I am in a lot of pain and very down.....: Morning... - NRAS


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I am in a lot of pain and very down.....

sylvi profile image
39 Replies

Morning everyone, after a second night downstairs,i thought i would try and do something about it. When i came down i put a cushion under my knee against the pschios agreement, just to see how i was. Well i woke up at about 7am and i went to the loo,my ankle was very painful when i came down and when i got up my ankle was not as bad. So for today i'm going to put the cushion under my knee and see if it makes any difference.

Can anyone tell me if crying an after effect of the operation or not. I am very very down and i could cry for england. I so want to get better and get moving,but i can't which is bothering me. I have been told it will take me up to a year before i start to recover and my pschio told me the swelling won't go down for months. I am exhausted from lack of sleep. I know the fatigue is a side effect of the ra. I know my hands are not very clever at the moment,but having had ra for a while now i know what the pain is all about. Its the depression i can't get my head around. I am on antidepressants at the moment,so i'm sure i would be a lot worse without them.

I'm sorry that this blog is not very optomistic, i just need to know if what i'm feeling is normal. Hope you all have a lovely day.xxxx

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sylvi profile image
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39 Replies
caggy profile image

Hi Sylvi, So sorry you feel crap again, trouble is when someone feels sorry for us; I don't know about you but I cry more, I think its the lack of understanding of either Health Prof's or friends. I hope you do feel you have understanding friends here, Fatigue hurts when you haven't even worked up a sweat! doesn't it? I'm now 5 weeks in on my 3months notice from work, everyone said you need to rest SCREAM! when I say I've done that they say be patient! well thats been tried to it's limits but there's always more when you can't do anything about it anyway! like my old friend used to say 'SMILE BE HAPPY' he was born with cerebral palsy and had lots to give thanks for pushing his wheel chair backwards with his twisted legs, but he always smiled, bless him. hope you feel better soon and the sun will shine for you today!

Oh Sylvie, you've had to put up with so much haven't you? It's still early days yet. Patience, I think is the order of the day. You waited so long for this operation

and I think in your heart you probably expected to feel the effect immediately. I imagine this is so as I've never had an operation.

Crying as we all know is part and parcel of our disease, but with all you've been through i would think it's perfectly normal. I think that crying does me good. I always feel somewhat better after a good cry.

Keep your pecker up!(Not quite sure what one of those is!) but keep it up nonetheless!!!!


Carolyn x

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to

Carolyn, yes a good cry always helps.I did think things would soon start improve,but it was such a big operation. I will certainly get our solicitor to persue a claim from the hospital that did the initial operation. All i wanted from them was an apology but it has gone way beyond that now. I have suffered for 3yrs now,and until this surgeon said it was wrong i thought that they would have to section me,thats how bad it got.

Pecker thats a word i haven't heard in a long while,that brought a smile.

Love sylvi.xxx

sylvi profile image

Patient, now thats a word people who haven't ever had to be patient in their lives. I am glad that i have this site and everyone on here have been lovely,hence you soon replied to my cry. Its now 3weeks since my surgery and i feel no father forward than i did when they discharged me. I know it was major surgery and its going to be months before i will see any improvement,but its alright being logical, but there is nothing logicalabout us is there. I feel that if someone takes the time to interact with me it helps me as well. I try so hard on here to be optomistic as i feel there are people a lot worse off than me. I am having another day resting and watching the rain fall. If i could get out it might help me. I think some nice weather would help us all.

I hope you have a good day. sylvi.xx

in reply tosylvi

Awww Sylvi, you have just had a major operation, 3 weeks is no time at all. You can't be optimistic all the time, sometimes you have to just tell it as it is and take the sympathy that is dished out. I know what i am talking about - I am revelling in my misery at the minute and i think at this stage everyone knows about it.

If we had wonderful weather you would be out encouraging your plants to grow and yearning to get up to Bedworth so i think the weather is keeping you indoors which is a good thing.

Also you did have quite an active weekend for someone just out of hospital so maybe you are just recovering from that.

I really hope you get a good snooze and wake up feeling a bit better.

I'm so sorry to hear you're feeling so down at the moment Sylvi. I don't know what sort of antidepressants you're on or how long you've been on them but is it possible your dose needs increasing? You're having to endure a lot right now and being stuck in so much would take it's toll on the strongest person. I can only send you my best wishes and warmest hugs and I hope things improve for you soon....I'm sure they will :-)

Take care


sheenerweener profile image

hi sylvi, so sorry you feel so down i know i may not know about the pain from the op but the depression i have to deal with on a daily basis,may be worth getting an increase in your antidepressants just to get you though this patch and maybe something to help you sleep i didn,t sleep for 5 weeks not so long ago and had to go to docs in tears she gave me something to help me sleep,if your getting sleep it may make the pain easier to deal with, and you may only need it for a few weeks gentle cuddles to you hope you pick up soon xxx

sylvi profile image

Thanks everyone. Mads your right, i think i set the bar too high on myself. I am good at keeping the moral of others up,but not so good on my self. Your right about the weather too. I was hoping to go out today,but i'm housebound again. How is your knee and your aches and pains mads had any feedback from drs.

Paula.sheenerweener, thank you for your kind thoughts and wishes, it doeas help me no end to have friends know what i'm going through. I have had an hours sleep down to my daughters insistance and i feel a bit better than i did before.

I would go nuts without the wise words of all you lovely people. i thank you all.

love sylvi.xxx

Treesha profile image

Hi Sylvi i agree with others in that a review of your meds may be overdue. You are bound to feel low after surgery and pain and lack of sleep. Of course the great british summer doesnt help with our mood either. I think if you could at least get some quality sleep things may improve. Try and see your gp soon, gentle hugs coming your way (((( )))) xxxxxx

Hi Sylvi,

Sorry you are feeling so down at the mo, maybe to expected after a big op. I suppose in your mind you thought after the op you would be able to do lots more and I'm sure you will, just give it time.

When I feel a bit down I always think of this little song Noddy used to sing, it goes like this:- The sun is shining up in the sky, the birds are singing and so am I, the bees are buzzing as loud as can be, the flowers are nodding their heads like me, the wind is blowing the clouds along and I am singing this little song.

It always makes me smile, maybe I'm just mad, but hey ho.

Hope it brought a smile to your face.

Best wishes, keep smiling.

Mary x

sylvi profile image

Mary,just what i need to bring a smile to my face. Your right about being able to do more,i'm just impatient thats my trouble.

Treesha,sleep is want i really need more than anything at the moment. I also think its hitting home how big this op has been and how long its going to take to recover.

Thanks ladies for all your thoughts,it does help me as it makes me reply to you all and then it also brings me out of myself.

Love sylvi.xx

fhassan profile image

Hi Silvi

Sorry you are in alot of pain at the moment. It is a huge operation to recover from. Crying always helps! but try and focus you innner anger and look at how other people in the same positon as you have coped, maybe they will explain your feelings and stop you sinking further down.

I hope and pray the pain gets better soon. Remember baby steps first, just think about what your going to do when your feel better!

Take care

Farhat xx

aligator profile image

Hi Silvi,

So many pearls of wisdom sent to you, hope you have found somethings to smile at during the day. I'm with everyone, crying is part of the release tension of this horrid disease, love & hugs sent to you.

I pray you get more sleep tonight.

Love Alison x

Grammie profile image

Sylvi, I am so sorry that you are feeling down and the pain you must be going thru. I know it must be bad for you to complain. I agree with the others maybe your meds need to be increased just until, I really wished I could make it all just go away. I am thinking of you and praying for a speedy recover. Go ahead and cry if you like, I believe in crying. It helps the feelings and I always feel like a weight has slightly eased off my shoulders. Please take care of yourself. If I were closer to you, I would come over for a visit and try my best to help you. Take care, gentle hugs being sent your way. Love Linda

helixhelix profile image

Hi Sylvia, sorry you're having a bad day, and hope that it gets better every day. I've only had a few ops in my life, but each time I found that the effect of the anaesthetic took ages to wear off and I felt really down for weeks. I think a lot of people find that they get very low as a result of the drugs used to knock you out. So maybe that's affecting you too? Mind you, there was one positive of my last op as I felt so dreadful after it that I gave up smoking! Anyway, fingers crossed that cushion does the trick and you're more comfortable tonight. Pollyx

Pollywollydoodle profile image

Hi Sylvi,

Have had lots of abdo surgery and have generally found the first 7-10 days at home the worst as you expect to feel better quickly but life kicks back- always had tears and totally unjustified wobblers and after the last surgery promised myself that every day I would try to do something that would cheer myself up - chocolate and wine figured heavily !! Also found hot tubs helped enormously with pain and freedom of movement -so don't know if you have access at your local baths etc or can get in your bath at home. Hang in there, let the jobs wait and concentrate on yourself. Hope you're feeling better soon.

Polly xx

Jetblack profile image

Hi slyvi, really really feel for you, you waited so long for this op and the pain, bless your heart. The anasthetic can make you cry for britain, mine did after the knee op i had, and the pain on top, and frustration because you want to do but cant. Look after yourself sweetie, you will get there each day is a day further from sugery, you take care, sending massive hugs and thinking of you. xxxxxxxx

sylvi profile image

Mornings everyone, The good news is that i have had a good night sleep,the not so good news is the pain is still there. I am going to ring the hospital today for advice and see what they have to say. There is nobody i know who has had the op i've had so there is no-one to ask. I always said if i could sleep i could cope. I think i was that tired last night i fell asleep and i slept the sleep of the dead. So this morning i feel chippier. My little pickies ache this morning, so i have had to type a bit and rest a bit then start again. If you could all see my face this morning there is a smile on it. Hip hip hooray,i don't like how i've been feeling so its good that my head is smiling instead of crying. I'm not saying the pain has gone away it hasn't,but for today i'm good. I hope you are all coping with this wind and rain.

My love to you all sylvi. xxx

Treesha profile image

Yay good for you, sleep is vital for the body to heal itself. So glad your feeling better. Got to go, supposed to be working haha. Take care xxx

There is nothing gets you down more than lack of sleep. I have not slept well for weeks and it i a very long night on your own and trying to be quiet. Do you have something to take weight of duvet or blankets off your knee as i cannot bare the duvet on my sore knee when not well.

You sound llike me no patience with your illness you want to get out and about again. Do you find this wet weather is not doing your pains any good. I cannot stand wet cold weather and in ireland we get a lot of that. Am thinking of you and hope you get rest soon. Do you sleep during the day?

sylvi profile image

Yes i'm just like you for lacking patience. I always found that it would be worse if i give into it. Yes i hate the wet and miserable weather and i my joints ache more than usual. If i can't get outside it drives me crazy (there is some that say i'm already crazy) and i can't get in my garden either which is annoying as well.

love sylvi.xxx

Hi Sylvi,

I am very new to this forum, but I have seen your name pop up every time someone needs a bit of tlc. As a veteran of both knee replacements, re-replacements, and yes! Re-re replacements, let me assure you, that things do get easier, maybe in 3,6 or even 12 months, but in the early stages, it is important to try to keep the knee straight, it will benefit in the end. But most importantly, is getting the pain under control. So often one is sent home without enough strong painkillers. I, often resorted to a couple of weeks of Oramorph, plus codeine and paracetamol till things settle down ( and they do)

Try to speak to a pain management nurse or the GP that knows you well, physically and emotionally. I wish you loads of better days with your new knee.

Jenny ( chubby)

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to

Jenny, thank you so much,they send you out of hospital with exercises and thats it,oh i forgot the painkillers. They don't explain that it will be painful for a long while o that the swelling will not go down for months. I have suffered for three long years before i got someone to tell me it wasn't right,to such a degree i thought i was going mad. I am even under a pschcologist that s how bad it got. I keep being told it is early days and i do try to be upbeat about it,but like this week it has been very very hard. Its the hardest i have ever to conquer believe you me. I thought the first knee was hard enough,this is times ten on that.

Thank you for making the time to tell me what i'm feeling is ok.

Love sylvi.xx

in reply tosylvi

Do take care Sylvia, get the that pain under control.

and the depression may lift a little. Hopefully, the sun might decide to shine on us, I think the the flowers have had enough water now. Try sitting in the garden, and stop worrying about the weeding! Jenny.

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to

I would sit in the garden if that dratted weather would let me jenny. sylvi.xx

tiger profile image

Hi Sylvi, it is quite common for people to feel down after having had surgery. In the trade (i.e. nursing it's called post-op blues). It doesn't usually last more than a week or so, if it continues, have a word with your GP. Hope that you feel better very soon. Take care of yourself. Wendy x

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply totiger

Thank you wendy, i keep forgetting that its only three weeks since i had the op. My problem is i expect too much too soon and this is a different ball game altogether. I will get there in the end.

Love sylvi.xx

Nothing really to add here Sylvi as everyone has said it all. It's going to take time and you just need to rest that leg and find a good book or a new interest perhaps - one that you can do on a laptop or read a kindle and distract yourself from how bad you are feeling? Big hug - Tilda x

sylvi profile image

Thank you tilda,you've had your fair share just recently haven't you,so its nice that you took time out to send me a big hug. xxx

Gina_K profile image

Hi sylvie,

I'm on hols , but hav occasionally gone on line as I'm havng a retrocation with a book & no technology, can't resist the odd peep. I am sorry to hear of our travails, I have to say following my triple arthrodesis fusion of ankle, I was very weepy for a week or two, I think maybe the anaesthetic or pain killers, try and ease down on codeine based drugs as I find they make me more depressed sometimes. I hope you feel better soon. My sis is having her knee replacement tmoro, and I am going to visit and take care of her 9/7, if she needs me which by the sounds of you she will.

Portugal is fabulous , my family all headed home this morning so I will be alone for four days! I really don't mind, as am totally chilled and virtually pain free. The ankle has continued to improve and I can now walk a good distance without any pain, itsactually hard to remember what it was like prior to op, will need other ankle done in the future, but know that will be so worth it in the long run, he was such a good surgeon you can hardly see my four scars.

Anyway, Sylvie I hope things improve, it will take time and patience.

Xxx Gina.

sylvi profile image

Oh my Gina its so good to hear from you,you lucky girl being in portugal,i wish i was some where warm as we have had terrible weather here this week,which goes a long way to understanding why i have been so down. I am glad that your ankle is now looking good and getting better,i know what a hard time you had with it.

I wish your sister good luck with her op,i know exactly what she will be going through. Though mine has been a revision,i still know what the pain is like.

You enjoy the rest of your stay and have a safe trip home.


Hi Sylvi,

last night I was lying in bed unable to sleep, I remembered this blog and felt quite guilty for not leaving a comment; thing is, I read all your blogs and always appreciate any advice you leave me when I post a question, but I read replies from other members and they say it so much better than I can so by the time I get to the bottom I decide not to comment!!! am I making sense?

So, I decided to post today, tell you how much I love reading your blogs, I think you have a great sense of humour, you have so much empathy for us all when you are suffering so much yourself and I really wish you feel better soon!


sylvi profile image

Wiliby, my friend that you have found the time just to write means so much to as it means that you have been thinking of me. I am pleased that read what i have written even if you don't always post. If i can cheer just one person up the i feel i have done my job. My motto is to laugh if not there are times when i could and do cry. This has been a hard week as you will have read. Your reply to my blog has put a shine on a wet and windy day.

Love sylvi.xxxx

in reply tosylvi

Thanks Sylvi, I'll try not to be so shy from now on! xx

Dear Sylvi.

So sorry to hear you are feeling so low, I am so behind with my computer , been busy at work.I just. got over a 3 week cold/ cough last week( went to work!) to wake up in the night last night hot with a sore throat!, dont know what is going on with my health, my immune system must be on the floor!.

See you Dr incase anti depressants need altering, you have had a big operation and you must rest/ rehabilitate as you have been told not push yourself more than physio etc have told you xxx

Hobbles profile image

Hey Sylvi,

You are the same as us all, as soon as a little time has passed we think we can get up and be back to normal. Doesn't matter how much we tell ourselves that it's going to take time, secretly we think we are super human and should be feeling better. We get frustrated with the slow recovery (even though it's only 3 weeks) and become tearful and low with pain and fatigue. It's normal Sylvi, you have been throu major major (wrote it twice as its a biggi) surgery. Please remember we are here for you, baby steps. Sleep well and take care xxx

sylvi profile image

Thank you all, i have had a second nights sleep,which is good. I feel a lot brighter when i have had some sleep. By the end of the day i'm not so clever,hence why i'm in bed early.

I thought it was supposed to be nice today, but there is no sun and the wind is still blowing. It still feels cold out there when i opened the front door.


Mercy sakes, Sylvie, you are in a mess, aren't you? Wish I could come over with a cinnamon coffee or tea cake and we could just sit and sip and munch on sweet crumbs, feel better and then You could go right to sleep. The thing that always gets me to sleep, is a bowl of multi-grain Cheerios, honey and a little skim milk. Of course, if I had a cinnamon coffee cake, the cereal can wait in the box!

sylvi profile image

Morning Loretta, I know i'm down here early,but it wasn't a good night,but i had a brilliant day yesterday. If you saw yesterday you would say i am on the mend and yes there is a little less swelling. I managed to walk all the way round my close and i got my scooter out and tried that as we are taking it on holiday on the 23rd to cornwall. I managed it ok so thats good. I was down here at 4am as bob was going to work. I was donw here at 11pm with a bag of peas on my knee then i went back to bed. My ra in my fingers is not very good, but think if i take my meds and a cup of tea will help them. How are you getting along now?

Love sylvi.xx

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