Hello. I had a stroke just over three weeks ago. Got to hospital stroke unit quickly and they gave me a thrombolysis procedure which worked well and they were able to remove the clot and my right sided paralysis disappeared. Back home after two nights. I asked the Doctor at the Stroke unit if it could be connected to RA, but he thought it unlikely. I wondered if anyone on this forum has any similar experience? At the moment I am terribly anxious that I might have another stroke. I need good stories please, I can’t cope with negative. It’s scared me and my husband badly. I’m nearly four weeks after and they’ve said I can drive after that. Been put on Clopidoperel, upped statin and added in another blood pressure tablet. I’m not overweight, haven’t smoked for 28 years and I’m trying to go for a half hour walk every day and watching what I eat and no alcohol. RA is in remission I’ve been told. Wish I wasn’t such a Scaredy Cat.
Stroke and RA: Hello. I had a stroke just over three... - NRAS
Stroke and RA

So sorry to hear this and wishing you well 😘
Hi I have AS as opposed to RA. I had a severe stroke 7yr ago at the age of 52. I was very fit, working out at the gym 3 days a week, norm blood pressure, cholesterol just above 5. Like you I was thrombolysed, I was unconscious and paralysed down my left side. I was fortunate and it reversed my weakness. It has left me with memory issues, but I was told it was the main vessel to the right side of the brain where the clot occurred. I still feel fortunate to be where I am now. The stroke Dr felt it was my AS that contributed to it, along with a nsaid drug I was on. I had lots of tests after discharge looking for the cause. It wasn’t till I seen an endocrinologist 3 weeks later, that he told me I had severe adrenal insufficiency, and undetectable cortisol, which would have been the main cause of the stroke, and I likely had an adrenal crisis. Although the A&E Drs didn’t realise they, they had administered IV steroids because I’d been on prednisolone for years. Like you I was discharged with clopidogrel and statins, and have had no further issues since. I did have a severe rectal bleed last year, which the gastroenterologist said could happen again, and could be life threatening. and was made worse by the clopidogrel, so he switched me to aspirin, which clears the body quicker. Like you initially I was apprehensive, and anxious when on my own, in case it happened again. I was fortunate my hubby witnessed my stroke, so I qualified for the thrombolysis. I wasn’t allowed to drive for a month either, which is because some patients have seizures afterwards, like you I was fine. It was good to get my independence back. The stroke Dr did say, all forms of inflammatory arthritis put you at a higher risk of strokes, and that a multitude of factors were probably responsible. Hopefully you will continue to progress, and regain your confidence. I wish you well 🤗
I've never had a stroke but did get Pulmonary Embolisms and a DVT in that order unprovoked about 10 years ago.I was told it was a higher risk but not by much to RA in my case but it may not be the same for you. As my mum had a stroke and I then had more clots in my arms which are extremely painful the Haematologist said lifelong Riveroxaban. Ive been taking it ever since and no further issues so try not to worry but ask questions. I hope you find its just living with gets easier as I did and the new medications are simply life saving with few side effects. My Riveroxaban has gone ups and down and I carry a risk card but really its pop a pill with breakfast and forget it. I don't need a statin although its been offered by GP as it has to be to everyone over 65 I think but my Nephrologist said as no high blood pressure we can revisit next year.
good luck and it’s ok to feel nervous but keep reaching out to make sure your head space is good. My brother in law said the biggest factor for him was doing all things told to do, by the medics to get him back to a better place. He has the odd day he worries but he does the physio for his hand and gets on with stuff 🥰
Sorry I don't have advice but want to wish you a full and quick recovery.
Wishing you a good recovery