My story: HI Ladies, I remain stable at the moment... - OvaCare


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My story

33 Replies

HI Ladies, I remain stable at the moment. However my body has started playing tricks on me. I need spare parts from Ebay, my daughter says, So to recoup, went to see a Rheumatologist re my hip, I got a steroid injection which has helped so my physio wants me to have another to get rid of the pain totally. I am having a wisdom tooth removed tomorrow before I start meds for Osteoporosis. I have decided to stick with the tablets as the injection can affect the kidneys. I dont want to take that chance in case I need Avastin again, Having been present when other people were having wisdom teeth out I am not really overawed at the prospect but it has to be done, The strangest thing about this is that all my problems are on my left side, my remaining piece of ovary, my hip and my tooth and previously my shoulder, So I do keep busy while off chemo. However last week, took a break to Sunny Malaga, Really the heat was something else, something we didnt get here a lot during the summer, I got an extra day as hotel was doing five nights for the price of four but of course never checked my tickets properly. Anyhow the return flight was correct but I had to go hunting for extra blood pressure tablets in the local Farmacia. So note to oneself, always bring extra tablets just in case. I hope everyone else is keeping well and Kittie I wish you well for your review.

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33 Replies
Gleedy profile image

I'm pleased you enjoyed the break away. Good luck with the wisdom tooth removal. I don't envy you that one. Had all four out at 18 but totally knocked out for the experience so none the wiser. Just woke up looking like a hamster. It's good to get things sorted though and the stable part is brilliant x

in reply to Gleedy

Mine didnt grown until I was about 28 and they were fairly small, So this was peg shaped with one root and came out fast, Yes my face is a little puffed but okay really. The break was good pity I cant take off and stay there but that is of course unrealistic

Gleedy profile image
Gleedy in reply to

Bet you are glad the tooth is done though. Hope you can enjoy your food asap x

HogwartsDK profile image

Hey Joan!

So glad you had a great holiday! The sun will have helped your bones too! Best of luck at the dentist tomorrow!!


in reply to HogwartsDK

Thanks D, I have the most gentle guy I inherited from my former dentist who retired some time ago. So the tooth came out fast, So now he says I still cant start Foravance until he checks the socket is in order in two weeks. He feels starting at the weekend is a no no situation as it may stop my mouth from healing. In gods name what am I taking ? Yes I enjoyed the sun and the heat and the vit D. Wish I was back there again.

Lily-Anne profile image

Good luck with your tooth I hate the dentist. Sounds like your holiday was good I don't want to come back to normality lol. You are left sided too lol that's where all my complaints are I didn't realise the injection would have such an effect on the kidneys.

Best wishes

LA xx

in reply to Lily-Anne

Well they seem to monitor the kidneys should you go on Prolia so I assume there are some side effects but that doesnt mean everyone would be unlucky. I rang my gynae nurse today and she agreed the tablets are a better option for me. Yes it was nice to see Sun and experience heat for five or six days. Now I am back I wish I was still there, Enjoy the rest of your holiday

thesilent1 profile image

Glad you enjoyed your holiday. Good luck with the wisdom tooth removal. Glad the injection helped your hip too. Ann x

in reply to thesilent1

Thank you Ann hope you are doing okay xx

IrishMollyO profile image

Hi Suzuki

Glad you had a great holiday so I hope it makes up for the less pleasant bits you have to face. I don't envy that dentist trip but the reality won't be as bad as you think I hope for you. The left side bits I can relate to. I used to put it down to carrying heavy handbags ! Good luck with the dentist


rosann1 profile image

Glad you had a lovely break, getting some lovely sunshine makes you feel so much better! Due to my treatment this year, I didn't get a holiday, but planning one for next year!

Good luck at the dentist.

Rosanna xx

in reply to rosann1

I am all for a break so do try and plan something for next year. Our break worked out well as the hotel does five nights for the price of four and that was an extra bonus, Hope you are doing okay at the moment best wishes

annieH1 profile image

Hi Suzuki,I hope you get on well at the dentist today and it's not too severe.Make sure you have some bandage to make more gum plugs for a day or two.

So glad you had a wonderful holiday,the photos were amazing.Sunshine is a great boost to the system and humour! We're thinking of going to Malaga for a few days next week as we have a distant relative coming here that we won't like to meet ha ha,(joking),but we do have a relative coming and even though she knows I'm not in the entertaining form right now,it's still expected.

in reply to annieH1

Well Annie I agree with you, we stayed this time in the Suite Novotel, the room was big and airy, The best part was they had tea and coffee facilities and a sofa. Brekkie was average but it is in a safe area. Another option there would be NH Malaga nearby. I survived the extraction its sore but will take panadol in the minute. I rang the gynae nurse to see if I had made the right decision ie tablets versus injection. It would seem the injection can cause kidney problems so I went with Tablet once a week, Eileen was fine with that, obviously a report went to them too as she was aware of the situation. So she said if my diet was good but not helping my bones then I needed a supplement, She ended conversation with "see you soon"!!! I thought to myself, not so soon please haha. Just thought if you are away next week you wont be at the coffee morning? Anyhow not to worry.

Hertsmum profile image

Hi Suzuki gosh what a lot to contend with, glad you managed to get a few days in the sun! Hope the tooth extraction goes well thank goodness for anaesthetics! I like the idea of spare parts on EBay - if only! I'm a bit left sided as well with achey hip, mysterious pains in leg etc and left side is where it all started. Good luck with it all, the stable part is great to hear.

Madeline x

in reply to Hertsmum

HI Hertsmum, well I survived the ordeal, in fact the dentist made it easy. Yes it was nice to have the break and I do appreciate it. The heat and the sun was just beautiful. I had physio and traction yesterday and this morning I felt like a wooden doll, you know like the singer on the Andre Rieu shows, they wind her up with a key to sing. I think her name is Carlotta But the worst has passed now,

Hertsmum profile image
Hertsmum in reply to

Glad the wisdom tooth was ok and hope you're feeling less wooden today!

Lorent profile image

Hi Suzuki don't envy you with the dentist, after all we have been through its amazing the fear the dentist can bring to us, lol, glad you enjoyed the holiday, I'm so looking forward to a break in the sun as soon as this last chemo is over, fingers crossed scan results tomorrow 😁 xx

L x

in reply to Lorent

HI Lorent I hope you got on okay today and that now you will be able to plan a break away. Yes I knew it was coming but my onc wouldnt allow it last Xmas as I had just finished Avastin. So it had to be done before I take meds for osteoporosis. It was out before I knew it

Caroles1 profile image

Hi Suzuki,

Glad you had a lovely time,I'm sure the sun must have helped your mood and health.

Bad news on the tooth, but, it will all be over soon ,just wanted to wish you all the best.

All my problems are on the right side, that is where the tumour was and it all seems to stem from there,

Lots of love

Carole xxx

in reply to Caroles1

Gosh that is a strange one too, all on one side as well, I am okay this evening, the dentist was so gentle. thanks Carole

Caroles1 profile image
Caroles1 in reply to

Glad it all went well,I hope you got a sticker for being good!

Carole xxx

in reply to Caroles1

No I didnt, when he went to get the instrument from the drawer I said, I think this is my cue to run for my life haha. But a little bruised today but otherwise fine,

Caroles1 profile image
Caroles1 in reply to

You are brave,I would have cried love,I think we have had enough of being pulled about, let alone if it's something extra to OC,glad you are fine and long may it continue,

Lots of love,

Carole xxx

in reply to Caroles1

Thank you, Carole I am amazingly okay, I was a dental nurse before so I knew they could be tricky and I think my onc had already told my dentist to be wary in case of bleed. So I didnt bleed. My dentist is a lovely young man and very gentle, if only I were younger!!!!!

Caroles1 profile image
Caroles1 in reply to

Oh hey! Just enjoy the moment lol!

You sound upbeat Hun glad it all went well,keep in touch


kittie profile image

Hi Suzuki ,I hope your visit to the dentist went well and your not in to much pain. With me I have problems left and right side as my husband says I like to be different😀. Take care and rinse mouth with salt and water . Kittie

in reply to kittie

Hi Kittie, I know I am like a big baby but the deed is done, its a bit sore but I will be fine. I have to get the socket checked in two weeks before he allows me start the meds.

Damelza profile image

Hello Suzuki, I got a wisdom tooth out many moons ago and it wasn't as bad as I thought. I am glad you had a nice break, the sun cheers me up so much. I hope it did for you. Good luck for tomorrow, I know you will be fine.

Best wishes and hugs


in reply to Damelza

HI Damelza, well I got on fine today, the dentist is a pet and I didnt feel a thing, its a bit sore but will cope. I was a Dental Nurse until I changed careers and I knew that things can go pearshaped. Too much knowledge can be a bad thing, Yes I agree the Sun and heat is uplifting isnt it? We walked about Malaga and down to the Port and Beach, one of the days we took a trip to Torresmolinos. Transport is quite cheap over there.

Damelza profile image

Oops I never looked to see what date your post was!..I am so glad you got over your extraction, you know all about dry socket so be careful.It will be sore for a while but it get's better with time. I very much liked Torremolinos, it's a lively spot, and it is cheap depending on where you go. I hope you have a good night's sleep.Take care of yourself.

Best wishes


Julie40 profile image

Glad you enjoyed your holiday. A break in the sun always cheers me up.

I will give you a list of body parts for your order. I could do with quite a few. Don't have much left inside and what I have is dodgy 😃

Plenty of strong pain relief for your tooth and you will be fine. It's that pain like childbirth sore at the time but you forget it very quickly. Hugs xo

Thank you Julie, I am okay today really, a slight bruising but only I would be looking for it of course. I know I have a hearing loss from last Chemo or age as the case may be but I will not go looking for a hearing aid. I wouldnt wear one, Yes bits missing false teeth and glasses that I dont wear enough is sufficient for the moment.

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