Well...I am on the move and spending lots of money:)))) - NRAS


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Well...I am on the move and spending lots of money:))))

shirlthegirl profile image
17 Replies

Evening hope you are having a good day, well as good as can be, well i have been on the move since this morning, I went to see my nurse who gave me my blood results, My CRP is down to 3.2 :))) which i believe is because of the steroid injection in my knee, but my ALT is still rising from 27 to 72, as you know i had my liver scan the other day and they have said everything is fine, So it sounds like i may be changing my meds, I have to make a GP appointment, but will ring the rheumy nurse on Monday, But did i let this get me down no!!!,

I went to town on my own for the first time in months, as i was afraid of losing my balance and falling, So my sister and hubby used to take me, And i went and treated myself to a maxi dress for my holidays and a blouse and top from next, I decided that this RA has taken up enough of my time and pleasures lately, so now it is time to spend some of the money i have saved by not smoking, what a good day i have had...

Take Care Shirley XXX

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shirlthegirl profile image
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17 Replies
sciqueen profile image

Hi Shirley

When I am sick like now, I also like spending to cheer myself up. Yesterday I bought shoes on line. So good for you. We have to steal little pleasures every so often as ra can rob us from so much.

You've done well, also with the not smoking. Keep it up

Joanne x

_andy_ profile image

They don't call it retail therapy for nothing... good for you shirl .. :) xx

petalnumber2 profile image

Good for you Shirley, you've earned the right to go out and have a nice day on your own and spend some money on yourself. You should give yourself a big pat on the back for giving up smoking because it really is hard.

I've taken a leaf out of your book and went to see the smoking cesation nurse at my doctor's surgery recently and this is my first day "smoke free". So you can give yourself a pat on the back for encouraging me to do it too. It's so great that you've had a nice day and I hope all goes well if you do change to different meds. :-) Lots of hugs, June xx

shirlthegirl profile image
shirlthegirl in reply to petalnumber2

That's really good news, I was on the patches for a while, but i am now only on the inhalers, which i only change twice a day, are you using anything to help you? xx

petalnumber2 profile image
petalnumber2 in reply to shirlthegirl

Yes, I'm on the patches too, but how do you find the inhalers and did you use them alongside patches? I found it difficult to actually pin-point a day to start, but now I've started It's OK. xx

shirlthegirl profile image
shirlthegirl in reply to petalnumber2

I really found the inhalers useful, i use it first thing in the morning and though out the day when i need it, for example after having something to eat, or if i am getting a bit stressed, My nurse gave them to me along like the patches, some nurses and doctors might say one or the other, but my nurse was very happy for me to use both, What strength of patches did she give you? i was on 15mg 16 hour patch, but as my sister smokes a lot more than me she is on 25mg 16 hour patch, But now all i am on is the inhalers, which i puff on when i need to, They then normal slowly drop you down to the lower patch, the inhaler really helps me and they are helping my sister, Just one advice i wouldn't wear the patches when sleeping at night times, as they disturbed my sleep, but everyone is difference, well done!!! if you want to chat about it at all, you can always in message me, i would love to help if i can xxx

petalnumber2 profile image
petalnumber2 in reply to shirlthegirl

Thankyou for your message Shirley, every bit of advice is very useful. I'm on 25mg like your sister, which was a bit of a surprie to me as I only smoked 5-7 cigs a day. Perhaps she felt that I need some extra support! Anyway I'm doing OK so far and I'm pleased to say that I don't feel like running out for one after my meals now. I have an e-cig which proved useless in helping me to kick the habit, but I've had a puff on it a few times when I feel the need. My nurse hasn't mentioned anything about the inhalers so perhaps she doesn't offer them, but is it the same as the ones you can buy over the counter ? I really value your support, so it would be nice to contact you if I need, thank you. June xx

P.S I hope you are painfree at the moment.

sylvi profile image

Shirley and june, i applaud you both for giving up smoking. Well done to you both. I too use retail therapy when i'm in a lot of pain and suffering. Yesterday i went to town in my scooter and i came away from there with a new pink handbag. Though i nearly brought a new tunic and i didn't which for me was good,but i had my handbag so i can't be greedy.

Like you i am having my meds tinkered with. It means that i will be going on anti-tnf drugs. I have had the blood tests done and i have to go back in april.

You take care,love sylvia.xxx

petalnumber2 profile image
petalnumber2 in reply to sylvi

Hi Sylvie,

How lovely, a pink hand bag! I've been purposely choosing bright and cheerful items of clothing lately, it's a bit like sending a message to everyone by saying I'm OK and nothing is going to phase me!!

So, you are anti-tnf-ing too, I'm sorry that you are having to consider this as a next step for you, but it's good to have your company :-) Like you I've had my bloods done and I have an appointment with the clinical nurse this coming Thursday 21st March, so I'll do a blog and let you all know how I get on.

Hope you are feeling better than last week, love June xxx

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to petalnumber2

Yes june we are all in this club called pain and it is not a good place to be is it?All i hope that when i get these drugs i become painfree which i am not at the moment.xxx

petalnumber2 profile image
petalnumber2 in reply to petalnumber2

PS. I've read about people on anti-tnf having very good responses to the treatment, we just have to be very careful about picking up infections, that's all.

But we are very lucky and I'm sure we'll be jumping around all over the place and walking miles before long, won't we !!!!!!

shirlthegirl profile image

Thanks Sylvia, you love your bright colours, i wish i suited them colours, but i always seem to go for greens lilacs blacks and grays, Good news about the anti tnf drug, i'm sure in no time, you will be running back and forwards to the shop's :))))) Take Care XXX

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to shirlthegirl

I don't care if they suit me i will wear all the bright colours that i can. I don't do grey and meave very well,but thats all. You can always use those colours,but in the brightest version you can lay your hands on. My bright colours are a mask against the world and this disease...xxx

well done on the stopping smoking ladies you will reap the benefits xx health and financail wise xx

hi shirl ,

good to hear you got out for a while and had some you time and retail therapy. glad to hear you have continued with your stop smoking programme well done. Its good to have a treat now and then and especially when you know that you could have burnt that money in cigarettes good for you. I have had some improvement in myself since having my steroid injection on tuesday i am a little more mobile and my joints are starting to be a little less stiff and painful and not feelin so down. I think together with the steroid injection and finding this site and all the lovely people on here it has helped me alot. I too have given up smoking i'm on my 3rd day today and doing well on the patches and intend to continue. Well done again shirl :) hugs lena x

shirlthegirl profile image

Well done to you to, at the being i didn't relished how much i had benefited from the steroid injection, really glad that there is a improvement for you, I am also feeling the benefit of not smoking to, Take care XXX

minka profile image

well done shirl

im please well more than proud that you whent out on your own up town and spent your fag money

cos the first time i did that it was scarrey to say the least cos i thought i was going to fall or do something stupid and i bet it was in the back of your mind for a bit walking round on your own (bet ya had ya mobie with ya)

today we are going up the caravan hope its not cold and im getting the jitters hope im ok

good on you shirl

regards john

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