What a difference a day makes........................... - NRAS


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What a difference a day makes...............................

sylvi profile image
18 Replies

Yesterday for me was a great day,best day i have had for months. I went to town with hubby and looked on the charity stall on the market and yes got some bargains. Then we came home and then went up the village where hubby dropped me off while he went down the allotment to get his seeds then he picked me up and we came home and had our lunch. So after lunch and a rest i put a few more decorations( a bit at a time for me this year) Then after hubby came home after going back down the allotment we had a cup of tea and went to see some friends of ours the wife is not very well and we had a lovely couple of hours with them. We didn't get to the bath much before nine and to be honest i could have gone out again,but hubby said we are out for lunch today instead. So i laid on my bed watching tv and resting.

THis morning what a different story it is. I got up after only five hours of sleep and with puffy eyes, sore hands and ached. I felt so out of sorts. I didn't do anything this morning at all. We went out for a poppy appeal luncheon which was very nice. I rallied when we got there aand we had a lovely meal and great company,but come the end i had started to flag and feel so tired and fatigued. So when we got back to the car i was promptly sick,side effect of bariatric surgery. I was fairly careful of what i ate bearing in mind it was a Gurkha meal and the food is spicy. I had my coconut naan which i really enjoy and used it to dip in the juices of the food,i had small pieces of meat and not mch of that. I am now home and in my recliner with my pjs on and laying nearly all down in it. My shoulder hurts too and i am had enough for one day.

I can't believe what a difference i am today from yesterday. Yesterday was dry and very cold today is dull and wet which time tell you everything you need to know. I hope your Sunday is going alright and hugs to you all.xxxxx

This is a sample of the starters they do at the luncheon.xxx

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sylvi profile image
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18 Replies
popsmith1874 profile image

Hope you feel better soon Sylvi, this damn disease 2 days are never the same and if you do feel good we do too much and suffer afterwards, just another day in the life off having RA xxx

JacquiThomas999 profile image

Sending hugs that tomorrow is a better day.

Sylvi, think many of us are same as you, have better days, then bad days, either way, whichever way you look at it, life is very very hard ! Hope you have a better day tomorrow xx

Amy_Lee profile image

My situation is a bit different so far from what you have described here. I was in great pain at the early stage of my RA. When mtx started to work on me, the pain reduced very slowly. It continue to reduce the same way. About 15 months down the road, beside still feeling the little stiffness in my joints, I did not really have any pain already and I am very much back to my normal life. Then my rheumy declared that I was/am in remission after about 1 1/2 years treatment.

May be mtx and leflunomide suit me very well. I hope one day all of you can be pain free. I still remember very well those painful days which almost killed my spirit to live on. Sending my hug to all of you here.

in reply to Amy_Lee

I enjoy reading your comments Amy_Lee. Your RA journey has been really inspiring. Thankyou for sharing.

Amy_Lee profile image
Amy_Lee in reply to

Thank you Hidden , I sincerely hope that all of you can be pain free one day. Also I am glad to know that my RA journey has been inspiring really.

in reply to Amy_Lee

I am basicaly painfree now...after 3 years of struggling. I am now just trying to build up my endurance.

I've gained almost 20 pounds being inmobile and boy oh boy do I feel it. I was always an active person before RA. I never thought about weight, I really wish I did now.

There is no point in complaining about the weight gain now. Time to 'pull up my socks" and take one day at a time getting active.

Amy_Lee profile image
Amy_Lee in reply to

We can do it since we had overcome the horrible disease of RA. We are no doubt the fighter.

I do not believe in weight losing program but I do believe in exercising daily and cut down the quantity of each meal but do not skip any meal. In this way our stomach size will get small slowly and our body weight will reduce. This is a more permanent solution.

in reply to Amy_Lee

That's right Amy_Lee.

I don't like negative body issuse, so I think of weight gain the same as I think about messy hair.

You don't beat yourself up because your hair is out of control. You get a hair cut. So don't beat yourself up about weight gain. Get active and eat smaller portions.

Amy_Lee profile image
Amy_Lee in reply to

I was always in very good health and good weight. I hardly got sick and I had been a very active person brought up my 3 kids all alone. I am a single mother and I knew I would make it.

When I had RA, my daughter came back from US and looked after me just on time for 10 months until I was more stable on my own. Then she said that it could be because I did not get sick all these years hence my immune system had no way to play their part. That led to them to attack me.... What kind of funny reason she had in mind. Hahaha..

During the recovery process, I had muscle wastage and I left with only 38 kg, I left with bone and skin. Then I worked very hard to get back to my health and built back my muscle. I was/am in good shape again after about 10 month of the RA treatment and the exercise that I did.

These few weeks, I realize I put on a kg, I am going to reduce it though it makes not much different but it matter to me to gain control of my own body. I believe if I put in enough effort I will make it. I have no issue to exercise as I do it daily but I need to cut a little bit of the food intake for each meal.

Let us do it together and keep update to see how we go. Any kg reduce will count and the effort will not stop until the desired weight achieved.

I am going for my exercise now.

craigsif profile image

as always your inspiration Silva xx I am just going back on MTX after a 5 week break, but saw gp on friday he is unhappy so I have to have a new and different antibiotic doh, yes its a miserable time wet,windy,cold,I didn't order this and want to send it back lol hope you have recovered today lots of hugs coming your way xxx

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to craigsif

Aww thank you darling i wish i could i am,but at the moment i feel odd. I have had a bad nights sleep weird dreams always unsettle me. It is still wet here and i wish i didn't have to go out,but i have a hospital appt this morning for my weight,so watch this space in that regard.xxxxx

Thank you ladies it is always lovely when you reply as it makes me feel i am not alone in this. Amy_Lee your one lucky lady and long may it continue for you.

Love you lovely people and without being able to talk openly on here i don't know how i cope. I don't tell my hubby what i say on here,he does know what i am going through as he watches me like a hawk and does his best to make me rest.xxxxxxx

Martinilady profile image
Martinilady in reply to sylvi

I always enjoy reading your posts Sylvie. And feel for you when you arent havimg a good day. X

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to Martinilady

Aww darling thank you,it is so hard for us all isn't it.xxxxx

RA22345 profile image

best wishes Sylvi I hope you get some respite soon and manage two good days back to back. Good luck at hospital.

helenlw7 profile image

Hope you're feeling much better today, Sylvi. Mind you, if your weather is like ours , it's enough to put anyone into a decline! Heavy rain all day. Hubby and dog just got back from first walk of the day, both absolutely soaked.

The worst thing I find about RA and lung disease, apart from the pain, is getting used to the fact that the bad days out number the good days, and you can't expect two consecutive good days, partly for me I suppose because when I get a good day I try to pack too much into it, then pay for it for the next few days!

stbernhard profile image

Very happy for you Sylvi. May you have many more good days to come. Big hugs.

Ahhh Sylvi - I love that you had such a good day yesterday though - Those are such a present when they do come along. AND it sounds to me like you made absolutely wonderful use of that gift.

Likewise I'm sorry you hurt so much today.

Before I was diagnosed with RA, I would go out in the cold / wind / rain and just hurt and feel miserable with no idea why. My husband thought I was being a big baby - ha ha

Mmmmmm - Indian food! I LOVE indian, Ethiopian, oriental -- anything with spices and flavor. Sending you healing thoughts...

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