it’s been a tough month this weather is making the fibro non stop but in turn my RA has also kicked in within the joints so I am creaking away like an unoiled motor and even hubby went you need some calm weather!
Trip to GP yesterday and he looked at me and said I know you have a lot going on what’s the top 2 issues as we can’t do all over!
So we went for lungs/heart and horrendous heat and sweats.
The lungs and heart are constantly flaring so we have gone for control of potential acid reflux which is triggered lot of stuff but this is potentially being triggered by my lungs or lungs by acid reflux. The heart throws a curved ball in when it gets too much but hey got my GTN spray for the bad moments. He also changed one of my inhalers as I felt they were not doing that much. Plus I have a wheeze going on in the lungs.
As now on metformin for diabetes 2 (though last test was good) he is wondering if this is stripping me of B12 so blood test to check. I remembered when I was being diagnosed for RA this was one of the first things that happened. Horrendous sweats and it pouring off me and headaches.
He also changed my anti acid for the tummy to see if this helps as well.
Back to see him in a month for a review
He did ask when he came to get me why was leaning on my stick with head down and eyes shut. I said your waiting room too bright and doors banging and radio on and my fibro sensors are going crazy! His reply was as never thought about our waiting room causing issues like this!