Major mistake by junior doctor: I haven't posted... - My Ovacome

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Major mistake by junior doctor

27 Replies

I haven't posted for a while as I was one of the lucky ones that got all clear no oc present just a very large fibroid. Went to my pre op to discover that the doctor I saw 3 months earlier was supposed to run a few tests and give me a smear to check for cervical cancer...which she didn't do even though we spoke about it her response was no point you are having your cervix removed , she was supposed to remove a polyop which she didn't again tbe response was no point in doing it and she was also supposed to give me medication to reduce the fibroid so that the hysterectomy could be done laparoscopy which she didn't..the consultant refused to operate until all this was done..he rushed me through to a colleague of his who performed a colposcopy who also did some tests to discover that there are cancerous cells on my cervix so she did the smear , she also removed the polyop to discover that behind it is a tumour which she took a biopsy of....i now have a diagnosis of cervical cancer which through her incompetence has had a further 3 months to get hold !

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27 Replies
Christie22 profile image

Crikey , poor you that's terrible so pleased things are underway for you now . We are so reliant on the skills of these professionals but you have a voice think about mentioning this to management even CQC . You deserved better think of it as a opportunity to alert others about her practice she obviously needs reminding strongly . Hope all goes a well as it can from here x

in reply to Christie22

I did speak to management regarding it but their response was she may need additional training no apology so it will be going to formal complaint

in reply to Christie22

Even the doctor I saw for the biopsy etc said i ahould of been seen at least 2 months ago

sophieturgeon profile image
sophieturgeon in reply to

OMG, what has happened to you is terrible. Is there some kind of association where all medical doctors are obligated to be a member of in order to practice? In Quebec we call that "College of MD". Without it doctors can't practice medicine. When they receive a complaint, they are obligated to investigate and to take necessary measure/disciplinary actions based on the results of the investigation. I think the complaint and/or the outcome of the investigation is information available to everyone. If there is something like this, I would encourage you to make this complaint so no one has to go through what you went through. I wish you all the luck!

in reply to sophieturgeon

Hi yes it's called the GMC...general medical council..the complaint will be going in but I need to get through surgery etc first x

sophieturgeon profile image
sophieturgeon in reply to

I agree. Good luck

charlie12 profile image
charlie12 in reply to

I can tell you from personal bitter experience that the GMC are only interested in the Harold Shipman cases and not this sort of issue. Also if a doctor argues that he/she acypted in good faith they get off too. Wait till you feel stronger and then decide whether or not to complain.

Take care xxx

Christie22 profile image

Complaint it is then but talk to CQC too they will consider systemic issues good luck x

85live4ever profile image

Hi Loulou, I am so sorry you have been treated this badly. The worry is this DR can carry on to do it all over again & might have already done it before.

My old GP made a big mistake. I started getting the symptoms of oc I told her about oc & bc being very high in my family. Instead of being checked for it she kept being quite rude & nasty to me. This went on for 5 years now I have 3c oc & have already on my 31st chemo.

When your health has improved I would make a complaint about her. While you are fighting & healing from this illness all your energy is needed for this but as soon as you are better complain you have the right to be heard. Take care Cindyxx

Biscuitqueen profile image
Biscuitqueen in reply to 85live4ever

What happened to you pretty much happened to my mum too. I'm so sorry you had to go through that, it's awful when you're made to feel like that by a GP. I hope you're coping well with your chemo. Stay strong x

85live4ever profile image
85live4ever in reply to Biscuitqueen

Hi Biscuitqueen, thank you it was horrible because I kept telling them about the history in my family but it went on deaf ears.

I am so sorry this happened to your mum as well. We look up at our health providers & hope they are looking after us but sadly not always as well as we would like.

Thank you for your kinds words, the chemo is very hard but I am trying to stay strong. Take care Cindyxx

Biscuitqueen profile image
Biscuitqueen in reply to 85live4ever

Hello Cindy,

I learned a valuable life lesson from this experience - never to wholly trust what doctors say...I feel bad saying that because you want to put 100% of your trust in them but it just isn't a good idea when the standard of treatment is so uneven.

Although I can't relate to what you're going through in chemo, I can fully appreciate the battle you are facing. I wish you all the very best. God bless xx

Yoshbosh profile image

That's quite a mistake to make 😕 I don't know anything about medical complaints, but am wondering if the PALS team might be able to offer some support?

I hope you get on the right path asap.

I am very concerned about all the other patients that weren't/aren't having surgery as mine was only picked up by the consultant at pre op

85live4ever profile image
85live4ever in reply to

Hi Loulou, I know what you mean my GP didn't even know what a ca 125 was. My concern is would she be able to pick up oc in any of her other patients?

She wasn't very nice in the end she sent me a horrible letter because I refused to see her. The letter was the last stew & I changed surgeries much more happier now.

I hope you don't need to see this junior Dr again!!! Take care Cindyxx

charlie12 profile image

I was told by two O and G Consultants and a Consultant Radiologist that my tumour was a cyst. This is one of the reasons why I hang around these boards , my heart sinks every time I read that someone has been " diagnosed " or " given the all clear" " through imaging and before any surgery for a suspicious mass.

So so so sorry that this has happened to you , I take it that you don't need any further treatment , just follow up , which is bad enough.

This is a lot more common than you think.

Take care xxx

in reply to charlie12

Treatment is going to be decided this week, they are running further tests to see what stage it's at the very least hopefully they have caught it early and a full hysterectomy with surrounding tissue removed will be enough but all dependant

chrissapam profile image
chrissapam in reply to charlie12

I had two senior radiologists misdiagnose me. Complained that I had not been referred to a gyaecologist but that. dept. then said as I was due another scan in 3 months they probably would at that stage just taken another Ca 125. However, the hospital is now taking steps that in these circumstances GP's are advised by the senior Dr. in my case radiologist, to do additional 125's. Am not quite sure this is sufficient and am investigating further but at least it is some advance. Chris x

in reply to chrissapam

My ca125 was high and getting higher which is what started all this .I had the scan but they still haven't seen my left ovarie as my bowel is enlarged and covering it.

sophieturgeon profile image

When I first saw my gynecologist, we did some tests. CA125 came out normal, which I now know is not always conclusive. She performed a vaginal ultrasound which was normal,except she noticed little tumors/cysts, little fibroid and a pocket of fluid which was located on the cervix but she said we could just monitor it to see if anything changed over time. Due to very bad pain I had while having my period could not be helped with medication, we went for the hysterectomy.

As they were doing the surgery, they found endometriosis, cysts and tumors. My left ovary was uneven and gray with nodules on it and it was sticking to my colon. They removed everything. They confirmed with me they had sent everything to pathology for analysis and I am still waiting. When I met with my psychiatrist, who has gone through breast cancer herself, she made a face when I explained about the tumors and the ovary. Not very comforting.

Now I have been waiting since the end of May to hear about the results. The little mistakes made are nothing compared to Loulou. But I wonder what would have happened had I not asked for the hysterectomy.

sophieturgeon profile image

I am sorry but I need to vent a little bit, I hope you don't mind. A funny thing happened today. Just after writing this post, I had an apt for an ultra-sound. Another cyst was discovered on my right ovary. I thought that ovary wasn't working anymore but it still might be nothing. However, when I asked the urgentologist if he could see the pathology results, he said they weren't in yet (May 23rd was the date of the surgery!). So to comfort myself I just said it was probably because they hadn't found anything yet, or they needed to do more analysis. He made a face... He is the third doctor in 4 weeks giving me the funny face. Dammit, what is going on?!? This is killing me!

Amerhige7725 profile image

I would of been on the phone with my lawyer asap. This is no joking matter.

Choski profile image

That is appalling and i am i so glad your consultant was on the ball. did you speak with PALS to complain fornally


Howick01 profile image

I am not sure what you mean about your ovary not working anymore as that does not mean that cysts will not form on it.

Sorry I am just curious and do not mean to offend x

thesilent1 profile image

Hi Loulou, i too have experience of a junior doctor having been sent home by one and told nothing wrong with me. Three months later, stage 3b ovarian cancer that's spread!

Write to the Complaints department. The other thing you can do is request a copy of your medical records from the hospital. They have to give you a copy of everything. The hospital I worked for charged for this but it was only a £10 charge back then (4 years ago).

I'm glad you are now being tested properly. Good luck. Ann xx

Lizchips profile image

Wow, I can't believe how some Drs drop the ball. I was misdiagnosed by a Dr 6 times. Finally after collapsing went to ER and Eisenhower hospital Dr Farad, talked with me listened and did a catscan which found a mass. He referred me to my current surgeon who's in charge of my case, she's awesome. Dr. A. Hakim Palm Springs, CA. I'm blessed to have Dr. Hakim and her team overseeing my case. Sounds like you have found a good Dr now. Happy for that. Best wishes for your recovery. Liz

ntapia26 profile image

Wow im so sorry this happend to you. Something similar happend to my mom where she was bleeding and they told her just wait until she hits menapause for the bleeding to stop.8 months later shes bleeding through pads evry hour and they find its cancer. This sounds liie malpractice to me. Sorry and i hope it all works out for u

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