Operation: I am still not sure just how to post... - My Ovacome

My Ovacome

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Madmolly profile image
33 Replies

I am still not sure just how to post in general to everyone. Hope Im doing it right. Had my op on Tuesday full hysterectomy plus omentum and part of the peritoneum and two lymph nodes. Surgeon discovered part of my peritoneum had wrapped itself around my spleen and in separating it ruptured my spleen. However all said and done she has done a great job albeit I'm experiencing quite a lot of pain in spleen area. I suffer two massive trapped wind in this area screaming the ward down eventually got bowel pessarirs for this on 3td day. Been a few other upheavals but home 4 days after surgery injecting myself daily to avoid blood clots and have been informed to remove my wound dressings myself tomorrow. Home with a mountain of meds. See my onc in 3 wks time to restart chemo. Been quite an ordeal but tell myself I've got this

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Madmolly profile image
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33 Replies
Seasun36-uk profile image

Hi Molly,

Ordeal is certainly the word for it, you poor thing! You’ve had a lot of pain, ruptured spleen....home quite soon - please be careful & don’t overdo it.

Your body needs lots of TLC and you want it to be in ‘top condition’ for chemo, which is only 3 weeks away. I managed the chemo 3 weeks after my big Op in 2017. You can do it Molly!

Linda xx🌹🌺🌹

Madmolly profile image
Madmolly in reply to Seasun36-uk

Thanks Linda just needed a bit of reassurance which you have just given me thanks. As the old saying goes What a difference a day makes

HI Molly, You've been through the worst of it and you will heal more quickly than you can imagine. Now is the time to rest, to care for yourself physically and emotionally and to rebuild your strength. Hoping that you have good support and that you can leave the details to others for awhile. You are doing great (and yes you are posting as you should) and we are all rooting for you. Sending you strength and wishing you well. And yes, you've got this!

Madmolly profile image
Madmolly in reply to

Thanks for your encouraging words. Obviously will take it easy feel I'm not in a position to do otherwise

shortfriends profile image

My goodness, what an ordeal!! a lot more than I thought you were going to get. Well done you my stoical friend, you are now through the worst bit. Now you must rest, let others do things for you whilst you and your body recover from the trauma of it all. Don't even pick up a kettle! Don't forget to hold a cushion against your stomach when you cough, sneeze or laugh! Chemo should be a walk in the park after this and I am sure if anyone can do it, you can. You will be more than ready to enjoy the "summer". We are all behind you and I am looking forward to hearing how you get on. I won't post any jokes to you just now! I will thinking of you and hope you progress rapidly. Lots of love Pat xx

Madmolly profile image
Madmolly in reply to shortfriends

As the saying goes slowly slowly catch the monkey and I will be mindful of your good advice

shortfriends profile image

PS I don't need to remind you - avoid constipation at all costs! xx

Madmolly profile image
Madmolly in reply to shortfriends

Gone the other way loose bowels

shortfriends profile image
shortfriends in reply to Madmolly

Hi Mad Molly, I posted to you the other day but it hasn't appeared yet!? I was wondering how you were feeling and how you are managing after the op. I hope you are feeling as well as you can and we hear from you soon. Sending you love and positive hugs. Pat xx

Madmolly profile image
Madmolly in reply to shortfriends

How nice of you to be thinking of me. Had ups and downs peritoneum had wrapped itself round spleen and surgeon on dislodging the two ruptured my spleen. In saying this she has done a great job removing all the cancer she could physically see. I am aware I still have a lymph node on my left clavicle which it is hoped will go after my next three doses of chemoplatin and taxol and I will continue on avastin. My worst nightmare has been wind which has been excruciatingly painful. Tried so many things. In hospital however they eventually gave me a bowel pessary for wind which gave me such relief. Off for CT scan today at 11am meeting with oncologist on Monday and surgeon on 4th March. Taking each day as it comes but have noticed can only eat a little at any one time. Read up on this and think it is because stomach next to spleen so therefore puts pressure on. I feel I've waffled on a bit. Looking forward to good results from scan and follow up with chemo has got me in a little bit of dread as presently suffering from abdominal pain and also will do so from chemo. Hope to get a pain management plan in action. Wound from breast bone to pubic bone healing nicely. Me thinks you will be sorry you asked the question lol. Hope you are doing good and thanks for thinking of me

Cynthia18 profile image

Welcome home 💖

Hi Molly, so pleased to hear that you are home already. Nothing beats sleeping in your own bed. Take it very slowly and be as un lady like as you wish and let that wind go! Sorry, no intention to make you laugh. Cushion at the ready. As I remember it was trapped wind that caused more pain than anything else.

Wishing you a good rest in preparation for chemo. You are right, you have got this.

Gentle hugs, Nicola x

Madmolly profile image
Madmolly in reply to LittleMissStubborn

Mount Etna eat your heart out

Welshandproud profile image

Oh Molly you really have been through the mill but you are a fighter and a survivor and you can do this. The other ladies on here have given you good advice. I can only add that it is so important to look after yourself now and let others do everything for you. Sending lots of love xxxx

Madmolly profile image
Madmolly in reply to Welshandproud

Thanks for your response. Managed to remove dressing from my wound as advised albeit it took me 20 mins but another job done. I feel I should have a degree in nursing by the time I'm finished as also injecting myself at night to avoid blood clots

1916 profile image

Hi Molly.

A big well done to you.

Lots of love

Liz xx

1916 profile image

Hi Molly .

I've got chemo brain its Ann.

Well done lots of love xx

Madmolly profile image
Madmolly in reply to 1916

Thanks Anne

Bless your heart. You poor love.

The others on here have given you the best advice. I’m almost 3 weeks past my 2nd debulking surgery & still getting others to do most things for me. Frustrating but necessary to help recovery before chemo ( mine starts this Friday).

My surgeon said to me to have more protein in my diet ( helps after such extensive surgery).

Otherwise be kind to yourself & rest when your body tells you to.

I like to do little chores ( sorting laundry, doing the finances, doing weekly menu & online grocery shop ) otherwise I feel useless.

You take good care.

Lynne xx

Madmolly profile image
Madmolly in reply to Differentforgirls

Lynne Thanks for the advice I am quite a high protein eater so that's good. I enjoy cooki g from scratch and will up the protein levels

Sending a very gentle hug 🤗 Molly. Take it easy !!

Jenny xx

Madmolly profile image
Madmolly in reply to

Enjoyed that cuddle

Maxjor profile image

Sorry for all the pain you had or are having. I used to hide all the bottles of meds--made me feel like a sick person (lol) and I didn't want my [grown] children to see that. So silly. Anyway--I had two weeks--before restarting chemo and I thought they were kidding. But when the time came, I was ready. The body is amazing at recovery and every day you will feel better than the day before. But you must rest and be kind to yourself. Let your body heal and get that pain to go away. Wishing you a smooth and speedy recovery. oxoxo

Madmolly profile image
Madmolly in reply to Maxjor

As I said already feel we should have a degree in nursing by the end of it all. Have mastered the anti clot injections and have removed dressing from wound which is looking clean

BellmoreBelle profile image

Molly, I screamed out loud when I read about your spleen! You have certainly been through the wars. My spleen was taken out in my Nov op (I think possibly because of the same reason you had the rupture, it couldn't be separated), but I haven't had any complications in its absence, though I'm on daily penicillin forever and have had to have a mountain of vaccinations. You are doing it tough, but you've got this! We're all with you. Carol x

Madmolly profile image
Madmolly in reply to BellmoreBelle

Carol I think the surgeon worked hard to remove peritoneum from spleen reason I am so sore in that area. I am aware that we can do without our spleen as they are part of our immune system but sorry to hear you are on meds for life. You are the only other person I have heard this happening to but glad to hear you are good

JanTheHesitator profile image

You absolutely HAVE got this!

I had a similar surgery, and it is no joke. Take it easy, easy, easy on yourself. If someone offers to make you a cup of tea, take them up on it. I'm now almost six months out from my radical hyst (including omentum and appendix), and the difference is incredible.

Ignore anything online about recovery schedules for 'normal' hysterectomies! I grumbled to my gynae-onc at 6 weeks about why I didn't feel better. He laughed at me (kindly) and said "You are young, in otherwise good health, and this is STILL going to take 4 to 6 months to fully recover from. Give yourself time!"

Trapped wind is the worst! I find gentle walking and gallons of fennel / nettle / chamomile tea help.

Madmolly profile image

Thanks for advice on tea will give that a try. I appreciate my body will take its own time to heal although 73 this month I have kept generally good health over the years and hope that this will be beneficial in my recovery

jools53 profile image

Your smash it! Give yourself a good month or so then you will get back to normality 👍🏻 Time is a good healer xx

Madmolly profile image
Madmolly in reply to jools53

Thanks. A little concerned had a trickle of blood from belly button area after evening shower will phone district nurse tomorrow

jools53 profile image

Don’t forget healing inside take s longer! Rest and go with it xx

win_56 profile image

Hi Molly, yes I had the same, terrible pain wind. I was sick for 8 weeks when I came out of hospital having had spleen, omentum, pereteanal lymph nodes, gall blader, part of lower bowel removed and full hysterectomy. I have a stoma and I had terrible trapped wind, when I came out of hospital 2 weeks later I thought id never get my appetite back or feel like eating again, but you will. You can do this but it just takes time to get your strength back up and your body to heal. You will get there. Sending best wishes and a big hug to you,xxxx

Madmolly profile image
Madmolly in reply to win_56

I know it's probably par for the course and every day is a step forward. Had CT scan on Friday ans see onc tomorrow will have better understanding when results are in thanks

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