Anxious times: Hi. I am new to the site and this... - My Ovacome

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Anxious times

17 Replies

Hi. I am new to the site and this is my first post. I have fourth stage ovarian cancer. I have had two rounds of chemo and now suffer with chronic diverticulitis too. I am now having severe panic and anxiety attacks. Is anyone else going through similar feelings?

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17 Replies
broadgodd profile image

Hi making 2, cannabis oil helps with anxiety, i went through chemo , surgery , taxol, carboplatinum, Cannabis oil, thc and cbd helped to keep anxiety down and greatley helped to get through the treatment.

Lindaura profile image

Oh dear,

I am so sorry to hear that you are struggling. This is a terrifying diagnosis, but the ladies here have been through much also and you can get a lot of support from them.

Chemo and this cancer play havoc with our digestive systems,

And the hard facts and hard choices we have to make play havoc with our minds.

The Ovacome support line might be able to give you some good advice to help with your anxiety and feelings of panic.

Confide in family or friends. This disease has made me totally aware of how important staying in contact with friends and family can be. Don’t be afraid to reach out. Often times they are struggling, too, looking for a way to be useful to you.

Best wishes,


Chick44nzrn profile image

Hello Making2, I hope today your anxiety is lessened but yes it is a huge part of the diagnosis and treatment , and something I too have had to try to manage , with stage 3 breast cancer ( a big 28 Cm tumour and 2 other smaller different ones) high risk answers to histology after the mastectomy and on going chemo which produced awful side effects ! The anxiety comes and goes but what I find is helpful is distraction , for one thing and writing down feelings in my journal . I also am not inhibited about saying to friends and family that I get anxious but also point out that I’m dealing with it ! So not to burden them ! Generally There is almost in every situation a positive or amusing side to find though it’s very hard sometimes when feeling physically ill, or with horrible side effects to deal with. Sleep is wonderful for restoring optimism and I put high priority on that even postponing visitors in order to snooze . Every good day I have , I try to get out and about and enjoy every minute

; reading ( I’m currently obsessed about Russia and Putin !) Netflix ( have you seen Trevor Noah Dailey Show?) writing in the journal, ( my feelings worries etc )

Taking my dog out, seeing and playing with the little grandchildren ; all helps to diminish the anxiety. Yes it’s a very scary and confidence destroying diagnosis and treatment but this website has posts from wonderful true friends who will give you support in those dark times !

Love and best wishes

Denise x

Lyndy profile image


I was also dx stage 4 in 2015, had op after 4 chemos then 2 mop up chemo and Avastin for a further year. Nearly 4 years later I am still here, I am back at work and enjoying my life. Ok there is a possibility of recurrence in the background but thinking back I used to wake in the night saying ‘I am going to die ‘ when I was first diagnosed.

It’s a lot to deal it might be an idea to tell your oncologist that you are very anxious and see if there’s some support locally xx

Manchesterlady profile image

Hello . I was totally overwhelmed with my diagnosis, and without my GP and these wonderful ladies on this site, didn’t think I could carry on . My doctor prescribed Valium ( short term) even my oncologist said to take them on treatment days .

I have just had my 3 month check up , and all I’d fine at the moment 🙏. I also have diverticulitis at the moment , and I’m living on soup hoping it will settle down . This is no walk in the park , stay on here I’m sure you will get lots of support.

Sending hugs and love

Sheila xxx

Hello Making2 I was diagnosed with the same in June 2018, chemo and de-bulking op in October then more chemo. I am currently NED with my last CTscan being clear of disease.

It is only natural to be Anxious and have panic attacks.......I did frequently. I suggest one day at a time, the bigger picture is way to scary. Talking about your fears helps, and please remember your medical team will take exceptional care of you. Incidentally I also have diverticulitis flare ups, speak to your doctor who might recommend a low fibre diet and antibiotics. Take Care. xx

in reply to

P.S I see someone has recommended Cannabis oil, anyone considering this should not take it whilst undergoing chemotherapy without discussing it with their Oncologist first.

Cynthia18 profile image
Cynthia18 in reply to

Why is that?I took RSO and took chemo did a good friend. It kept our call 125 way down

in reply to Cynthia18

Me too, not sure it impacted my ca125 but I don’t see how things could get any worse. I put it in my espresso on a morning. My lovely brother ordered it from Spain.

MostlyHarmless profile image
MostlyHarmless in reply to

I asked about CBD oil at clinic and there response was 'we don't know as there haven't been clinical trials on it and so can't comment either way'. I 've been using it occasionally for mild nausea after Avastin and it seems to help me but then so does a choc-ice.

BikerDoc profile image

Hi Making2.

I'm so sorry to hear all the extra sufferings you're going through. I was 3B a year and a half ago and I can totally empathise with your anxiety. I was never diagnosed with diverticulitis but I did suffer severe constipation alternating with diarrhoea. And I found the days I was anxious, I was much worse. I couldn't sleep the week after the chemo because of the steroids - which only added to my anxiety. I asked my oncologist for sleeping tablets just for that week post chemo. I didn't take them every night, but even just knowing they were there seemed to help.

I also spent a lot of time with friends and confided in them. I lost the ability to focus on books and movies, so I tried crosswords and art! Funny combination but just doodling and painting, a bit of pebble art and mentally re-decorated our house with the help of Pinterest - download the app- it will pass hours! It also has some guided meditation and mindfulness which then encouraged me to attend these classes in cancer care west.

Sorry for rambling. I like to talk! In summary; the anxiety - or as I just refer to it now as the "fear" has become a visitor that calls daily, but I don't always let him in. You can't control much of what's happening to you regarding the medical side of it, but you can control how you respond. Ask for mild sleeping tabs for the short term, the brain heals while it sleeps. On your good days, treat yourself. Spend time with loved ones, buy that dress in eBay that you love, eat that big sticky cream bun, redesign your bedroom on Pinterest so that when you're well again, you're ready to go! Make tea with real tea leaves - and use the good china cups! 😁 Eat lots of flax seed and chia seed and drink buckets of water (add a little cordial if you don't like the bland taste). Be kind to you. This too will pass, just don't give up or give in.

Best wishes, Serena

luluw profile image

I have found meditation and self-hypnosis exercises helpful. The self-hypnosis was recommended by my GP and the meditation by other ladies on this forum.

Sending virtual hugs

Lou xxxx

shortfriend profile image

hello making 2, welcome. I am sorry you are having a bad time at present, I totally emphasis with the fear and anxiety which is perfectly natural. I hope you find this group as helpful as I did. If you have a Maggie's or clan centre near you, you will find a lot of understanding and positive support there. I was prescribed anti anxiety medication for when I have a bad moment. Be kind to yourself and take it a day at a time. When I can't sleep I find listening to audiobooks on an I pod very soothing or watching ancient films that are on in the middle of the night! So try to distract yourself by focusing on things you enjoy. Meet friends for coffee but don't be overwhelmed by trying to meet them when you are tired. It is your time to look after yourself. Phone a help line, keep a diary, join a support group, anything to help you relax. If you have diverticulosis follow the opposite of a healthy fibre diet!! No fruit, seeds or brown bread as seeds will get trapped in little pouches which will cause you pain. Have white bread, chicken, mild soups and mashed potatoes and chips as well as nice cakes! You can find low residual diets online. I have risked a glass or two of wine without bad results, so try things to see what suits you.

Remember, there are thousands of us still going strong despite diagnosis and there is every reason you to will have better times ahead as well.

Sending you lots of positive vibes and good wishes.

short friend xxx

coksd profile image

Be kind to yourself its a horrendous disease would you try some complementary therpaies for relaxing such as reflexology and reiki or yoga. I started all three since diagnosis I also suffer with insomnia and find this time of the year hard as its so cold outside and then trying to avoid flu and head colds in public indoor area's. Try and plan something you enjoy and spend time with people I have stage IV disease too and just finished second chemo and now on olaparib so feeling half hopeful half scared. xx

Cynthia18 profile image

I have a lot of anxiaty/panic attacts.i see a councilor and give me meds to help with my panic attacks

I would talk to your CS Nurse she may be able to help with counselling or complementary therapy. I found my gp (who has had cancer so should know better) just kept pointing me to her.

I also read erkhart toll (spelling) The Power of Now (audio book), it helped me to stop focusing on the future. It may not be for everyone but did help me. I felt very low and anxious after recurrence.

It is totally understandable your brain has to take in such a huge amount of stuff at once with this disease.

I’m very sorry you are having to go through this. X

Margiedolly profile image

Hi! I suffered from all of the above. My Dr. Prescribed Ativan for anxiety and nausea. Don't take this medication! It is highly addictive and really messes up your brain.

CBD oil worked great until it plugged up my pancreas and now I cannot digest food without special ensyme pills.

Marinol is a synthetic marijuana pill, it works well for nausea and pain, and is easy to wean off of. Also, Zofran helps nausea.

Best wishes!

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