Just wondering if anyone takes Adcal-D3 prescribed by the GP. I've just been looking at the level of D3 and its 400 I.U. (equivalent to 10 micrograms per tablet). For winter that seems low to me; was wondering if anyone takes extra D3? Its important I can absorb calcium as I've now got osteoporosis and need D3 for this. thanks.
Adcal-D3: Just wondering if anyone takes Adcal-D... - NRAS

I've been taking it for 6 years prescribed by my Nephrologist as I have kidney disease which damages the bones and my mum had severe Osteoporosis . In August last year my fault though ! I slipped over and broke my leg and ankle, tore all the tendons etc about 3 months after a DEXA scan. The Orthopaedic surgeon said it might need an operation but let's hold offf as the DEXA is good. Anyway my bones mended well and its probably down to the Ad Cal as the GP, Orthopaedic Clinic which checked my leg every few weeks to make sure healing to avoid surgery and Nephrologist said its good stuff! I was offered the NHS Covid D3 but my Nephrologist said don't stop mine as thats the best and don't take the one offered by Covid teams. Remember it's not just how much you take but how often and how well absorbed, so I don't think it would be wise to take anymore without the advice of your prescribing doctor. I'm pretty sure too much probably won't harm you but best to be certain. My GP changed the Nephrologists dose to a tablet but the Nephrologist pharmacy contacted the Nephrologist who then wrote to GP to say No must be the chewy one which is absorbed through the blood stream faster and better. Apparently it's more expensive but no surprise there then !
Thank you ML for this. I think I'll stay with what I'm prescribed. Glad your dexa was good, I hope you are healing well.
I have been on and off Adcal since 204, as well as Colecalciferol. My rheumatologist advised me to take ‘holidays’ from Adcal because they can cause spontaneous fractures. My latest DEXA results were good.
Have never been told adcal can cause spontaneous fractures but definitely read that bisphosphonates like alendronate can sometimes do this and therefore a ‘holiday’ from bisphosphonates is recommended after 3 -5 years of taking them.
i can only tolerate 1 in the morning. Hoping Rheumatologist is going to advise medication via an infusion to bypass my stomach🤞
Is this due to the tablet ? as I found the ones GP originally prescribed were a bit hard on the tummy but the chewy ones are fine.
Yes…the chewy one. If I take evening one I get chronic indigestion. I tried Alendronic Acid and a similar one which did the same. The word Acid !🫣. As I have had so many meds over the years my stomach is intolerant to a lot now.
Alendronic Acid is forbidden for people with CKD so an infusion was mentioned straight away, but as my DEXA shows very good density I'm very lucky no need to have one. I'm sorry but never had indigestion with it so don't know how it could be stopped which is a rotten thing as the actual Ad Cal is good. But then I'm not prone to indigestion unlike my husband who is.
Hi there
Hope you are ok. Yes, I had the chewy Adcal D3 for about 15 years. Twice a day initially, then as my levels were quite good, it was cut down to once daily about 4 years ago. Just before Christmas, when I had my second Zolendronic acid infusion, my levels were checked as they do a blood test prior to the infusion. They were so good (apparently), that I've now been able to stop the Adcal completely for the time being. I presume it will be monitored, and re-started if necessary. I never had any problems with taking them at all.
I don't imagine you would need anything extra alongside it.
Best wishes xx😊
Thanks Kags, that's very good that your D levels were good just before Christmas, we are always being told most people can be deficient in the winter, that gives me hope. I had a blood test last week for D levels amongst other things. It was ok in the Summer as I'd been sitting outside, but thought I might be deficient at this time of year. The amount in Adcal seems quite low to what some people have. I'll be replying to you shortly on DM anyway. The 'porosis' nurse is ringing next week, eek, about the infusion! xx
You are very welcome. To be honest, it hadn't even occurred to me about the vitamin D levels being good for winter until I just read your reply. That's very true though. I'm more pleased than I already was now!😁😉 Thanks for pointing that out. I'm pleased that's given you hope too. Hopefully they will be able to give the test results, and you'll get a clearer idea how things are.
Again, in my blissful ignorance I've never checked the exact levels in ADCAL or made any comparisons. ADCAL/Calcichew D3 forte do seem to be the standard treatments given from what I can gather. I'm sure someone will be able to put me right if I'm incorrect, but I've not heard of anyone (in my limited experience) having more than 2 ADCAL per day.
I've just remembered too that when I had the first zolendronic infusion in October 2021, the blood test beforehand showed my levels were absolutely fine. This was after I'd had the femur fall in January 2021 and had barely been out of the house in any fresh air all year except for 3 or 4 necessary hospital visits. I was just on 1 ADCAL then.
Hope the phone call goes well. Try not to get too eeky!!
I look forward to your message xx😊
Chewable ones twice a day and one thing I can take with NO problems hurrah!
The calcium carbonate in Ad-Cal really upset my gut - I’ve got IBS. Ad-Cal was my second try with calcium tablets. I started off on something called Accrete - I called them concrete! - and boy did thy upset my gut. Anyway, I was then given the Ad-cal which was pleasant to take but still upset things. Turns out that is not uncommon for calcium tablets.
My osteoporosis nurse and I did a calculation and decided that I was probably getting enough dietary calcium and I could just take D3.
I bought some algae based calcium and I take 1capsule a day just to be sure I’m getting enough and I take D3 capsules - either 1000 or 3000 IU daily depending on blood test results - I test regularly.
I also found ROS calcium in food sheet useful so I boost my intake throughout the day with things from the list like an orange, almonds, a couple of dried figs, seeds and that sort of thing
If I have two a day that is 800 IU and from what I've read it seems a bit low. I'm due an infusion soon for osteoporosis, so I'll check with the nurse. Like you I'd rather have my calcium mainly from food and I've just started K2 mk4 and 7 to help get it to the bones. Also I've read calcium citrate is better than the carbonate which is the one in Adcal. I'll get hold of that calcium sheet, thank you for the link.
I was prescribed HuxD3 at 20,000IU when I was very low on vitamin D (10nmol/4ng/ml) - I can't remember the exact dose but it was something like 3 tablets every 2 weeks for 8 weeks.
Now my levels are okay but I buy the same 20,000 pills online and take one every few weeks or so through winter. The last time my vitamin D was tested (because the doctor was ignorant - I had no symptoms of deficiency) my level was a very healthy 75 in January. Which most GPs will tell you is virtually unheard of in this country unless you're supplementing.
In short, yes I think that dose it too low and question why you are being prescribed a low dose vitamin D? If you're deficient, you need a high dose. If you're not deficient, why is it being prescribed?
Thank you for the information. I have it because I was on an osteoporosis drug many years ago due to many years on steroids and having RA. We can only be on such a drug for so long and afterwards they gave me Adcal. Now I'm getting very conscious of my bones after a dexa scan and I do think that amount of D is low. The osteoporosis nurse is ringing next week so I'll talk to her.
If you have just been diagnosed with Osteoporosis your doctor might be thinking of adding a Biophosphonate . You only need to take them for five years….apparently they can do their job in that time.
In people with osteoporosis, the bones lose minerals faster than they can be regenerated….these pills help stop your bones from losing calcium. It really is worth looking after your bones…..I resisted taking them for ages ….but now I take them together with AdcalD chewy tablets.
I should have listened to my doctor earlier, as I fell & fractured 2 vertebrae, & believe me you do not want to do that! But luckily my latest Dexa scan showed improvement …hopefully because of the Biophosphonates.
Thanks AC. Glad your dexa shows improvement. Are you on a tablet? She has suggested zoledronic acid which is an infusion every 18 months 3 times.
I chose the tablets as they were only once a week…..I’m on Rtx & thought one infusion was enough.…not very scientific, but it seems to have worked out OK,as long as I remember it every Sunday morning!
Ok thank you, I was on a weekly tablet years ago think they didn't want me on it again, can only have it for so many years. The infusion is only 30 minutes. i hope you remembered your tablet yesterday!
Yes…I remembered…..just!
If you have already taken the tablets ,I read an article explaining if you just keep on taking them, they do more harm than good. That is why they have now decided to only prescribe them for five years. Apparently there was quite an increase in the incidence of fractured femurs in people who had been on them for a long time. I can’t remember where I read it, but on my NHS prescription it says “Prescribed by Dr X (my consultant) until March 2025”.
I have been on it for years without any problems, I am also on Alendronic acid as well now.xxxx
I suffered a compression fracture of a vertebrae and an MIR showed osteoporosis and osteopenia in some bones, I was prescribed Boniva and 1 Calciferal tablet( a high dose per week) by the orthopedic surgeon (I declined the procedure to have cement injected into the affected bone to to 'jack' it up.) I am now on' holiday' from the Boniva and take one Calciferal tab a month. I live in South Africa where I love the warmth of the sun, I avoid lying in it - there are too many cases of malignant melanoma, and I'm afraid the sun baked look does not appeal to me,
I was interested by this feed as I've been on Adcal for 18 years. Initially the chewy ones, which did upset things a bit, and then the tablets for the past 10 years. From the responses my 4 tablets (2×2) seems high but my steroid intake has been between 5 to >40mg over the period (plus infusions) and my dexa scans are good so something's working. Even so I do seem to break bones but probably because I am clumsy 😅
Thank you, its partly because I've had a lot of steroids over 25 years and RA plus menopause that I've got osteoporosis. You've done something right for your dexa to be so good. Maybe you eat lots of protein in your diet. I need to up mind. I do need an osteoporosis drug though, I'm glad you have such god results.
Hi, yes I've always thought the same thing about Adcal so take additional D3 (and also K2) to minimise - and hopefully improve, ultimately - loss of bone density. Definitely worth a chat with your team if you've any concerns.Wishing you all the best.
yes, I couldn’t take it because it gave me very bad indigestion. My rheumatologist told me to look at my diet and have plenty of dairy, yogurts etc. I only have osteopenia. Mine has not got any worse, my dexa scans have remained the same
Thank you, do you have RA too? I'm changing my diet since the dexa result.
I was on AdCalD3 for years and my rheumatologist asked me not to add more D3 as this could mean I have too high calcium. Later I read up as already have plaque in carotid arteries confirmed some years ago and my mum died young of severe atherosclerosis despite model weight, diet etc. I became concerned about excess calcium so spoke to a GP - who agreed this was a concern. So she switched me to fultium D3 at start of pandemic - which is 800iu D3. I do have osteopenia but my rheumatologist says fultium D3 should be enough. Nevertheless, following a heavy fall a week ago and a fractured rib, I’ve decided to ask for my vitamin D levels to be tested with my DMARD monitoring and full thyroid panel this week.
I was diagnosed osteopenia in 2014 and started Alendronic acid. I had an identical stress fracture in both ankles 18 months apart, which they attributed to the AA so it was stopped after 2yrs. I’ve been on AdCal D3 twice daily for 10yrs, due to being on steroids.
During Covid I was in the highest risk group due to being on 5 immunosuppressants, and the government were sending out Vit D to take, as low levels were attributed to contracting covid. I discussed it with my rheumatologist who advised I’d be better taking a high strength one as the government one was weak. So I take a high strength 4,000 unit gel capsule in addition to my AdCal. Been taking them for 2yr now with no ill effects.
Despite initially being diagnosed osteopenic with a T score of -2.1, it is now -1.3, despite stopping the AA and not replacing it with anything. I don’t eat much dairy due to lactose intolerance, so my diet didn’t change much. I increased my walking to ensure I get enough weight bearing exercise.
I've been taking this for years now.. I also have an infusion at the hospital for osteoporosis every 12-18 months depending on levels in my bloods. I would chat to your doctor if your worried. X
Was the AdcalD3 enough to keep your Vit D at a decent level? I'm due to start a yearly infusion soon, zoledronic acid, is this the same as yours? I have as osteoporosis nurse appointment coming up.
Hi Sunnyweek, I'm on Adcal 1500mg as I have severe osteoporosis and my recent bloods show my level is only just adequate, I also have a yearly Bisophonate infusion which you have to have for 3 years , I've just had my 2nd one, I did miss a year due to having some tooth treatment. So perhaps speak to your doctor about your dose.
Yes I'll chat with the osteoporosis nurse. She's putting me down for an infusion of zoledronic acid, is that the one you have? its yearly, any side effects?
Yes I have been prescribed these I was told to chew two a day morning and evening. I don’t mind them and they have improved my nails 💅
Yes sunny week I've been taking two tablets a day for nearly ten years as I've started osteoporosis as well..
Sorry about that, have you recently been diagnosed, for had it for the ten years?
I was prescribed alendronic acid a few years ago and also adcal well I had to stop both of them. The AA gave me severe jaw pain and the adcal went through me like a dose of salts. I did try the adcal again just in case but had the same result. I don’t have many steroids and am on HRT so as far as I know I don’t have osteoporosis and the osteoarthritis is only minimal apparently. Hopefully the nurse you’re going to speak to will have some answers for you.
I’ve been prescribed Adcal-D3 1500mg/400IU x 2 daily for around 10 years, maybe a little longer. Never had any problems on this dose. I've been on maintenance dose pred since 2011. Tried 2 oral bisphosphonates & neither suited (infusions considered a no-no for me) so relied on diet & DEXA scan results remain ok for osteopenia/borderline osteoporosis & no fractures, ever. When tested (autumn/winter time) my vitamin D levels are always around 50nmol/L, never lower. As such I’ve never supplemented my vitamin D. If you're concerned about yours maybe ask your GP if your level can be checked, best to see before you supplement as it may be you have enough through Adcal-D3 & diet.
I've not done so but for some it’s suggested also taking vitamin K2. I'm not sure it applies to me as I’ve not discussed it with my GP as my levels are constantly fine but if you have a high level of vitamin D3 without enough vitamin K the calcium might not transfer to the bones properly and instead end up in the vascular tissue. Something to consider possibly.
Thanks NMH. It probably is enough, been reading some people take a lot more. Maybe shouldn't read from the groups on facebook. I'm sure the nurse will ask where I've been reading. I am due a test soon as they want me to consider an infusion. I think k2 helps calcium move to the bones, same as D3. I can ask about that as well.
I was advised to take D3 by consultant but told had to buy it myself as my health trust does not offer it on prescription. So I buy the cheapest.
yes I take it , been told you can order better ones off Amazon , I think we need this due to weather and cold .
I take these they were prescribed by my rheumatologist and my levels are back to normal. I take one twice a day. Before my GP gave me Vit D 1000mg a day and my blood tests kept coming back low but she wouldn't change them or up the dose. Adcal changed that and I am grateful because it has helped. I hope it improves your situation.🤞
Thank you. Adcal actually have a lower dose than 1000mg so its strange that you did better on those. Don't know whether having the calcium as well makes a difference but I'm glad they have helped you.
I have had my blood results today and my Vit D is 64. The osteoporosis nurse said that is absolutely fine so I'm happy with that.