Hi beautiful ladies,
I have a general question, after your diagnosis has anyone changed their diet to …for example vegan, keto diet, etc. or just stuck to whatever you ate before.
Thanks as always for your responses.
Hi beautiful ladies,
I have a general question, after your diagnosis has anyone changed their diet to …for example vegan, keto diet, etc. or just stuck to whatever you ate before.
Thanks as always for your responses.
Hi, I was diagnosed in 2013 stage 3C and I'm still eating and drinking the same things. I did change a bit during and for a while after treatment but I soon went back to my bad habits. xx
I was diagnosed last January and although I feel I've not changed my diet, I've gained 2 stone. I've cut down on my alcohol intake too but both my cholestrol and my blood pressure have been a concern. It's likely I will start medication for high cholesterol after speaking to the practice pharmacist today and my blood pressure will be monitored again in a year. Although I had no follow up treatment after my surgery, I've not felt fully fit since. I'm 69 and feel 89 at times. I know how to loose weight - I've been successful on both weightwatchers and slimming world - but have no desire to rejoin. I eat home cooked and healthy meals so no idea what's going on.
On average while I was on treatment I gained 2 kilos a week. I couldn't believe it although I was eating a lot of Kit-Kats which I rarely eat. I didn't drink during treatment either. The weight was hard to lose because I wasn't moving much but after a while I got back to my normal routine and things settled down.
Since Covid I've gained a stone but my thyroid is playing up so I'm hoping my medication will be changed to help that. Maybe your weight gain is due to your thyroid? Might be worth a check. xx
Hi, I didn't change anything I ate before being diagnosed in 2020 with stage 4b, I love my chocolate and anything sweet too much to give them up x
back on processed sugar and eat more natural foods. Other than that, I haven’t done anything drastic.
Didn’t change anything much. 10 years NED after being diagnosed 3a. Cheers, Deb
Hi, I tend to eat more organic food since diagnosis and eat more what kills these horrible cells. Xx
I was diagnosed in January 2024 and have reduced the amount of alcohol I drink, partly because I just don’t fancy it as much as before and partly because I know it’s not good for me. I never had much of a sweet tooth but since being on chemotherapy seem to have developed more of a liking for chocolate and eat more of it even though I know it’s not good. I never ate much ultra processed food and definitely stay off that, except bacon once a week as a treat.
I was diagnosed stage 3b in Oct 2007 and given 2 years. I eat healthily, not changed anything really. Cut back on sugar is prob the most.
I ate less and didnt drink alcohol during treatment and beyond for 2 years. Now 4.5 years NED. 3c HGSOC. Now mainly back to normal but watch my alcohol intake as I believe that contributed to the disease in my case.
I was diagnosed in 2021 stage 3B limited red meat, alcohol to special occasions, ate organic a lot of fish no processed foods I was never a sugar eater recurred 2023 still in recurrence go figure.
Hi, I was diagnosed with stage three cancer and had six cycles of chemo and an operation. I asked my oncologist a few times if I should be changing my diet but the message throughout my treatment was to eat healthy foods if you can but essentially eat whatever makes you feel better. I don’t really drink and have never smoked, so I didn’t need to change that. With the chemotherapy they are keen that you try and maintain your weight and energy levels so if you fancy a biscuit or a cheesecake, I say go for it. I did cut out all sugar when I was diagnosed before I started chemotherapy, but it made me feel worse to be honest. I’m just trying to eat sensibly now whilst on immunotherapy which has reduced my appetite. Sending you good luck for your treatment x
I’ve been vegetarian for the past forty years. I was diagnosed 3b HGS in 2018. I haven’t changed anything except when I was on Olaparib for three years I didn’t like anything but sweets and carbs.
I have always been ana nutritious plant based eater. I became more vigilant about avoiding ultra processed food. Organic where possible to reduce toxins. Plenty of fruit especially antioxidant berries although there is some issue with eating too many around chemo. More green tea- I quite like it now- an aquired taste.
I stopped drinking alcohol which was easy as it made me feel sick. I miss a nice glass of wine but couldn’t face it now so it has not been a difficult transition for me luckily.
When I was having chemo and initially lost a lot of weight I ate differently just to get the calories in but that is a problem of the past!
Your taste may change with the chemo drugs. For a while I couldn’t bear peppermint tea which tasted like rotten grass- some people find that the case normally.
Keep enjoying nice food.
F x
I always followed a largely plant based diet anyway, and still do, but my alcohol consumption was way too high so I've massively cut down on that - I didn't realise that alcohol converts to oestrogen in women's bodies. While my OC wasn't oestrogen fed (and it is believed to have been caused by endo), my endometrial cancer was. And I'd been drinking on HRT, as well as not taking my patches properly so probably missing off the correct amount of progestrerone. Sorry probably TMI there!
My main concern is avoiding stress, which is turning out to be impossible.xx
I look at the long life expectancies of Mediterraneans and the Japanese ... and try and eat simple. Though conversely there is a high rate of Clear Cell Ovarian Cancer in Japan.
I was DXed Nov 2023 2B Clear Cell. Currently NED.
I have gradually eaten less meat (I’m bt vegetarian but I often make veggie choices, also I try to buy organic food when I can. I’m not manic about it but if I can make those choices I do. I also try to avoid using a lot of chemicals in the house. I use mainly white vinegar, lemon juice, soda, borax for cleaning. I find, as I get older, I feel better if I live like that.
I was already pescetarian (since 1979) when diagnosed in 2015 and have never changed except that I don't eat much fish these days. I'm probably more vegan now expect that I can't find a decent cheese that I like. Plant based is a good alternative to meat but be careful with any processed foods. Like most here, I have also cut out alcohol although I wasn't a big drinker anyway. I lost 10 kilos after my 2nd op in 2019 and haven't managed to put on any weight since. My appetite is back to normal, but I can't manage "normal" sized meals as my digestive system can't cope. The ops do so much damage, but I've learnt to live with it.
In summary, I believe that my healthy diet didn't prevent me from getting cancer (I'm PALB2 positive) but I'm sure that it definitely helped with my recovery from the ops and the effectiveness of treatments. I'm currently on Avastin again after chemo & radiation for my 3rd recurrence in March 2024. Scans coming up this month 🙏.
Bon apatite. 😘
Hi, I didn’t change anything and only advice during treatment as to be careful with soft cheeses and the like due to infection risk.
Thanks for sharing all your responses beautiful ladies. Sorry I couldn't respond individually... It's interesting to know some haven't changed your diets. I haven't changed much either but just limited my sweets a bit and eat organic when I can.
Dear Ladies:
Highly recommended to read, study, and practice the Longevity Diet as outlined in Dr Valter Longo’s book of the same name…The Longevity Diet, published first in Italy 2016…he was the first to identify the evolutionarily conserved principle of Differential Stress Resistance …see Chapter Seven for this principle’s application to cancer!
You will want to change your eating habits and to adopt the FMD, the Fasting Mimicking Diet…
With love to all of you,