Hi all on this grey and windy day, hope you're keeping cosy! I was wondering if anyone has been in a similar situation to me:
I had an early repeat blood test on Friday as my last one showed raised liver enzymes. Just got the results and they are raised again, so I have to book another and was told I may need to change my medication.
I currently take: 200mg Hydroxychloroquine twice a day, 20mg of methotrexate once a week, and 5mg folic acid every non-methotrexate day. The daily folic is a recent-ish addition but the other medication has been at this level for over a year. This combo has my RA under control, pretty much.
The only things that have changed recently are I've been put on asthma inhalers (brown preventer inhaler every day, blue ventolin inhaler as needed) having seemingly developed asthma post-infection back in April with possible covid. Because of this I've also been very inactive and have put on a lot of weight since April.
So, that's the pieces of the puzzle - what do you think, folks?