traction: Well ladies, there is something to be... - OvaCare


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Well ladies, there is something to be said for a gynae exam not that I had one lately. At the moment I have a trapped nerve in my leg and hip. My cyst was attached to my sciatic nerve so has been getting worse. I am the worlds worst to go to the doctor and back to get results. So I have mineral loss in my hip and my back sacroiliac joint. I eventually returned to gp for results of mri and xrays so I am biding my time between oncology appointments by having physio. Yesterday I felt it wasnt worth the pain but went back for more today. I am also Penneys best customer at the moment for undies.Nothing changes. Today and other days, I was pinched and poked and pressure applied to the sore points. The physio was lucky she didnt get a kick but I stuck with it. Then I had traction, I never had this before, its like you lie on a bed, you are strapped in and then strapped all around. I was wondering was I in a strait jacket? So I am now stretched to the limits, in more than one way. Eventually I was left free and have to return for more torture on Friday. However, I feel today we are getting somewhere, the muscles seem less tense and my left foot no longer seems to be cold. I have the knack of having other problems in between chemo regimes so I am living up to expectations. Although the oncology Reg did feel that I was going to let it get worse and not go back to the gp. I think they know me as the awkward one, who said from the start, "the oncologist is the last person I want to see in the hospital" Just some strange ramblings from a sometimes strange patient, All the best

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10 Replies
kittie profile image

Hi Suzuki, it sounds like you were put in a torture chamber. You are like me you keep away from the GP as much as possible. Every time I seem to go to my GP recently I am sent in to hospital. Hopefully I will see you at the Barbeque on the 13th but I probably won't recognise you as you will have stretched by a few inches by then😁 Take care Kittie

Caroles1 profile image

Hi luv,

You are not the only awkward one! Dont know if you feel the same, but I just want to be left alone now.

I know I have to be checked on a regular basis,but I don't want to be and I just want to get on with my life. I have a scan coming up in October and I am bricking it.

So, all admiration to you traction and torture, you are a strong lady and you will come out the other side,

Grit your teeth and get through, we are here for you xxx

HogwartsDK profile image

Hey Joan!

Sounds nasty! Hope the physio gets to work now and gets the pain sorted! I won't be able to make it to the BBQ not getting my cast off until the 15th ( well I am hoping they will take it off then) so still not driving!


LittleSan profile image

Awh sounds grim! Hope they sort you soon. Xx

Naimish profile image

Hi Joan, looks like you took a leaf out of Deb's... Laughing through pain is the best medicine. Meantime my empathy and best wishes are with you and maybe you will grow a cm laterally by the time your traction is done.


in reply to Naimish

Well Naimish perhaps the traction might work wonders on my spare tyre as well as the back and hip. Two for the price of one!!! Feel a little rough today but my left foot seems to belong to me again so no pain no gain. Problem is that after second chemo regime, I had to have arthoscopy in my left shoulder so I tend to keep myself occupied while off treatment dont I now? This is what happens when you are walking two dogs and being pulled in different directions, traction of a different kind but really its age. Sure I am only 21 and a little bit

SCWI profile image

Hello Suzuki

Just to say I totally feel your pain. I have had sciatica now for a year and it goes from bearable to downright horrible . It started during chemo last summer and I suspect it's made worse by Avastin which I'm on now. I just had an MRI scan as I was scared it might be connected to the O.C. Luckily it is not and I am currently NED, so happy on that front. at least. The MRI showed wear and tear on my lower back discs which is comprising the sciatic nerve, so the next thing will be am appointment with an orthopaedic doctor and maybe the same sort of treatment as you. It is such a debilitating pain and won't go away like toothache! Incidentally my yoga teacher tells me that if I did yoga twice a week it would get better! That's pretty good torture too. Have also been told to go up the stairs backwards. All the best to you for some relief from your pain. Incidentally do you take any pain killers at night? Love, Sophia x

Thank you Sophia for your reply. I had it to some extent but one of the oncology Regs said my sciatic nerve was compromised but it would come and go. But since Xmas it has got worse so went to gp for a quick fix for my sons wedding so back to onc again and mri and ct and hip xrays. I finished Avastin in October last, I know I have mineral lose but to find how much I now need a dexa scan. Had three physios so far and yesterdays one took away the weird feeling in my leg so at least I feel I am getting somewhere. I have a cold pack and a hot pack which I use myself at home. It could well be the Avastin but you know of course the oncologists wont commit. I am on rest at the moment, just allowed drive ten to 20 minutes and walk around the shops. Physio yesterday recommended I have runners with shock absorbers like ascics so will look around for them, I have two good pairs or runners with support I am sure they would do except I dont like wearing them in the summer.

SCWI profile image

Thanks for your reply and all the best for good results from your physiotherapy. Sophia x

annieH1 profile image

Hi Suzuki,what a time your having.I know we would do anything to ease pain and discomfort.Im glad your feeling some bit better.Youd really want to feel some bit normal after going through what you've gone through.As you said thank god for Penny's ha ha .Enjoy this glorious day.xx

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