Hi everyone,
Yesterday was the Oncology appointment I have been breathlessly awaiting since my CA-125 started rising 6 weeks ago.
I have put the six weeks to good use, getting my bills up to date, organising my house, and getting my small business in shape for my husband to run without me.
I also had 2 more CA-125 tests to keep a check on myself, which showed a tripling in the numbers over this time. My CT Scan was last Sunday.
My family, husband and adult daughter, who is now living with us and is on her own path for risk-reduction surgery offered by the NHS for BRCA1 positive women, are ready to care for me if treatment becomes difficult.
I read up on therapies and new treatment options for BRCA1 positive ladies, feeling sure that I was experiencing a recurrence, but afraid my Oncologist would say let’s watch and wait. All three of us came to my appointment, so I had plenty of support.
The doctor looked concerned when we entered the room. I looked great and healthy, because I wanted to make certain she knew I was a good candidate for treatment.
My fear was that nothing would show up on my Scan, because I actually felt as good as I looked.
She surprised me by telling me that the scan showed multiple growths on my peritoneum. But thankfully, nothing on my lungs or liver or bowels or on any of the few organs I have left!
So good news/bad news.
I thought that the regime for first recurrence for BRCA1positive would be the same as first line: Carbo/Taxol.
So I was dismayed to hear that this was an unexpectedly early recurrence. It came as much as a surprise to her as it was to me.
I was totally clear at the end of my first line. She thought I was in the very best position a cancer patient could be.
So I am catagorised as an early recurrence, but luckily my BRCA1 positive situation, kept me able to have carboplatin again. Usually an early recurrence dubs you as “platinum resistant”. Phew.
But instead of Taxol, I will be having Caelyx. So Carboplatin and Caelyx will be the regime.
I did try to get another operation as well as weekly Taxol and my doctor said she will bring it up at Wednesday’s team meeting.
But here I am. Chemo set for two weeks away. I forgot to ask about the PICC line, but I will call my CNS tomorrow to arrange that.
Now that we know this is for real, it makes me sad, but resigned. The early recurrence designation makes me realise that I will probably be fighting this disease forever.
Oh, I WILL be getting Niraparib at the end of Chemo, although I requested Olaparib, but either one is a good alternative for me.
So, wish me luck and thank you for listening.
Kind Regards,