My knee was a little better this morning so I decided not to phone my GP. If it was an infection then I'd probably be in hospital on IVAs by now. Rest seems to be helping so I'm staying off my feet as much as possible. Rheumy has advised me to have a week's break from baricitinib. Not because the knee problem, which they were not aware of at the time, but because of headaches and the odd sore throat that I phoned them about last week. I can't help feeling that I'm being a bit paranoid on times, but it is difficult not to worry when the last time I was on meds I had serious infections. Not having a single infection during the last 2 years I've been off meds isn't exactly reassuring either. Still, I must try to be more positive, so it's onward and upward as they say....until the next time that is!
I'd like to thank everyone for responding, much appreciated.