Well to tell you the truth, I will be back to work on reduced hours for the next 2 weeks to see if I can still do my job. The swelling in my wrists and hands have gone down about 50%, so I think I will be able to work 50% of the time?...sorry, bad joke....I will be 50 yrs old in May, so I'm too young for retirement and not disabled enough (thank God) for disability benefits. I am very thankful my doctors think my RA can be controlled...my question is when? I've been off work for 2 months and I'm glad I'm doing a temporary reduced work week. I don't want to be off again...I hope I can manage 20 hours a week. If that is all I can do I better be getting used to it. Thanks for reading.
Finally back to work after an oh sooooo long flare. - NRAS
Finally back to work after an oh sooooo long flare.
Hi Suzanne. I've been off for two months and hoping to get back in a few weeks but like you, think I'll have to go back on a phased return then look to reducing my hours also.
Hope things go well for you x
Sanbanan, isn't it stressful being off work for so long. I have been off since Jan 28th and the bills are piling up!! I hope reduced hours works out for the both of us

Suzanne, It is so stressful - which I'm sure doesn't help with recovery! Luckily I get paid when off so not yet at the stage of worrying about bills but nevertheless it's always at back of your mind if you are not going to get better anytime soon.
I keep thinking that I must have done something awful in a previous life and I'm being punished now!! 😢 x
I too must of done something awful in a previous life...I get 60% short term disabiliy pay (sick time pay)...but it isn't enough to cover the bills.
Hi there. I sympathise! Hubby been off work 3 months. Was getting 75% approx of wages. Now just getting SSP. It seems so wrong to be penalised for being ill. Feel under a lot of strain. I find out this week whether I keep my job. Losing half the work force. Timing not great 😞 life feels rubbish. All that aside I would rather be poor and destitute rest of my life if hubby could get his health back. Sorry this is not a cheerful blog 😞
It's a big problem with this disease I've just been retired medically I'm 51 but after trying too return a few times it was affecting my illness the stress off it all and trying not to let people down but for the first time in ages I feel a big cloud has been lifted off my shoulders and once I'm sorted out I'll get a wee job a couple off days a week on my terms, hope y get on alright back at work xxx
Yes Popsmith, this disease and my job doesn't mix well. Yet I'm happy to try reduced hours. I surely hope it works out well. My doctor says we will try 2 weeks of reduced hours. Eventhough my swelling has gone down, my fatigue hasn't. I guess only time will tell.
I totally understand what you mean about the stress of not letting people down while working. It must feel good about the dark heavy cloud lifting off your shoulders now that you are retired. I hope we both get this RA sorted out.
I work half time, 18.5 hours over 3 days. I find it manageable. When I have been most ill (I was undiagnosed and untreated before November) there were weeks when all I did was work, swim for 40 mins on two of my days off, and rest. Now I am starting to feel better and doing more. I hope it works out for you too.
I ignored the pain and tied up my toes when I was working full time before being diagnosed. I would excuse myself and pretend to use the washroom so I could readjust my foot and toe taping...crazy huh?...walking on my heels for 8 hour shifts and ignoring the pain....I don't want to feel pain anymore.....my job has no reduced hours, but I guess I have to fight for it. I don't want to feel pain and fake a smile when I talk to the public...Wish me luck

I wish you lots and LOTS of luck! It is hard to meet office expectations, and hard to work out which ones you could get away with NOT meeting! I am mostly 'back office' rather than directly working with the public, and I'm a manager, so feel less pressure than I have done in the past, though I am sometimes self-conscious about my look, which is not the same as most female managers. I have not been able to wear heels for more than 4 years now, and that means I can't do that simple, professional-looking, skirt-blouse-and-heels look most women in my large organisation do. But although there are certain expectations about what we wear, there is also the law... There is no way they could put pressure on any woman, let alone a disabled one, to wear heels, so I stick to my flat black boots and sandals!
Definitely fight for reduced hours. In the UK, unless it was a small company or you had very specialist skills, this is likely to be considered a 'reasonable adjustment' under the Equality Act.
It was probably the fatigue more than the pain which finally made me leave work. I have a very supportive husband and cope a lot better without the stress of work but at 47 feel very guilty about being out of the workplace.
I hope it goes well for you. Fingers crossed x
Good luck. I have been off a similar time and due back this week. Not been offered reduced hours. Hope you get on ok and try to rest inbetween.
How long were you off work with the flare? I'm in a similar situation having been off work since September and I'm looking at a phased return with reduced hours. Hope it goes well for you!
Hi kazbah. I've been off work since the end of January. I tried to go back the first week of March, but I only lasted 2 shifts.
Hi there. Hope all goes well. My hubby's been off work 3 months now. Money tight 😞 let us know how it goes 😊