update on knee pain: As most of you will probably know... - NRAS


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update on knee pain

Runrig01 profile image
19 Replies

As most of you will probably know, I injured my knee on holiday at the end of June, when my knee would buckle. Over the months Drs have always been more concerned that my back or pelvis was injured with a fall in the shower, due to the knee buckling. I had CT scans and MRIof the spine and pelvis, but nothing for the knee. It wasn’t till 3rd September that A&E got it MRI’d, allbeit 9 days later, as it was supposed to be done the next morning, but there was no availability. So sent home to wait for what they said would be 2-3 days 😂. It has then taken 5 weeks to get the report of this urgent scan before treatment could be given. I did see an orthopaedic dr in A&E who just said I had severe osteoarthritis and to speak to my rheumatologist re other findings. Rheumy insisted on the report. Anyway seen rheumy on Wednesday, who confirmed severe stage 4 OA if the patellofemoral joint, as well as patella tendinitis, and inflammation where the iliotibial band attaches to the tibia, which is why I get sharp pain at outer knee transferring up outer thigh. Unfortunately he can’t do the steroid injection I was hoping for. The reason being he’s asking for urgent referral with orthopaedic surgeons, and the injection could affect assessment and possible surgery. Been referred to a foot surgeon too, to deal with subluxed toes that are overriding other toes. So slightly disappointed, as I need to rely on the wheelchair still for outdoors, and due to the knee issues, there is a lot of my stretches for my AS that I’m unable to do. So my lumbar spine is getting more painful and stiffer day by day. The rheumatologist was shocked when he asked what has happened since the scan, and I said absolutely nothing. He has agreed to send me a copy of the mri report so I can organise a private physio, as its approx 4 months for an nhs physio at the moment. Thankfully due to my orthopaedic experience I know a lot of exercises and have been doing them. I just want back the level of mobility I had before this injury 🥲. Sorry for the long winded story. I’m generally quite a patient person, but am finding this 4 month journey with no treatment yet very frustrating.

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Runrig01 profile image
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19 Replies
Fruitandnutcase profile image

Oh gosh, thanks for keeping us posted. What an awful time you’re having. Such a long wait and you keep hoping that something will happen yet nothing does. I’m glad your rheumatologist is going to send you the MRI results and hopefully you can find a good physio who can help you find the right exercises. Hopefully you’ll be back on your feet before too long.

Amnesiac3637 profile image

Gawd. It’s amazing how the definition of ‘urgent’ takes on a whole new downgrade where it’s applied to anything treatable.

So sorry you’ve had all that messing about. As (retired) nurses, we know how it should work and it’s so massively disappointing when, inevitably these days, it doesn’t. Four minutes is too long to wait in pain, four weeks is pushing it but once it goes over that, mentally it stretches our resources and physically does us no good at all. Do hope youget somewhere soon!

janmary profile image

How very frustrating! Hoping you get some appropriate help soon

AgedCrone profile image

I think GPs have a lot to answer for thinking they can diagnose something that actually needs a specialist opinion as soon as possible.

It used to be that we could stand our ground & get what was needed,but now every speciality seems to entail a long wait.

I do hope you get that orthopaedic consultation very soon& get what you need.

Runrig01 profile image
Runrig01 in reply to AgedCrone

My GP has been dreadful, she has never properly examined my knee. The only test she did was whilst sitting in a chair, she asked me to straighten my leg, pushing against her hand. On that basis, she said there’s nothing wrong with your knee, it’s coming from your spine. Even after pointing out that the knee buckled causing me to fall and gash my leg. The leg is numb below the knee, which I pointed out couldn’t be from the spine, as it started below the knee, and I was sure was due to localised swelling. Then when the pain intensified, probably from me “pushing through”, her paramedic told her I needed analgesia increased, her response was to tell me to remove my pain patch and stop tramadol for 12hrs, then she would start lower dose Zomorph the next day. You can probably imagine my response with a pain score of 8/10 that wasn’t happening. I said it was an unreasonable request when I was dealing with acute pain, for which we still didn’t know why, as she’d done nothing to investigate. I said if it were just my chronic pain I’d have no issue complying, but it wasn’t happening now. She then went away to speak with their pharmacist and came back agreeing to continue with patches and tramadol, and added Oromorph for break through pain. She then said she’d phone on 29th august for an update on how my A&E visit went, I’m still waiting 😂

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to Runrig01

I have recently discovered a young woman sitting as a GP at my GP surgery is in fact a Trainee…which might explain why she advised I should try cola for Dysphagia..& then ask if I felt social services would help with my problem . Since when have SS employees been medically trained?

I just wonder when something will be done to ensure when we see a GP…they at least know when to say nothing if they don’t have a credible answer?

Runrig01 profile image
Runrig01 in reply to AgedCrone

I was just glad my rheumatologist is doing the 2 referrals to the orthopaedic surgeons. She would put it through as routine, whereas he states it’s urgent. My rheumatologist is astounded at the fact, she sent me to A&E, yet has made no contact or chased up the report. I’ve sent several emails keeping her informed, but just get a reply from the lovely Secretary saying she’s forwarded it on to her.

I have severe adrenal insufficiency, and any stress, including severe pain can trigger a crisis. Which when I then reminded her when she wanted to reduce analgesics, she went into panic mode. I reassured her that I wasn’t currently heading to a crisis, but was waking to low cortisol symptoms due to waking in pain, and it having drained my cortisol levels. So I wake with nausea, headache, lightheadedness and sometimes even slurred speech. I was under an experienced gp due to being complex, but when she joined as recently qualifying I was transferred to her. Whenever she needs to prescribe something, she often insists I get in contact with my endocrinologist to make sure it’s ok. It’s never her contacting them, I always am expected to do it for her 😂. Sorry rant over.

Monkeysmum profile image

What an awful situation for you Maureen, it feels so difficult to make any progress with anything with the NHS currently doesn’t it? I have had patellar tendinitis and it was painful enough without all the other stuff you are dealing with in that knee. Loss of mobility hits hard because it makes us feel so dependent on others as well. Sending you a big hug and keeping fingers crossed that the private physio can provide some relief. I have had laser therapy on inflamed tendons and seemed to improve things for me after a number of sessions. 🤗

Runrig01 profile image
Runrig01 in reply to Monkeysmum

I recall having ultrasound treatment on tendonitis of my knee many years ago, which helped. I’d certainly try laser therapy, anything is worth a go. Thanks for the hug 🤪x

Mmrr profile image

Maureen I'm so sad to hear of your never ending wait to be seen / for treatment. Hopefully the private physio will be able to help you, best wishes to you.

Runrig01 profile image
Runrig01 in reply to Mmrr

Thanks, it is so frustrating at how drawn out it is these days. I had to go via PALs to get things moving. Hoping the private physio can try ultrasound or laser therapy on the patella tendon, as that’s where the worst pain is. I can’t lie flat or lie on front, as the tendon is so tight from the inflammation, that I get a severe cramp from mid shin to mid thigh. Thankfully I have an electric bed to sleep elevated. I normally have a back massage every fortnight, which helps with the muscle spasms in my thoracic and lumbar spine from the fused ribcage and SI joints. However I haven’t been since early July as I can’t lie on my front. It’s also limiting the exercises I can do for my back. Hope your recovering well after your hip surgery 🤗x

Mmrr profile image
Mmrr in reply to Runrig01


My hip is doing well, I feel I could walk for ever on it.

Unfortunately the fatigue is a killer and aches in arms / shoulders from using the crutches. I managed 25 steps yesterday evening with no support at all. Hopefully I'll get rid of the crutches soon.

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to Runrig01

This is just a thought ..when you see your physio, ask about the type of ultrasound whereby some sort of cream/ liquid is used and a metal plate is used. I had this treatment in Italy a few years back after I damaged my shoulder very badly. My shoulder received the ultra sound….as I remember, the cream was applied down my arm, & my hand was placed on a metal tray type base. Maybe even telephone ahead of your appointment asking if they do know anything about this type of ultrasound.

When I got back to the UK, I saw a physiotherapist privately and explained to him the treatment I had received and he said this type of ultrasound had been trialled in the NHS, and although it proved successful it was not accepted for use because it took a minimum of 30 minutes for each treatment.

He said it is now available apparently from some private physios so maybe the one you see will I know I’m talking about.

Hope you get some relief soon.

Runrig01 profile image
Runrig01 in reply to AgedCrone

Thanks for that info, I’ll certainly enquire about it 👍

Intheend profile image

So very sorry to hear of your ongoing struggles🥲

Angels54 profile image
Angels54 in reply to Intheend

Hi , I have just increased my steroid , I injected biological today hoping for the best 👍

Angels54 profile image

Hi , Just reading your info ,it sounds exactly how I feel , been like this for 2 yrs , had a knee brace on , st struggling with it all also having massive flare up , feeling a bit weary , understand where you are .👍

Runrig01 profile image
Runrig01 in reply to Angels54

Sorry to hear you’re struggling too. Are you not able to have a steroid injection to ease it?

Rainyda profile image

I hope you get the help you need real soon.....take care! 💕

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