Dear All,
Please may I ask if E45 creams are fine to use on Eczema patches instead of steroid creams. Or is there a really good over the counter cream for this type of condition, whilst taking RA drugs:Enbrel and Methotrexate too. Thank you
Dear All,
Please may I ask if E45 creams are fine to use on Eczema patches instead of steroid creams. Or is there a really good over the counter cream for this type of condition, whilst taking RA drugs:Enbrel and Methotrexate too. Thank you
In my experience different creams work for different people. I find Epaderm effective, it reduces itching as well as moisturising. Obviously it helps to limit irritants, and to protect your skin from dryness generally. As my skin settles I use Ce Ra Vee moisturizer daily allowance over my body and limit use of shower gel. I hope this helps x
My husband has very dry skin, he had eczema as a child. It has improved as he aged but he still gets the odd patch. In the past he used to rub in lanolin then he was tested and we discovered he was allergic to lanolin! So watch out for lanolin.
He uses Aveeno products now and I think he has used Oilatum in the past.
No you need a cortisone cream and an emolument although I found Clinique worked just as well. I had drug induced Eczema from Aberercept and it was stopped. The eczema then went so talk to your GP.
Hi 👋 I use Aveeno products including shampoo and conditioner. I use the lotion/ cream on my face and body.Hope this helps. Have a Happy New Year 😊
If leg feet arm effected I found creams no good ,and healing no good ,
Got switched to
They worked a lot better
Daktacort now off market
Had 3 different Ointments since ,they do take it away completely no patches ,some Ointments take a bit longer but work
Thank you, I am guessing the ointments are all steroid creams?
Yeh they are im afraid ,my side effects are ,sometimes bring or nipping not a lot,I know you said instead of steroid ,thought I'd mention ointment just incase ,it's the only one that completely clears it for me ,Sometimes you find a simple one over the counter that works wonders
If you do let us know and maybe try it ,
The short answer is that it is much better for your skin generally to avoid steroids . Used long term they do cause thinning. They can also hide secondary infection which keeps the inflammation going.
Everybody's skin seem to respond differently to creams/ointments. Have a look at the website for eczema society:
It's well worth trying out various different creams like E45 or Aveeno (oatmeal based), but many people find that their skin 'gets used' to one and need to ring the changes. Soap removes the natural oils in your skin and may irritate your skin, as may other things like nickle, sweat, dyes in clothes etc. If you keep a diary, you may find that a pattern emerges - stress, foods, sweating, whatever are your triggers.
It can also be drug induced so a diary and photographs after the site of the eczema will help to decide if its down to environmental or induced conditions. In my case the link was very obvious and yes steroids are best avoided but equally used in tiny amounts they do work to stop it getting worse. I was lucky it took a while but it did go after stopping the Abatercept. I wonder if any other RA medications can cause eczema ?
My daughter uses deprobase. Calm the skin with steroids cream if its flaring then once its calmer maintain with deprobase daily. This works for her and her young children . Obviously this is on advice from gp and dermatologist, may not suit everybody . All the best 🙂
Thank you very much
I was also told by my dermatologist to never use creams, only use ointments, as the ' carrier' in creams can be a trigger and make the irritation worse. He even said to use the hydrocortisone ointment rather than the hydrocortisone cream . Good luck
i had to use a steroid cream from the doctor to rid my eczema, I used Cetraben which helped with the dryness. There is one with oatmeal too.