I started my Rinvoq on Wednesday. The first 3 days I was so tired I could barely get off the couch and couldn't keep my eyes open. This has improved somewhat the past couple of days. This morning some of my joints actually feel less painful. I was able to get up off the toilet without too much difficulty and no crying. Can it be? I am afraid to hope too much. I think Rinvoq might work for me. I just hope I don't start getting horrible side effects a couple of weeks in like I did with Xeljanz. I tried Simponi for 6 months which did not help much. With baricitinib, I had no side effects, but not much pain relief, although being off it for 2 weeks before starting the Rinvoq let me see how much worse the pain could get.
Anyone out there on this medication? How are you doing? I would like to hear people's experiences.