We made it to oncology today, after finding out the cancer is back on Friday.
Recent CA125 came back at 288 (3 months ago it was 15) - so it gave us a good indication of what was going on.
The fluid came back with cancer cells in it; however, nothing could be drawn from the CT so likely it's seeding along the abdominal cavity.
There is also a small mass on the lung; could be cancerous could be non-cancerous. Scheduling a biopsy asap.
We have a meeting with the gyne oncology/surgery on May 8th to review CT scan again and see what he thinks. Normal oncologist was not to keen on Avastin or olaparib - so see what gyne oncologist says - as he actually runs some clinical trials.
Normal oncologist stated that when chemo is started again - it will be Taxol and Carbo - as she had such a wonderful response to it first line. I am a bit confused as I though a different drug would be used - definitely a discussion to have with the other oncology team.
Mom asked some basic questions - such as if she can have teeth pulled before chemo and if she can still go to the chiropractor. Not sure if it's just our oncologist (perhaps his ego); but he definitely was throwing out jabs towards chiropractors for trying to be "miracle workers". Even brought out statistics that if you did a CT scan of 100 individuals - 70% of them would have disk-degeneration, regardless if they had pain or not. And that it is very hard to judge if chiropractic works, as even those who claim to feel relief don't have any physical changes on ct scans. I did have to bite my tongue - before I told him that I am a researcher and he didn't have to explain bloody research methodology to me. Luckily mom did save me, chiming in to say that chiropractics helped her back - and he did give a begrudgingly "yes" to continuing it.
Pretty crap news (though honestly, I feel any recurrence includes crap news). Trying to stay positive, and at least having a basic "game plan" started.
Wishing you all well.
Kris x.