As many of you know, I had foot surgery 4 weeks ago. Unfortunately, the wound isn’t healing well, so I’m now 6 weeks off my MTX and benepali.
On Sunday at 1am I went to the loo before settling for the night. I had a large rectal bleed, with maroon stools and a gush of blood. Hubby was asleep, so I checked blood pressure etc ok, and hoped it was a one off and I’d speak to Drs in the morning. At 8am unfortunately I had a repeat episode, and 111 sent me to hospital. I had bloods taken, which showed my electrolytes were deranged, and a lactate of 3.5, which was concerning, as well as being dehydrated. I was given a litre of plasmalyte, then seen the surgical reg. Unsure what’s causing it, but need to have an urgent colonoscopy. I have ankylosing spondylitis, and inflammatory bowel disease is very common alongside it. I’m wondering if being off my immunosuppressants so long, has possibly unmasked IBD. I was a nurse so used to seeing patients with rectal bleeds, this was considerably large with it gushing out for around 10 secs each time. Had hoped that 2024 would be better health wise, after 6 months of hell last year with my knee injury and wounds not healing. No sign of restarting meds yet, as wound still not healed. Has anyone else had bowel issues, whilst being off immunosuppressants