Hi Ladies I hope those of you on treatment are doing okay and have not too many side effects. I had my check up today and got my stay out of jail card for another few months. I asked did I need a scan and he said no he was happy for the moment, Cut backs or what but I know if I am in trouble, I can ring. I was really shocked to hear and read about the gynae out patient clinic in Cork. The waiting list is 4193 with 800 of these ladies waiting for over 18months, It seems the gynaes are not happy with this and will not take responsibility if any patient on this long list has a malignant diagnosis. It seems the CEO says the model is working well, and wont listen to his doctors. So I emailed him today and displayed my displeasure at the length of the waiting list. After all earlier diagnosis leads to better prognosis. I wont get a reply but I am told we keep chipping and eventually he will break under pressure. In addition when the new wing was built it had extra theatres but they are only used to 40per capacity. In fact one theatre was never used in ten years. The consultants are looking for more staff doctors nurses etc to reduce this ridiculous waiting list. They sent the CEO a letter today stating their displeasure.
Check up time: Hi Ladies I hope those of you on... - OvaCare
Check up time
Great news that your doing well. l Well done for writing to that CEO. Do suspext cancers not get seen within 10 days?
Yes your gp can fast track you and he also has access to ultra sound since earlier this year. I know when under surveillance like myself, If I am worried I can ring the Gynae nurse and she will get me an apt. But perhaps some of those on the waiting lists may not have been fastracked when they could have. I was speaking to one lady last night waiting over a year and a half she has gone to a and e and has been sent home. So I told her to return to her gp and get fasttracked now so hopefully she will

Yes, then there's also the danger, like me, when your GP sends you straight to A&E, they have you taken up to Gynae where you are seen by a junior dr who decides there is nothing wrong with you! Because of this I was treated for the next 3 months for IBS. Our lives are in their hands!
Yes but the consultants in Cork are saying now that they will not be responsible if anyone on their list of 4193 is diagnosed seriously and too late. The CEO says all is grand
Great news Suzuki but what a shocking state of affairs in the Gynae dept in Cork. Hope you and others can really put pressure on this CEO and get some changes as soon as possible.
Hi Barbara, I got the usual reply they will look into it??? But if more do the same they will have to look into it.

It sounds like a total scandal ! Has anyone been to the local MP or councillor? It seems to need a public outcry to get something done. After all this is people's lives being treated in this cavalier fashion.
Hope you and others can get some action soon.
Thanks it is one less worrry
Good to hear Joan. Not about the waiting list etc of course. It's bad enough to have a medical problem without having to use all your energy fighting to be seen and taken seriously. But glad to hear you have a reprieve and hope all going ok.
Mary x
Hi Mary thank you so much for thinking of me, I am doing okay at the moment. I am heading to Dublin tomorrow for a patient morning run by the Irish Gynae Cancer Org. I will be mentioning the crisis here in Cork at the moment with the length of the public waiting lists. Yes my gynae nurse said we shouldnt have to be fighting the system as well as the illness but everying little bit helps. I hope you are doing okay and that the family are well