Morning everyone well i have had the best nights sleep in many of a long day. I was at the hospital for 7am and at 9.30am they let me have a drink of water and some painkillers. Then it was a waiting game until i went into theatre. I was joking with them until they put the sleeping drug in me and that was it until they brought me round in recovery. I didn't get onto the ward until after 9pm so it was a long op. I didn't sleep much in hospital and when my surgeon came round yesterday morning her said the drain would come out and had i been up.Yes i had and by the time the head of the surgery came round i had had a shower with help from a lovely nurse. Well the outcome was they had to shave more bone than was first thought as the canal was a lot narrower and my spine has arthur in it which added to my problems. Well i was told i could go home that day my jaw fell to the floor as i was so gobsmacked as i was expected at least five days. It was a tough drive home so i won't be going far unless i have to. I have an appointment in ten days time to have the clips out. I have to walk and move about a bit and not get stuck in one position for long. No heavy lifting so yep no gardening for me and i won't be doing anything soon i can tell you. Thank you all for your prayers and kind words and i love you all very much and without you i don't know how i would have got through this.
Here is the full update of my surgery,,,,,,,........... - NRAS
Here is the full update of my surgery,,,,,,,...........

Wishing you a speedy recovery x
So glad to hear you feel good , just take it steady now and get your strength back give your husband our love too , ❤️🌺Dawn
Hope you have speedy recovery x
Well done strong girl, take great care of yourself and think about how much fun you'll have when you're recovered! Warmest wishes. Lesley x
So pleased you had a good night's sleep, puts the world in a whole new light doesn't it?! Now do as you've been told, we want our happy Sylvi back now you hear? Love & the gentlest of hugs. x
You are one tough cookie! I am so pleased things went well. Let's hope for more able, pain free and positive times ahead for you.
Take it easy
Glad it went well! Wishing you a speedy recovery x
Get well soon Sylvi xxx
All best wishes to you Silvi, onwards and upwards and many more good sleeps. Take it easy love G xx
Hi Sylvi,
I was sent home 48 hours after a major head and neck surgery, so nothing surprises me. They say the risk of infection and other complications is lower at home but it's always scary nonetheless.
The important part of your recovery starts here and you really need to make sure you look after yourself and rest. I know it can be tempting to do more when you're at home but please be strict with yourself and hear us telling you off if you even think of doing too much. 😉
I'm pleased it's done and dusted. I really hope this marks a change for you in that you can start getting better and moving forward.
Wish you well and wish you a speedy recovery.
Sophie x

Sophie i can assure you i won't be doing anything stupid with this,this is a different kettle of fish altogether than previous surgeries.xxxxx
Lovely to hear you are doing ok ..
Wishing you a very speedy recovery with minimal pain ...
😊. Xx
I can't imagine anyone more deserving of support. Nice people attract nice people. Be kind to yourself and here's to a speedy recovery. Huge hugs
Sending you gentle hugs and lots of love x
So glad it all went well - don't get tempted to push your luck too soon - the autumn frosts will get the weeds, so you can leave them till next year.
Wishing you a speedy recovery Sylvi. I really hope that this surgery works for you and you get a bit of respite from the pain that you had, you deserve a break! Take care. Mhairi. x
God's speed in your comfort and a quick and complete recovery.
Glad you had your op. Wishing you a speedy recovery Sylvi. 🤗🤗🤗💐💐💐💓💓💓
Glad you are doing so well after your op. Take it easy 🌺
Wishing you a pain free speedy recovery 🌸
Wishing you a speedy recovery xXx
Rest up Sylv,no more garden antics for a while!,apart from the lovely photos.xxxx
Ah very good to hear you are recovering positively Sylvi, I love reading your posts you are an inspiration for all with this dreaded RA 😘
So glad you finally had your surgery done - onwards and upwards from now. It sounds similar to mine,where they didn't realise how much bone they had to shave,but it was necessary,and almost four years on from my last op,it's very rare if my back plays me up now - keeping everything crossed that it's the same for you. I certainly understand when you talk about the journey home... I left hospital and was pretty much lying down in the passenger seat,and hanging on for dear life in the hope it would stop me from feeling any pain from the bad roads.... think that was actually worse than the 3 surgeries!!
Keep us posted on your progress as and when you can - although don't forget your sleep patterns will prob be even more all over the place by now from the anaesthetic - it's amazing how long that affects our bodies for,but I'm sure your wonderful hubby will be the perfect nurse..... you've just got to learn to be a patient patient now 😝
Sending lots of soft hugs,and look forward to hearing your progress in the near future
Nicki xx
Nicki i am doing ok and i am not doing anything to aggravate my recovery darling.xxxxx
Good to hear - you certainly sound far more positive than when we last spoke x
I have a bit of the blues today which i think is from the anasectic(excuse spelling) and i am low as well,but other than that my back is not bad. Thank you all for caring.xxxx
Sometimes people can get what nurses refer to as the anaesthetic blues,because as the drugs drain from your body,they can have a real low mood effect on some - it happened to me when I went under for some injections about 10yrs ago - when I woke up I just couldn't stop crying,so I asked the nurse as I couldn't figure out what was wrong with me - a day or two later and I was back to my normal self moodwise. Out of all the injections and ops I've had on my back,that's the only time it ever affected me like that,so sounds like it really is a hit and miss type reaction xx