Hello !
I am here for my mother and I want to tell to all you something about my mother situation.
She had the ovarian cancer diagnosis in June, its 3A, low grade and estrogen fed.
The cancer was surprise all of us because , mom just went to surgery cause she have ovarian cyst.
The first surgery fails ( she have so much cutting tissue of birth sections ) and about in may was the second, I remember. They cut off things what usually are cutting of when woman have advanced ovarian cancer.
The day after last surgery , gyn professor congratulated my mom because NOTHING was left.
2 weeks later , my mom had a phone call and the diagnosis was oc.
Doctors said that is so unusual when caught this disease this early, that's makes lot of things much easier.
She doesn't have much cancer cells in her abdomen, just a little bit. Also they found NOTHING in her ovarian cyst or anywhere, just in the abdomen, like 10-30 cells.
And her ca-125 is all the time about 5-10. Its never been high .. I have 21 but I have nothing, so strange.
The doctors are pretty sure that all the cancer in stomach are gone when 6 rounds of chemo is done. Doctors also said that usual this kind of cancer , they don't do pet-scan or nothing else scanning to see are there cancers left, because its 'clear' that there are not left anything, I don't know do I wanna believe that?? But they do it to my mom cause she are so stressed of all.
She start also hormone therapy to remove estrogen production, when chemo is done. Its all-day pill to the end of the life.
Her own doctor said that the cancer may never be back cause the cancer what my mother have , is so unusual and so little.
They said prognosis is good.
What do u think?
The problem is that , I am so sad all the time. I dont know why..
I trying to get pregnant with my husband like over a 1,5 year, but all this stress is killing me, like seriously, I have therapist and all this. I dont know what I get all this writing but its make my feels easier, sorry about that.
Please comment if u have the same disease what my mom have , please tell me. <3
( Sorry my bad english , I'm from Finland, I tried to my best )
xx love