Hi all, well my partner Jim is back in hospital and has been for 2 weeks, the doctor rang to say. Get yourself into hospital as your kidney function is very lo. so off Jim and I go at 23.45 to hospital. He is kept in for them last 2 weeks. He has bone cancer now on top of kidney and lung cancer. Jim was offered an operation to put pins in his hip to hold his leg in place as he has bone cancer in his left leg with a massive lump on it. The oncologist nurse came to say because his kidney function is only 12 she doesn't think they will operate as he is too ill. She also came to say there is nothing else to help him and basically he is to go home to die!! His kidney cancer has got bigger tumours now and also his lungs have got lots more cancer there too. Jim wants to come home as we all want him too. So a 48 hrs quick move is in place with a care plan. A hospital bed will hopefully get delivered very soon. I am numb! He is going to some fags and some whiskey now he is dying. He is an alcoholic, but hasn't drank for 35 years and hasn't smoked for 35 years! Thanks for listening.
Update : Hi all, well my partner Jim is back in... - NRAS

Oh dear Carol, I'm so sorry to hear all this, poor Jim - he really has been through it for some time now hasn't he. I hope the nurses can keep him pain free and comfortable and my thoughts go out to you both and your families for what lies ahead. Thinking of you. xx
I’m sad to hear your news. He will be better at home. I hope the hospital bed comes soon. Please don’t forget to look after yourself as best you can and please please don’t forget to take your medication .? You need to be as strong as you can be xxx
so sorry to hear things have got much worse. He definitely needs to be home for the end, my mum died in hospital last year and it wasn’t a good place for any of us. Thinking of you all.
just sending hugs and best wishes at this tough time. Remember to sleep too and look after yourself as well x
I’m so sorry to hear this, home is the best place to be, you will get a lot of support, McMillan nurses will probably come and help him control his pain and will support you. My sister died so peacefully at home, stay strong and look after yourself at this sad time. Sending hugs 🤗🤗
So sorry Carol x
So sorry to hear this. You have been through so much already and you have so far still to go. I hope that you get all the support you need. Heather passed away 16 months ago from lung cancer.
She didn't want to be in hospital and I fully supported her decision as it was much more comfortable and restful. Heather had regular visits from the community nurses. She didn't want people coming into the house and I was able to look after her myself until the last week. At that point she accepted that I wasn't able do it all myself. I was relieved when when the carers came in once a day and were able to provide the personal care element as I was struggling to move her without hurting her.
The community nurses were so good, in the end we only needed one visit from the Macmillan nurse. I hope that the medics can keep Jim pain free and deal with any other problems effectively. Make sure that they deal with constipation before it becomes an issue as opiates cause problems slowing down the bowels.
While I understand his thoughts on whisky be aware it may interact badly with the medication.
My thoughts are with you.
I’m sorry to hear Carol and don’t know what to say. I hope the palliative care team are supportive of both of you and that you can draw your family near. Thinking of you.
I'm so very sorry, thinking of you and Jim ❤️
What awful news, Carol. I'm so sorry for your situation. My thoughts are with both you and Jim
Hopefully Jim gets the best of palliative care. Look after yourself Carol.
So sorry to hear this Carol, both you and Jim have really been through the mill. I hope that you both get all the support you need, and that Jim can be made as comfortable as possible.
Sending love to you
I’ve been there and it’s so hard Try to rest whenever you can and take all the help offered xx
I'm so sorry. I'm sure he'll feel more comfortable in his own surroundings. It will also allow you and your family to spend time with him.
I'm so very sorry to hear this awful news. Home is best for poor Jim. Sending lots of love and support your way. Stay strong and also look after yourself at this very difficult and trying time 😘❣️❣️
Oh Carolso, I'm so very sorry to read this, sending you both lots of love at this difficult time 😘😘😘💔 xx
bless you pet 🥰 sending hugs xx
I’m really sorry to hear about Jim, totally devastating for you both. Sending lots of love and hugs 🤗 💞xxx
So sorry to hear this. At least you got your break away earlier in the year, and Jim was still there when you got back.
Home is the best place now and hopefully the palliative care will kep things peaceful.
Look after yourself.
Sending love to you both xxx
So sorry to hear this, Carol. I do hope that the palliative care will help to make Jim's last time as comfortable as possible. And I like his style - he wants to be as wicked as his health will allow and hopefully he will enjoy that. Maybe it's just me, but I would love to see my husband taking all the small pleasures if he was in that situation and I think I would take some comfort from that. Perhaps you will, too? Hope Jim's family will be supportive for you, as well as for him. Thinking of you xxx
So sorry to read this Carol. Make the most of each day with Jim, time is precious. Take care of yourself too and hope that Jim gets the care he needs at this time. xxx