Pre op assessmentl: Had this done today... - My Ovacome

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Pre op assessmentl

Madmolly profile image
37 Replies

Had this done today everything OK so op goi g ahead on 28th Jan. Full hysterectomy plus omentum and part of the peritoneum. A it anxious but hoping for good result

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Madmolly profile image
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37 Replies
Mommoo65 profile image

Hi, Molly. It is a lot scary but you'll do fine. I remember just being curious about the operating room and how many people were in there with my surgeon. They had me asleep within seconds and I woke up with no noticeable pain or headache or anything. I remember being in the recovery room and being very annoyed that 2 nurses were talking loudly when all I wanted to do was go back to sleep! Lol. I was in the hospital 10 days because they were monitoring my blood thinners and I received a chemo treatment while still in the hospital. When I got home I felt great. Take it easy, of course. No lifting! And rest. You deserve it. Hugs!! jill

Madmolly profile image
Madmolly in reply to Mommoo65

Thanks Jill with any surgery there are risks just have to not put my head there. Thanks for your reassurance

Katmal-UK profile image

Hi Molly. Jill pretty much sums up my experience albeit I was home after 4 days having had the same op as you are scheduled for. I was scared but its nowhere near as bad as id imagined, fear of the unknown makes the fear worse. I hope it goes well for you xx Big hug xx Kathy xx

Madmolly profile image
Madmolly in reply to Katmal-UK

Hi Kathy just over thinking it as I am 72 and wondering if the body will cope but I have been healthy all my life and they have said I am fit so I'm sure I will be fine

mupash profile image
mupash in reply to Madmolly





Madmolly profile image
Madmolly in reply to mupash

Thanks Lee Feel I'm over it now just like last mi nute stage fright. I now Ready to go. Hope you are doing good

mupash profile image
mupash in reply to Madmolly


Gemimablackvelvet profile image
Gemimablackvelvet in reply to Madmolly

Hi Madmolly.

I was 74 when I had my debulking, after all the usual warnings re health etc. I have a debilitating neurological condition which means I cannot walk of stand without aid but the operation still went well and I was home and back to normal (almost)within a week. I'm 76 now My OVC has recurred but I wouldn't hesitate to have yet another operation, although this is a no-no at the moment.

Lots of love, you'll be fine. Age is just a number.

Angela xx

Madmolly profile image
Madmolly in reply to Gemimablackvelvet

Angela thanks for sharing your experience. I am sorry to hear about the recurrence but take on board what you said about age just being a number. Thanks.

Solange profile image

🍀Just wishing you Good Luck, Molly. I'm sure everything will go to plan. It was nowhere near what I feared, when I had the op thirteen years ago. Hardly any pain. In fact I barely needed the morphine pump I had for the first couple of days. I kept being asked whether I'd pressed the pump and I had to keep responding, " I haven't needed to, thank you." I was home after five days.

Love and a hug, Solange 😊

Madmolly profile image
Madmolly in reply to Solange

Wow that was amazing result after such a big op. I think it's just I've been lucky in life and this is the first time I have really had anything wrong with me. I'm sure I will be fine

twiggy66 profile image

Hi Molly, I was same as Katmal same op as you home after 4 days, you’ll be well looked after. As Katmal says fear of the unknown makes it worse. Big hugs xx

I’ve just had a similar op ( 2nd one on 14th Jan at Hammersmith ). It’s daunting the first time around, but I only needed morphine the eve after my surgery this time ( as pain was just a stingy feeling).

You’ll do it - understandably anxious. Try & rest up as much as you can beforehand too - get your body prepared.

I was told by my oncologist surgeon to eat a high protein diet before my surgery ( & iron rich foods ).

Best of luck, Lynne xx

Madmolly profile image
Madmolly in reply to Differentforgirls

Have been given protein drinks two to be taken daybefore surgery and one on morning of surgery so hopefully this will help thanks for advice on iron

Differentforgirls profile image
Differentforgirls in reply to Madmolly

Great. You’ll do it.

I’d also advise to only press the morphine button if you need it.

The bowel often goes to sleep for a while after an op like this, so you may feel nauseas a couple of days after. The more morphine you have the more likely you’ll feel sick. In my opinion this was worse than the pain.

Obviously we are all different & hopefully you won’t feel/ be sick at all.

Will be thinking of you. It will soon be over, then give yourself time to recover.

Hopefully you have someone at home to support you after the op?

Take good care Lynne xx

Madmolly profile image
Madmolly in reply to Differentforgirls

I have high pain threshold so hopeful I will not have to press button more than once but will be taking in a good book love a good read

Differentforgirls profile image
Differentforgirls in reply to Madmolly

I came home 4 nights after op this time - it was 9 nights last time. The nurses were amazed how well I did this time - catheter came out within 24 hrs of op.

Best wishes xx

Madmolly profile image
Madmolly in reply to Differentforgirls

My that was quick hoping I can finish my book in that time

1916 profile image

Hi Molly

That's good news keep us posted, I'm having g yet another drain today!!

Sending love ,your mate

Liz xx

Cropcrop profile image

The surgery is scary but nowhere as bad as you think it will be. It was my first surgery and I was a little bit (a lot) terrified but while it wasn’t a barrel of laughs it was fine. I was home after 4 days.

Have nighties for your hospital stay, pj’s are un comfy on the wound, good comfy slippers are important. Nice lotions and potions help you feel a little more human and a good book to help you pass the time. I took my knitting which was good for me.

Hopefully you will have been given information on how to look after yourself once you go home. For your journey home have two pillows, one to sit on so you’re not too low in the car and one to put on your tummy to protect your wound from the seat belt. Once home I found it easiest and most comfy to sleep propped up on pillows for the first few nights and have a cushion to hand to hold over your scar just in case you need to cough or sneeze. If you have to go upstairs for the loo and don’t feel like coming back down just don’t, have a nap if you need one. It’s important you mobilise, little walks around the house and, if it’s fine around the garden for a bit of fresh air. Don’t lift anything bigger than a cup of tea/coffee. Drink plenty of water to keep hydrated and help bodily functions, take the drugs they give you, they’re there for a reason, keep an eye on bowel movements, they may not happen at first as your bowel will be sluggish after the op but it’s important you get things moving, I ate lots of fruit and veg which really helps alongside the drugs. Let everybody do everything for you and get lots of rest.

You can do this and we’re all here rooting for you lovely ❤️Xx a Jane

Madmolly profile image
Madmolly in reply to Cropcrop

I found all you said really informative and helpful. I did wonder about pj's in relation to nighties and great information about the journey home. You thi nk you've covered everything till someone like you comes along. So thankful that you took time out to inform me of all the little things which will make such a big diffence. Thanks again Jane

Differentforgirls profile image
Differentforgirls in reply to Cropcrop

Great advice xx

Hi Molly, I remember the fear and I also remember the anaesthetist asking 'What should you be doing today?' which I thought was a bit of an odd question, but obviously they were just making conversation to relax me and i answered 'I should be here, having this op!' In other words it has to be done. I was in for a while as they had to remove part of the bowel also, but for however long you stay I would recommend those little, squidgy earplugs so you can get some rest. Just make sure you accept all help offered when you get home. One friend told me she'd just bought a new Dyson and wanted to test it out at my house! She came round regularly after that until I was strong enough to do it myself.

Good luck, we are stronger than we know, will be thinking of you on 28th. Gentle hugs. Nicola x

Madmolly profile image
Madmolly in reply to LittleMissStubborn

Thanks Nicola you gave me a laugh about the Dyson but appreciate what you are saying about accepting help when you are used to being the one giving it

Manchesterlady profile image

I was 75 when I had my operation, and was terrified, but in all hobbit wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be . The first couple of days were a bit tough , only needed morphine for the first day . Got myself moving as quickly as possible and was home in five days . Good luck x

Madmolly profile image
Madmolly in reply to Manchesterlady

Amazing well done you. Got my brain in proper mode now and I will be fine and home before I know it

Lizchips profile image

Hi, Liz here I've had lots of surgeries had everything removed including 15 lymph nodes she thought suspicious, 2 had cancer. I had chemo after 2nd surgery . I've been fortunate to be cancer free coming up 6 yrs. Everyone has issues after let's just hope they remove as much as they can and after chemo you to are cancer free

You'll be fine trust in your Dr will help you relax, best wishes, Liz

Madmolly profile image
Madmolly in reply to Lizchips

What an amazing result 6 years. I to have some dodgy lymph nodes so it's good to know they can be tackled

Kaitlinsmum profile image

Good luck x I had same op at the end of November and am on week 2 of chemotherapy. After surgery I was bothered greatly by trapped wind which was very painful. I advise to arm yourself with peppermint oil capsules before food and peppermint tea after food.

Madmolly profile image
Madmolly in reply to Kaitlinsmum

Thanks for the advice. I can imagine after being opened up I will be full of wind something I had not thought about

juliamillen profile image

I was very nervous about the op but it turned out to be a lot easier than I expected. Not much pain, catheter out easy, couldn’t eat at first. You will really need to rest up afterwards. Listen to your body and sleep and watch tv a lot. Good luck!

Madmolly profile image
Madmolly in reply to juliamillen

Thanks its good to hear from someone who has gone through it. I am a great believer in listening to my body. So like you said will be resting up and taking care of myself

shortfriends profile image

Hi Molly, You are still relatively young nowadays, people in their 80's and over are recovering well from this operation. It will be over before you know it and I am sure with your approach you will make a good recovery. I was prepped for similar op (already had the hysterectomy) but woke up to find they hadn't done the OP! (See my intro) but still felt I had only been asleep a minute when it was hours. Remember they are a very skilled and experienced staff group who carry out these operations every day, it is natural to be anxious, if you are not you may really be mad! lol, . I will be thinking of you and looking forward to "chatting" to you as you recover. I have no doubts that you will be fine and t will be over before you know it. Lots of love and positive vibes being sent your way. "Speak soon"! xxxx

Madmolly profile image
Madmolly in reply to shortfriends

Hi Pat I am aware I have to put my trust with the surgeon who I have met once and who I felt I could speak openly with and therefore feel better about the situation now. I have had lots of good advice from yourself and others and am ready for Tuesday. Thanks will be in touch

Welshandproud profile image

Wishing you all the very best for your surgery Molly. Any surgery is going to be scary but just try to picture your team cutting out the cancer. You don't need it or any of the organs they are going to remove. Whatever pain or discomfort is worth that. I had an epidural before my general anaesthesia which really helped with pain relief and u had the morphine pump so felt very little pain

Try not to do too much too quickly and let others look after you. Get yourself some good books in advance and use the time to spoil yourself Sending lots of love xxxxx

Madmolly profile image
Madmolly in reply to Welshandproud

Replied to you there and don't know where it went. However brain now ready as is case packed and ready to go. Due in on Tuesday at 7.30 will be up from 5 so lookin g to good rest afterwards. Will let you know how I get on

Welshandproud profile image
Welshandproud in reply to Madmolly

Sending you lots of love xxxx

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