I finally had a follow up appt with rheumatologist, which went well. He agreed the mtx and hydroxy were not doing a good enough job as the symptoms had not improved much at all.So mtx has just gone up to 20, and doubled the hydroxy from 200 to 400.
They also gave me 120mg im-depo-medrone injection. I had one last year that improved things slightly, then oral steroids later in year didnt seem to do anything. This time I had two amazing weeks where my energy levels were up and the pain greatly improved. It was the best I have felt in years.
Now after just two weeks later I feel worse than ever. Energy has crashed and my hands and wrists feel like someone is crushing them and drilling into the bones.
Is it normal or usual for the injection to have such a short life? It feels a bit cruel to have such an improvement taken away so quickly. Should I tell rheumy nurses of this?