I've been having a rough time for the last few months with my RA the hospital gave me a steriod injection which helped. THEN the dreaded toothache and had to come of methotrexate and Abatacept 2 weeks before and 2 weeks after because of no appointments it ended being 6 weeks....... I'd started to feel a bit better and have now got a very painful tooth on the otherside of my face. I feel very low because of what I'm facing I also can't get a dental appointment with my dentist. ... sorry to go on I know I'm thinking the worse it may be just a filling I pray it is. Are dental problems more prevelant for RA people?
Teeth dam teeth: I've been having a rough time for the... - NRAS
Teeth dam teeth

Probably more likely to get gum problems with RA but then as teeth and gums are connected it doesn’t really help if one or the other hurts!
Sounds like you need an emergency dental appointment with what you’re describing. Ring 111 and see if they can put you in touch with a dentist in your area if your own dentist can’t help. Someone will. Can you afford a private appointment? Hope you don’t have to have an extraction but it’s not nearly as bad as the fear!
I had a big back molar out in October last year and was quaking with fright as I hadn’t had a tooth out for at least fifty years. Was sitting in the chair ready to run for the hills and the dentist told me to open wide and within literally less than a minute the tooth was out and I didn’t feel a thing. Really.
It all healed very fast with a bit of care and was back to normal within 10 days so don’t be worried if you need a tooth out - nobody could have been more of a wimp than I am! RA pain is such a drag though and hope your medication can be tweaked so you’re able to function more normally very soon. All the best and hope you’re sorted out soonest.
Thank you so much I have limited funds plus the thought of not knowing the cost before I go is scary. I will ring 111 if I get nowhere with them I'll have to bite the bullet and pay. Xxxx
Yes. RA dry mouth & meds can create a lot of dental & mouth issues.
Have had RA for 27 years..,never had any problems with teeth…did have slight gum problems ,but my NHS Dentist prescribed high fluoride toothpaste & all is well now.( I have got all my own teeth too!)
Well done my dentist use to give high fluoride toothpaste to some patients but it suddenly stopped. I'll buy it thanks x
You can only get it on prescription….ask your dentist for more.
I asked the little pharmacist I use & he wouldn,t sell it to me….good job as it’s £16 a tube.
Your own dentist has a duty of care to give you an emergency appointment maybe a cancellation? I am on methotrexate and etanercept and had toothache for five weeks after starting injections. Finally had tooth removed without stopping treatment. It took only a minute and with frequent salt mouthwashes healed very quickly.
I’m awaiting diagnosis as I have Serositis affecting 3 areas. I’m waiting to have my two front teeth removed as I had a nasty fall and chipped them so they did root canal’s which have failed and are causing pain, I get TMJ so luckily getting sedation for it.
Good luck
Wendy xx
I hope you are seen soon. I am very thankful to the 111 service for helping me in the past.You can have issues with mouth bacteria. In suppressing your immune system your meds can suppress your defences against the mouth bacteria. This leaves the bacteria free to attack teeth and gums.
I was advised to do frequent mouth washing with salty water.
I hope you are sorted out soon
funny thing the last 2 month I have had to have a wisdom tooth out a normal tooth a filling and I need another wisdom tooth out up to now it cost me 1.500 had no choice as couldn’t get a dentist I was in so much pain
That's a huge amount. I've had the same dentist years and still couldn't get an emergency appointment x