hello everyone
I have IBS and have for 25 years dignoised when I was 18 years old, after having my daughter at 22 years old I developed piles . They have always been there and on off flar up I had a flat 3months ago and had bleeding when passing a hard stool as forgot to take my dosulate. Again last night had a similar issue and was straining and blood still and external bleeding, bright red blood I’ve started taking my dosulate again tuday as I sometimes like to not take them all the time as bowel gets lazy . I’ve noticed I’ve. Even had to occurrences in 3months idly this normal and do they become worse as you get older . I will advise my go of it but no other worry symptoms and has settled down after the pessery , but I get health anxiety and worry what if it’s something worse any one else get likes and bleeding and is it common git this problem ?