Hi, im hoping that someone can give me some advice? Following a routine blood test I was informed that my liver enzymes are raised to 50 & advised to stop taking methotrexate for 2 weeks and repeat the blood test. I’m not sure if it’s connected but I’ve got a dull ache in my lower back right hand side. Has anyone experienced anything like this? I’m starting to get really concerned 😟
Raised Liver Enzymes : Hi, im hoping that someone can... - NRAS
Raised Liver Enzymes

Mine were , the drugs put stress on my liver, I wasn't drinking alcohol at the time. Chat with your doctors. For me it was a change of RA drugs xxxxLiver though is under your right rib , back pains were always kidney infections fir me , but we are all different xxxx
Mine were raised and my GP was concerned, however rheumatology were not worried, they only worry when they are higher, so you need to discuss it with them .
Normal labs include 4 tests in their liver function tests (in the UK) with the 2 enzymes being alp phos and ALT, a test result of 50 for either of these really isn't a very high .
The reference range for ALT is up to 60 IU/l for males and 40 IU/L for females. So 50 for a lady is only slightly raised.
I worked in a lab and seen liver results which were over 1000.
Great news your doctors are on it and looking after you. The liver is amazing and is good at repairing itself. I think alot of people here have had to stop and restart Methotrexate because of slightly raised blood tests.
If your pain is worrying you speak to your GP or rhemy team x
The liver is the one organ in your body that is really good at healing itself, and 50 is not alarming as a level - just a flag to take notice and monitor things so really don’t panic yourself.
And as Allanah says your liver is much higher up. Like her lower right back pain for me is a kidney infection. Drink lots of water and try not to worry. If the back pain gets worse then talk to your GP about it.
Mine went up to 125 the week before last, stopped methotrexate and went down to 42. It seems to do it 3very now and again.
Thank you all so much for taking the time to respond. I’m feeling less anxious already 🙏.
Yes I was taking methotrexate for PMR had blood tests every month, then Rheumy phoned to say my liver enzymes were up and to stop taking it. He then put me on Leflunomide which I have been taking for 2 years no more trouble with my liver enzymes. They should of noticed straight away if you have regular blood tests so there shouldn’t be any damaged to your liver.
I have had Liver enzymes raised around that mark 2-3 times in past 2 years, although I wasn't advised to take a break from Mtx. My Rheumy did say 50's is only slightly elevated and she was not worried. She just repeated the test in 1 mth instead of every 3 months if that happened and each time it went back to normal range in the next test. Make sure to drink lot of water, Increase Fruits & Vegetables ( fiber) intake, Also Beet roots, Pomegranates are said to be excellent for Liver health. And keep physical activity going, in summer when I am more active outside, my enzymes always stayed in normal range, both times they were increased during winter time.
I was worried sick like you when first time this happened, but try not to worry. Looks like your team is monitoring closely which is a great thing.
Good luck and take care!
I had the same thing two months ago and had raised levels. My Rheumy said it could be that I was eating certain things like banana’s or taking vitamins which I was at the time or even a lab issue but the second one came back normal. I did start to drinkmore water as he also said i could be dehydrated so I was not too worried. I hope that helps 🙂
I have raised liver enzymes when I’m not on meds. As others have said, the numbers aren’t high enough for concern, just enough for them to get the drs attention. Mine were high like that for 10 yrs before I was finally diagnosed with RA and put on meds that helped my liver. My drs were going crazy trying to figure out what the problem was. Good luck!
My ALT went sky high over a very short period. I stopped MTX for 3 weeks, ALT dropped back to normal. I resumed MTX at half previous dose. (about 11 months ago) and had no ill effects.