Hello ladies,
I hope that you are all in reasonable health,especially while this pandemic is around.
Last night I received a call from my new Oncologist,to say that there is a small tumour of 6mm on L H side at top of stomach area and a very small spot on the lung. The one in the stomach area they are fairly certain was there when I finished chemo in March 2016. She has suggested I can wait and have blood tests and scans,or zap it with carbo/taxol, or immunotherapy. The last thing I know nothing about. Anyway it was quite a long consultation,and very informative. I will get another Consultation in 6-8 weeks,and if in between I have any problems I can contact the Onc.'s secretary and She will call me.
I am feeling much more positive, as prior to this I saw the colorectal Prof. who told me that there was a lot of cancer on my omentum and that it was unlikely that chemo would work. After this news I felt there was little hope.
So moving on I consider myself lucky, & I do have time to decide which option I would like to take.
Take care & stay safe ladies. Caledaxx