Please, Any good news Calyx/doxil: Hi, I am... - My Ovacome

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Please, Any good news Calyx/doxil

dryden1 profile image
16 Replies

Hi, I am preparing for my second line of chemotherapy carboplatin and clays starting in 10 days time. I have asked about this before but overall the info I am receiving is of really bad side effects and it is making me feel really anxious . Any good news stories out there?

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dryden1 profile image
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16 Replies
fluffycloud profile image

Hi. I am currently on this regime and have had 3 to date, for me personally i have not found this regime too difficult, i have it on a Friday and the side effects hit me on the Tuesday mainly nausea which for me is controlled with anti sickness meds and a feeling of fatigue, by the Friday i start to feel pretty much better again . As i am having every ,4 weeks i have found it doable. I hope things go well for you,take care Pam x

dryden1 profile image
dryden1 in reply to fluffycloud

Thanks Pam that as made me feel so much better I just needed to know that there are women out there who have been able to tolerate the regime without the horrid side effects. Hope the rest of the regime goes well for you .

CarolynA profile image

Hello. Sorry to hear you are really anxious so am sending you lots of positive thoughts and a hug. I sent an email to your alternative address but don't know if you received it? Take care and be kind to yourself. Carolyn x

dryden1 profile image

Carolyn,Thanks for getting back to me it was great to meet you in the department. Sorry I have not answered the email I haven,t been on the emails for a few days because I have been over at Mum,s because she hasn,t been at all well. Also thanks for your kind thoughts. Hope the OP appointment went OK for you.

chrissapam profile image

my side effects have been relatively light....really only tiredness and that is not too bad...some abdo. pain but that could be caused by something else...ca125 gone down and tumour shrunk so that is good. Slight nausea very well controlled. Have been religious about using moisturiser given by hospital and mouthwash as advised because I had heard of problems incurred by others...infection control hopefully as a result has been good too. Of course I may just have been lucky.

Last one for me next week! Good luck to you too x

dryden1 profile image
dryden1 in reply to chrissapam

Thanks Chris, the information you have given me is very helpful and believe me has reduced my anxiety

chrissapam profile image
chrissapam in reply to dryden1

glad could the way was also warned some people get orange urine!!

I've had two cycles of this so far and (I know this is tempting providence) am finding it by far the easiest of the 5 chemo regimes I've had.

I've been religious about moisturising and bicarb mouth-washing and so far so good.

The only 2-3 days which aren't great are the ones when the steroids have worn off energy-wise but not so much to allow me to sleep. I don't know whether this is down to the drugs or what, but I have been waking up very early, even for me, for 3 out of the 4 weeks.

Long may this last!

Wishing you a similarly benign experience. x

dryden1 profile image
dryden1 in reply to

Thanks for replying great advice about the moisturing and mouth care, I have started to moisturiser already

Orsolini profile image

Hi there - I had this as a 2nd line and found it OK. No hair loss has to be a HUGE plus. I had sickness but eventually got it under control, and some mouth ulcers. Otherwise OK as I remember and I had a partial response (to low grade). Also as I remember the treatment is really spread out so there are loads of good weeks where one can totally forget about the treatment. - Nicola x

dryden1 profile image
dryden1 in reply to Orsolini

I feeling so much better with the advice you women are giving me. Cheers for coming back to me

LesleyGreengran profile image

I didn't have bad side effects on calyx. The first round hardly had any effect, but I had it as single agent as I'm allergic to carboplatin. I did poo a lot for a few days midway through each cycle, and my hands were flaky but I started taking ice in for them as I'd heard they give people ice packs on the US. I bought white gloves from the chemist to protect them while I was out, just white cotton gloves that cost about £2. My feet were not affected.

dryden1 profile image
dryden1 in reply to LesleyGreengran

Gloves here we come. Cheers for the good advice

in reply to LesleyGreengran

You reminded me.... I'm getting round to thinking there's a poo side effect which the leaflet doesn't describe quite accurately for me: it goes something like (this sounds worse than it is): a few days a lot of wind and slightly constipated; then a few days more slightly constipated; then a few days slightly constipated but also feeling you can't risk being away from the loo, then a few days doing 6 or 7 poos a day; then a couple of weeks being fairly normal.

This might just be me, but it's possibly helpful to have heard of this in advance. I've not taken anything for any of it so far, but I am going to discuss it at my next apptmt. x

Nicky100 profile image

Sorry to hear you are anxious and I really hope these posts help. Your question helped me too as I am starting car,yo and carbo in about 4 weeks after more surgery probably. I do hope you feel OK and am sending you love and good vibes for getting through it. I have heard that as they are more staggered intervals you may get some time in between to feel better. Nicky xxx

LesleyGreengran profile image

I did feel ok on it most of the time. I went away for a week three times while I was on it, twice to self-catering places in other parts of Yorkshire but I also got to Cork for a golden wedding, staying overnight near airports to stagger the journey.

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