Well, can report that post first injection on the 6th August, on Imraldi (adalimumab) I have had quite a few good days! And....a few bad ones. Two incidents of vile headaches & one crash out whereby I was helped to bed by my hubby at 8pm last Thursday night & completely “crashed” for 13 hours which caused sleep hangover.. Get the feeling that the effects are wearing off after initial bursts of energy & think this is probably the norm until your body has absorbed & got used to the biologics. On the very bright side, overall more energy than normal & less pain In hands, wrists, knees & feet... roll on Tuesday for the next injection....have a nice weekend warriors..xx
Day 11 On Imraldi Biosimilars: Well, can report that... - NRAS
Day 11 On Imraldi Biosimilars

That seems good! No difference for me yet after two except infections. But I got rid of them quickly.
Rheumatologist did say 3-6 months for benefits to kick in for me with Adalimumab biosimilar ie Amgevita.
Enjoy your weekend too!
Morning hopefully you will continue to have more good days I went to see my rheumy last week and she did say that it would take time for my body to adjust even though my first injection worked really well. I only wish I could inject myself better I try and do the same process every time but always end up with a large bruise. My hubby thinks I push too hard !! Roll on injection number 7. Enjoy your weekend too 😊
The nurse who came to me showed me a soft spot on my thigh, which appears when you sit down, about 3 inches down in the middle of the top of your thigh..between hip & groin . voila I had no bruise at all & I bruise very easily at that! 🤞🏼 I can repeat next Tuesday without bruising in the opposite thigh xxx
When the nurse came out she just advised thigh or stomach ironically I didn’t bruise after the first injection when the nurse was present. I will give it a go. 👍
Hi Julia, I am hanging on to every word you ladies are writing and so grateful for this site.
It never fails to amaze me how our symptoms vary so much and how differently we all react to drugs.
I am feeling a mixture of hope and trepidation.
Lots of best wishes
Pauline xxx
I am on Benepali and I am convinced that after injecting on a Thursday night my energy levels would improve til usually Monday night. It didn’t make any difference if my weekly routine changed / I was on holiday so totally relaxed and not doing jobs, etc. This continued for a good 18 Months but now I fairly consistently have got more energy ( unless I overdo things). Glad you are seeing improvements just remember to still pace yourself.
Hi Julia, totally agree, we must be honest and give feedback to the manufacturer and NRAS.
I don't want to sound ungrateful to the NHS but am suspicious if the cost being more important than our health and welfare. I hope that does not sound too cynical.
I think funding plays a part & if your health authority is struggling then you probably don’t get it for quite a while 😘
Hi hope you are well have you got your delivery yet? I’m ok, still a bit headachy but otherwise good.. meant to tell you ask for a welcome pack for your biologics we should all be sent one with delivery but I didn’t get one so have requested.. xx
Hi Julia,. Good to hear from you.
Sorry about the headaches, I hope they settle down for you.
Mad as hell at the moment, I have chased meds a few times as had a gut feeling things would go wrong.
Anyway after waiting the allotted time I now find out that there are problems locating the batch which contained my paperwork. I am waiting for the hospital to get back to me. I shall keep nagging as so furious if I have to go back to square one I shall make a fuss, not that it will make any difference.
Fingers crossed it gets sorted quickly and will update you.
Best of luck. Pauline xx
That’s a disgrace, ring the hospital & complain about HAH, I put a formal complaint in 18 months ago...they forgot to notify me of a delivery, it came & I was out.. I had used all my MTX.. hope you get somewhere xxx
Your body should get use to what’s happening with the biologic - all the best with it 😌x
Hi Julia
How are you, I am longing for an update.?
I have had a frustrating time,. As my meds prescription had gone missing. It turned out it is the fault of Healthcare at Home. The package was logged in with them and they had an investigation and it is now sorted. I have been promised a phone call within 24 hours.
Hi, I’m on day 23 & have to say my joints feel easier although still having “crash outs” ie fatique..we are due to move house in 3 weeks exchanging today & im in a flap lol.. how annoying that HAH have lost such an important prescription, I would formally complain to customer services... take care xxx
Hi Julia, many thanks for the response.
Moving is such hard work and stressful. Try and look after yourself.
I am glad you are feeling some benefit but disappointed to read of fatigue.
Still very early days so fingers crossed for you.
Regards. Pauline xx