Saw consultant Today for post First line treatment (actually she was the surgeon who did my Debulking Op in August).
Had bloods done 2 days ago. All bloods back in normal range except the dreaded CA125 which was 52 exactly the same as before last chemo. Nurse at GP surgery told me the results yesterday as had a routine appointment with her, gutted is not the word!!. As my previous post chemo 5 CA125 was 52 I naturally thought it would have gone down a bit from that as had chemo 6 inbetween and I was hoping it would be within normal range indicative I thought of a remission. I had convinced myself the treatment had not worked and was immediately catapulted into feeling as frightened as when I was first diagnosed this last 24 hours.
Nitty gritty is Consultant said she is happy with my CA125 at 52! as was over 3k prior to treatment. She said I looked really well and asked me how I felt, which I told her is very well. She is she said 'hopeful' I will now be in remission so that was a turn up for the books as did not expect her to say that Today with the latest CA125 not going down to within normal range.
She said she will arrange a non urgent scan and has booked my next clinic app for 3 months time. She said they do not do routine CA125 tests so wont schedule anymore but if I have any symptoms I am to contact them. That will do for me (I like that approach) as I cannot stand the uncertainty of worrying about CA125 levels would rather not know. I feel much better since talking to her (plus a little chat to the Specialist nurse who also did not seem concerned by my higher than normal CA125)!
Avastin update
Asked about avastin the answer for me is a no. Reason being they took me off Pacltaxol after chemo 2 due to an allergic rash and switched to Caelyx. The Cancer Drugs Fund will only pay if had Carbo/Pacli firstline for Stage 4 which is what I am. No point appealing she said.
PARP Inhibitor drugs - Consultant said will be licensed for them to use in 2015 - these are the promising new drugs that kill off recurrent cancer cells, that brings new hope for our sisterhood.
Apologies I know I sound like a real drama queen about my CA125 as many of you lovely ladies have been through on that roller coaster and I feel for you. I feel guilty about that but it I think I was in shock as did not expect exactly the same result as a month before and 24 hours is not enough time for me to get my head round the fact I may not be getting any remission.
Love and best wishes everyone x