I am recovering from my op but I’m feeling so tired all of the time and everyday life is exhausting and I have to keep sitting down. My appetite is not good and I seem to be living on toast and strangely enough, I fancy anything crunchy which is weird. Feeling that I should be being more active by now....
Still so tired 6 weeks after op: I am recovering... - My Ovacome
Still so tired 6 weeks after op

I’m sorry to hear you are so tired! It must be frustrating, but your body has so much healing to do that maybe all your energy is needed in that process? Are your blood levels ok? Anemia makes you very tired, as my red blood cells have dropped I barely have the energy for taking my daily walks (speciellt with the summer heat). Apparently it’s not just the absolut number that matters, but the difference from your normal levels.
I hope you feel better soon, I know it is much harder to be positive when you are tired all the time!
Hi Gill
Be kind to yourself, you’ve had a second major op and your body and mind need time to heal. Also this heat and humidity doesn’t help. I’ve been feeling exhausted, even the dog doesn’t want to go out !
Good idea to get your bloods checked and maybe speak to your team about your lack of appetite. Could they refer you to a dietician? Maybe just try snacking small and often whatever you fancy, good excuse to eat some treats.
I hope you start feeling stronger soon, as it must be frustrating when you’ve been active and well prior to your surgery, but you’ll soon get there.
Love and best wishes Kim x 💜
Hi Lockygill
I think it’s very early days yet . It’s a big operation, and you need time to heal inside , just take it easy . One day at a time . You’ll get there xxx
Hi love,
You are being too hard on yourself, I have been exhausted to do anything in this weather and I am years out of the op!!
It takes a long time to recover, baby steps and don’t do too much, take as much help as is offered and DONT feel guilty.
You will get back to mobility, but this weather is lethal, we haven’t been out with the grandkids, but let them run around the garden, with paddling pool, drinks and shade on tap.
Just potter about, do what you want to do, then when it gets cooler, go on some small walks,
You are fine,
Carole xx
Hi gill,
Yes, the ladies above are correct. You have not only had a second major surgery, but this particular surgery is especially hard on you. Your spleen is connected to loads of blood vessels and removing it is a delicate prospect.
Meanwhile, your poor body has to recover from the shock of it all, plus readjust to the different space inside you.
Your digestive system will have been thrown into chaos and getting your appetite back takes time.
You just have to go with the flow. Rest every afternoon. Take short walks when you can and just baby yourself.
It’s a gradual process, but you’ll get there.
I remember asking my doctor how long it would take for me to recover after first line chemo (and all the blood clots and side effects that laid me so low). She said, don’t Try to rush it. It will probably take 3 months to feel 50% of how you used to be. And she was exactly right.
By 6 months, I was 75%, and a year (and after second line treatment) later, I am 95%, which feels pretty darn good.
Take it easy,
Best wishes,
Agree with all your replies. I know it’s hard when you are used to being ‘up and at it’ but think of this period of rest as a long term investment in your recovery.
I would ask your team about your lack of appetite tho...perhaps there is something they could do to help? xx
When you're in the middle of it, you never think you will feel better. But after, you can't believe you felt that that feeling of tiredness would never end. Your body is probably telling you something--rest and don't be hard on yourself. The energy will return. I hope you have some good books, some mindless TV, and some company you can be with when feeling this way. It all helps! oxoxoxox
Hi I dont know what surgery you have had but please don't beat yourself up about not bouncing back after just 6 weeks, your body is fighting the cancer and the effects of an operation! I was told it could take up to 6 months to feel recovered after my op just try to rest and take baby steps .I found it difficult to come to terms with but have come accept my new body and new effects from all that has happened since I started this unwanted journey. Take care and giid luck