My liver enzymes have started rising two years ago. They were mildly high. This last week they increased significantly. I am 55 years old and going into menopause. In addition, I am on Leflunomide 10mg, prednisone 7mg and Humira for 15 years without a problem. All my labs look great except that my enzymes have started to increase in the last two years. I also have been experiencing more flares, hot flashes and brain fog. Is it the medications, or menopause?
Has anyone experienced elevated enzymes due to menopause? We are stopping the leflunomide. In perimenopause I stopped the leflunomide two years back for 10 weeks and my enzymes returned to normal. But the RA became serious so we restarted the leflunomide. I was okay for a good year plus but more weight gain and can't lose it. More flares this last year, with awful hot flashes. I believe I am now in menopause and my enzymes are much higher.
Does anyone relate or have a solution? It seems I am guiding my doctors at times. I have had RA for 35 years now. It has been an emotional and physical roller coaster to say the least.