Kidney Infections: Hi lovely ladies. Could I... - My Ovacome

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Kidney Infections

11 Replies

Hi lovely ladies.

Could I please ask if anyone else suffers from repeated urine/kidney infections after operation and chemo?

I have been NED for 18 months but suffer with repeated kidney infections.

I do everything possible to prevent them but still they return. As soon as symptoms start I go to the GP and start on antibiotics.

They clear up after 5 days but can be very painful. Oncologist said it’s a side effect from the operation.

Any advice would be most welcome.


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11 Replies
Lily-Anne profile image

Do you have any blood in the urine? My palliative care doc told me usually repeated infections are because of thrush which is a result of the antibiotics. See the merry-go-round here. So I had a fluconaze tablet and used canesten cream twice a day. Although still have some pain haven’t needed to use my back up supply of antibiotics. I’ve had 4 back to back infections so really worth a try

LA xx

in reply to Lily-Anne

Hi Lily-Anne

Hope you are ok today?

Urine had white blood cells and visible blood. The antibiotics they gave me are working. Less kidney pain and not hurting to pee now.

It’s just frustrating having the infections so often.

I wash after bowel actions (trouble there too but that’s another story !!)

I don’t drink bladder irritants. Healthy diet. Drink loads of water.


Lily-Anne profile image
Lily-Anne in reply to

You have the same as me then with blood and white cells. It’s so frustrating. About a week after antibiotics finish it flares up. I do get tumour bleed too. Definitely worth the thrush treatment. I tested negative for thrush so must be something in it that stops irritation of the urethra. I was told minimum of 2 litres water a day but think I have more than that. Have you had u/s of bladder?

I’ve been referred to the urologist now so maybe hints and tips time lol.


in reply to Lily-Anne

I had a scan a month ago for oncology check up. Nothing showed up I’m assuming re bladder.

Not sure why kidney/urine infection would be a side effect of operation ?

I have googled a bit but can’t see anything relating to ovarian cancer operation.

I will definitely try your suggestions though Lily-Anne and bring it up again at next checkup. Xx

Flamingobeef18 profile image

You poor thing.

No it is not something that has happened to me or heard of but it doesn’t surprise me. In my experience the treatment we have can cause a miriad of complications many of which have little or no data collected on them. My oncologist reckons this is because the numbers are too small for the data to be viable.

That of course does not help you at all. My advice would be to seek an expert opinion on the problems you are having. Ask your GP to refer you to a renal consultant. Just because it is associated with your cancer it doesn’t mean it cannot be treated. I had to push for this myself when I developed Gastric and cardio problems respectively.

I personally paid to see each consultant privately for the initial consultation. It cost about £150 but I felt it was money well spent as it certainly got things moving.

All the very best and I hope you are feeling better soon.


in reply to Flamingobeef18

Thanks Julia. I have oncology check up next month so will mention it again. But she just shrugs it off saying it’s common after the sort of operation you have re Ovarian cancer.

Doesn’t help !!

GP says must see him as soon as symptoms start as left untreated can cause complications with kidney and sepsis.

I think I’ll look into renal consultant as you suggested. Xx

ellseybellsey profile image

I have recently been admitted to hospital on two occasions, due to what started as urine infections, then turned to kidney infections. I do have a catheter in place so know I am prone to UTI.

Ellsey xx

in reply to ellseybellsey

Hi Ellsey. I’m sorry you had to be admitted. The on call doctor did say he thought I should be admitted but I didn’t feel that poorly. He explained it can be dangerous if left untreated.

The antibiotics are quite strong this time and do seem to be working.

I just wish there was a magic trick to prevent them.

Have they told you why you get them so often ?

Anything else I can do to help prevent them ? Xx

ellseybellsey profile image

They told me I was prone to UTI due to the catheter, I have started drinking pure pomegranate juice, it’s meant to be good for flushing the kidneys. I’ve only read this not been told to drink it.

Hope the antibiotics work quickly and you start to feel better.

Hugs Ellsey xx

in reply to ellseybellsey

Thank you. The juice is on my list for tomorrow !

I’m glad you had some good news today - sort of. Awful when we see the poison as a welcome 😒

I hope you are ok. Hugs to you too. Xx

CharlotteSo_UK profile image

Hi Laurel,

My Mum has OC and has had many, many UTI's and kidney infections since she was diagnosed in 2010. Mum was told years ago that the chemo damaged her ureters, making it difficult for the kidneys to drain, which resulted in uretic stents being put in to help (2011). These did help somewhat in that her kidneys didn't tend to get blocked (as often), but she has suffered with numerous UTIs as a result. She has been having so many problems with the stents recently that she has very recently had a right sided nephrostomy put in.

Not sure if that helps but maybe consider pushing for a referral to Urology?

Charlotte x

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