Morning all,
Well here i am on a sunday morning trying to think of some thing to say. My head is in the right place mentally you know what i mean. The rest of my body, well thats another question!!
Yesterday we went to coventry to fill the car up and we went into the range as a bathroom like that we had brought from there needed a new bulb. Easy thing to sort out you would think, com on nothing is easy for us!! They don't sell that type anymore and they don't do the light bulbs anymore either. So we came home as hubby wasn't feeling very well. When we got home his back was very sore, so i got my go faster scooter out and went to bedworth to do the shopping that we needed. Everything went well i got over there ok and i got what was need and more besides,can't go past store 21 and see what they have in the way of clothes now could i..
I came home rather loaded down,but the good old go faster scooter didn't let me down.. Boy was i tire after that job, you see it is the first time since the op that i have been anywhere on it. So i was well chuffed.
Now too this morning, well i am off to homebase to see if i can get a new bathroom light. Hubby has gone down the allotment to get the veg for sunday lunch. Another excuse for going into store 21... I know i can hear you all groaning at me for overdoing it. I promise you i won't be doing much else afterwards.
Hope today i find you all well,i have a few aches and pains,so i will dose up on the painkillers and away i will go.
Love to you all..........
Ps.. my daughter is the one in purple.