Severely anaemic.: After seeing my GP on Thursday... - NRAS


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Severely anaemic.

juneann profile image
20 Replies

After seeing my GP on Thursday following 23 days of flooding (aged 56) I had blood taken on Friday at 10:15am expecting my results available online by Monday or Tuesday next week. Five hours later a partner at the practice called me to say the hospital had called my results straight through as my haemaglobin had crashed to 70g/L or 7g/dL and I am severely anaemic, which meant I was needed in hospital for an urgent blood transfusion. I am so tired and we both agreed that Friday A&E would be manic, therefore I am under strict instruction to rest on the understanding that I head straight for A&E if I experience any chest pain, breathlessness or light headedness. Apparently GP's can only arrange blood transfusions as an emergency and cannot refer at a later date, so the GP is going to see if he can get a referal through Gynaecology maybe Monday or Tuesdsday when things may be calmer.

Still in bed where I feel fine, just challenging if I try to do anyghing else., but I am aware of losing stamina and muscle when inactive (been there with a (prolapsed disc).

Been on prescribed iron for 6 years due to heavy clotty periods that require childrens nappies for protection. Just started a ten day course of Progesterone to stem flow.

Avoided Mirena coil as I developed a phobia at the start of my last smear, my body just clamped up that the nurse couldn't continue.

I have Fibroids and Adenomyosis, had CT, MRI and US, plus biopsy and Gynae happy.

What are other people's experience suggestions...bed rest, shower and dress,or sit in the fresh air albeit cold?

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juneann profile image
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20 Replies
rabbits65 profile image

Gosh poor you, I do hope by resting you will recover. I am too old (66) for periods now but I too had the mirena coil fitted many years ago and I have to say it was brilliant, I would strongly recommend it, certainly if you are losing such a high quantity of blood... You can always have the coil removed (as I did) when you no longer need it.

Best wishes,


juneann profile image
juneann in reply to rabbits65

I have no idea why but I now cannot let anyone use a speculum on me, the poor nurse tried the smallest and I just clamped up. I was very fortunate to have the smear a month later whilst under genersl for a biopsy.

Bessieboo1 profile image

Hope you feel better soon. Big hugs. Xx

weathervane profile image

I had the same problem years ago , gynae advised ablation of the uterus . I found it a very simple procedure with brilliant results, it changed my life 😀

juneann profile image

Thanks weathervane maybe I'll look into that. Can't believe what I've put my body through for three and a half weeks with a risk to my heart and other organs. I always try and avoid intervention, how stupid was I?

Hi Juneann

Many thanks for writing about this so openly and frankly. I think it must be the first ever time I've actually read anything so graphic. Thankfully it now okay to discuss 'the change'!

I'm 58 so those days are behind me but as I endured exactly the same experience as yourself I just felt so alone. I really struggled to not let it impact on my work but in the end I had to leave as all the various symptoms required my full time attention, and my blood count was also low.

I had no idea that solutions were available !!

You sound far more in control of managing your body through this. I'm so impressed and very glad you wrote in.

I recently read my work's guidance to managers on the Menopause and, guess what, there's not one mention of blood or flooding. Hot flashes and night sweats were given as the main symptoms, and solved with the suggestion of a desk fan! This advice wouldn't even have touched the surface of my experience with it. But then my manager (30 year old male) didn't know anything about the menopause - nothing at all, and wasn't interested in knowing either.

I hope things change massively for my daughter.

Thanks again

juneann profile image
juneann in reply to

Thank you Pole-dark. I never try to be dramatic or try to shock but I naturally tell things how they are, skirting around only causes misunderstanding and doesn't allow someone slightly reserved the confidence to ask questions or discuss.

I live with my hubby and seventeen year old son. Hubby has often had to meet me at the door with bath towels as I have arrived home from another disastrous outing. I have always talked frankly and openly with my seventeen year old about everything as far back as he can remember and explained why I have had moody snappy days. Let's face it if a future partner has a difficult menstrual cycle both mentally and physically he needs to be prepared.

On a lighter note my hubby at 68 is not phased by such issues, in fact he heads into town for supplies when I need them. He will call once he's in the store and at the shelves to let me know what is available. On his mobile he will say, "This one shows four drips or there is one with five drips..."with or without applicator"? If he has any further doubts on what he's looking at he will call over an assistant. To save time when desperate I have called ahead before and had male assistants collect sanitary wear from the shelves which i have looked for online first and then had them pop them behind the counter for my hubby to collect later. Hopefully hear about my blood transfusion tomorrow.

Keep talking girls and guys any questions go ahead.

Simba1992 profile image

Progesterone has been known to help. Why are you only taking it for ten days? Hope you are taking the natural progesterone?

juneann profile image
juneann in reply to Simba1992

I guess the GP wants to see what the transfusion does first although I've read it only lasts for two weeks. Not sure about natural, NHS resources I doubt it - Utovlan 5mg is the med.

Simba1992 profile image
Simba1992 in reply to juneann

Sorry about the med. Here is some important recent information you could talk with your doc about.

juneann profile image

Thanks for that I have a female GP calling me on Friday to discuss alternatives such as the Mirena coil so I shall ask more about this med. In the last twenty six years I have avoided any type of hormone treatment, contraceptive or otherwise. I have RA so I am used to feeling that there are not so many if any natural alternatives to medication here in the UK on the NHS. My meds for RA that keep me mobile and allow me to live my life use mouse cells, but hey ho I'm grateful to be able to walk and have manageable pain.

Simba1992 profile image
Simba1992 in reply to juneann

I think you can get the bioviable alternative on NHS. If you talk to a gyn. It's worth a try😊 This has helped many in your situation and whats good it's safe.

fizbom profile image

I've just been told my iron is dangerous low but not had to go to transfusion yet but it has been threatend with it my reading is7. My daughter who is good on biology says she can't believe it is that low I dont have periods haven't for approximately 30yrs so why is it so low. When asked if I felt tired... Well don't we all anyway so not really noticed been on iron for about 3 weeks now but it's still only 7. If anyone can tell me what to do please let me know.

juneann profile image
juneann in reply to fizbom

Many things can cause anaemia and without an obvious reason most doctors would want to investigate further. What is your Ferritin level and red blood cell count? Many people can be very low on iron yet not anaemic, but simply struggling to keep up their store. With no obvious cause a doctor may suggest tests for internal bleeding caused by maybe things such as ulcers and bowel issues etc. Low haemoglobin usually suggests anaemia.

juneann profile image
juneann in reply to fizbom

p.s. I have been on a Ferritin prescription for six years with no need for a transfusion, it's when the haemoglobin drops. Anaemia needs addressing as it can damage the heart and causec a heart attck as the heart fights to work harder to get oxygen around the body,

PrettyNoona profile image

Reading this makes me think of how abnormal I might be. My hb level has always been 6g/dl and I go on with my daily life without a problem. It's abnormal, isn't it?

Anyway I'm really sorry to hear about your condition. Hope you get better soon.

juneann profile image
juneann in reply to PrettyNoona

Uniy, with low haemoglobin you would not go on with daily life as the heart has to work so much harder to pump oxygen around at the risk of heart attack or stroke. Following my original post I was rushed nto hospital on Saturday night by ambulanc flooding and my body in shock as I sat tembling dreadfully. I arrived at A&E around 5pm where I went through different departments within for questions, ECG and blood pressure. I didn't have to wait in a waiting room but straight into a cubicle. I was given an internal examination and swabs taken at 11:00pm and in bed on the ward for midnight. The next day I threw up and was given a four hour blood transfusion on Sunday afternoon. You cannot carry on, my body as far weaker than I'd allowed myself to recognise, even though I was a physical and emotional wreck by this time with no strength to get upstairs. Came home on Monday evening, cycled 6 miles at speed on Tuesday and again on Thursday...only missed Wednesday due to constant downpour of rain. Do not third anaemia, it can kill you.

PrettyNoona profile image
PrettyNoona in reply to juneann

Now I'm really scared!! Hope I'll b okay. Since last month I have started following some anaemic diet plan, I was hoping this would help although I had my blood tested yesterday and there was no any change, I guess I'll have to be more strictly on the diet plan. Anyway, if you knows anyhthing that can help me boost my iron level please do tell me.

PrettyNoona profile image
PrettyNoona in reply to juneann

Oh...Incase you're wondering why I don't go to the hospital, I went. The doctors weren't much of a help, they kept telling me to run more blood tests, and then I had an appointment with haematologist, he gave me iron supplements but I've had some serious side effects, I felt more sick and weak while using them so I had to stop in less than a week as they were hindering my daily activities. There were also no significance change during that week. So that's when I decided to go with the natural way. As I had my blood tested yesterday too (in another hospital) I was told to go back for more tests but I don't think I will, it will be the begining of another endless tests and medicines which will make me sick, I can't afford that when I have finals around the corner.

juneann profile image

It surprises me the way people self medicate with supplements and alternative therapy, when we consider a GP will train six years to become a General Practitioner, not to speak of a specialist. Have any tests and speak to the professionals again. Would an iron infusion be something that your GP could organise and that way bypass the gut to avoid irritation? Are you actually anaemic or just not storing iron very well, your Haemoglobin will answer this. My iron went as low as 3 when normal for me is 135, however for six years I have hovered around 27 with a struggle to change that. I still have to take Ferrous Fumerate 3x/day. Throughout all this I was never truly anaemic until last month when my haemoglobin crashed from 128 to 60 and alarms bells rang with my GP who arranged a blood transfusion. When I booked into the hospital I was retested and because my readings had moved from severe at 60 to moderate at 70 I was discharged again. A week later I was being rushed to hospital by ambulance for an emergency blood transfusion. I expected an imbalance could take as much as an hour maybe ninety minutes, it was with me in fifteen minutes with three medical personnel. Ignore true anaemia and you risk heart damage, heart attack and stroke. Take care.

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