It has been such a long time since I gave any life updates. In the last seven months since my last update a whole lot has happened and like always I felt like i should update you all. You’re my biggest supporters and allies and you know my story almost as well as I do. I trust all of you incredibly which is why I feel comfortable enough to share everything with you.
Firstly my ex girlfriend was in the hospital the past eight months and recently got out but because of a big argument I had with her friend she dumped me. Well more like ghosted me. She blocked me on everything we had to communicate without any form of warning. Lord only knows what she has been told about me to make her turn on me so suddenly. It absolutely broke my heart but I’m slowly learning to move on without her in my life. There was a time I didn’t have her and I survived then so I can survive now. That’s the most recent event as I’m writing this.
I met a new friend who has inspired my inner author the past few weeks and has helped me feel better about the breakup. She’s one of the sweetest girls I’ve ever met and I can easily foresee her being in my life for a very very long time.
We also got a new car. A 2019 Jeep Cherokee. My dream car brand! It’s meant for me for when I move out but for now it stays in my parents name. I’m probably going to marry the car though because it’s literally the perfect car for me. I can back into my driveway now!!! And it has a sunroof which is super amazing!
I didnt get my wisdom teeth out yet. They haven’t been bugging me much the past few months but I’ve been refusing to get them out here in Texas cause the dental surgeon I sent to turned me away the day of surgery (I’ll explain next paragraph) and I’ve been too anxious to go back to get a new referral. We are currently on our way to Montana though so I’ll hopefully get them done there.
I reached an all time low in my depression and anxiety. The stress of having my brother living in the camper with us after his accident and having to get my wisdom teeth out put me in an incredibly bad state of mind and I ended up taking a bunch of pills. For a few moments I wanted nothing more then to leave my body and be at peace. My best friend who lives here in the states managed to knock some sense into me pretty quickly. I 100% owe my life to her. I was in the icu for a few days while they tried to stabilize my blood pressure and heart rate. Then I was moved to a different floor I can’t remember the name of and I stayed there for a couple more days. I then spent 4 days in the psych ward and was put on three anti depressants. While I was there I also learned I have adhd and that if I’d had that diagnosis as a kid and was treated I probably wouldn’t have struggled as much in school. I ended up quitting the meds when my doctor couldn’t refill them and my primary refused to make adjustments or changes. I cannot see a therapist as I’m not a resident and that’s a requirement for mental health care apparently. On the bright side for almost six months I had no sleeping issues after I got out. Now I’m back to writing posts in the middle of the night suddenly😂😂. The night I took the pills though was very scary for me. I’ve always had those thoughts when looking at freshly refilled bottles of meds but I’d always been strong willed enough to ignore them and go on with my life. I never want to feel like that again.
My mother was recently diagnosed with stage three kidney failure as well. While we were in Colorado from my brothers accident my mom went to the er and I saw her creatinine levels were indicative of stage one but her doctor brushed it off when I asked about it. Only to find six months later that it was kidney failure. It truly has me peeves thinking of we’d known then we could’ve helped her stop the damage and keep her from getting to this point. She brushes it off too. While she’s taking better care of herself she keeps joking and talking about herself dying. It’s very hard to watch and hear but I suppose I’d have to face losing her at some point in my life and even if it doesn’t happen for years I’ll at least be more prepared now that we know it could be sooner rather then later.
My brother is working way sooner then had been suspected. Which is amazing!! He’s working as a truck driver currently and is doing decently on his own. In light of covid 19 though he’s been staying with my aunt and cousin since he’s been considered non essential to the company he’s working for (still technically a trainee)
I can’t think of anything else that has happened since our last ‘talk’ but if I do I’ll put it in the comments 🙂🙂 I hope everyone is safe and healthy and not going insane with the virus going around so ruthlessly. Please feel free to tell me about all your milestones in either treatment or in life! I love to hear about other people’s lives.