I'm 18 weeks into taking mtx and have only had a bit of improvement in tiredness 4 weeks ago and since then no change. When I last saw the RA nurse she said my inflammatory markers are now low so I was obviously getting better! (despite my platelets still being high and I'm in pain) She then wrote s letter to my GP saying Is said I felt very well!! So I wrote her a letter 2 weeks ago saying that wasn't the case but had no reply.
I called her today and said I'm miserable and in pain, so she's advised me to take 10mgs prednisalone for a couple of weeks then 5 msg to see if my pain is due to RA!
While I'm glad to be taking the prednisalone, this is half the dose I took in summer so I'm not sure if it'll help as it did last time and feel I'm constantly having to prove I have RA - is this normal or do I have a particularly unhelpful rheumy and nurse?