer diagnosed in September 2016 with a recurrence in January 2019.
Thank you very much in advance x