I have been told I may have to have anew knee , but know a lot of people who have had this down an they all say they are in just as much pain as before a s I am over 80 wonder if it is worth it ?
Knees: I have been told I may have to have anew knee... - NRAS

It's hard to know without more information about you. How mobile you are, how much pain? All I can offer is to share experience, I've had knee replacement postponed for nearly two years and can barely walk. I can't carry things easily or get on or off chairs. My first knee replacement will be in less than two weeks.
I don't think anyone can say whether things will improve a lot, I'm told that it depends on how much I can follow the physio to build up muscle tone.
I hope you can get some positive answers!
I hope your knee replacement goes well and that you really notice the difference afterwards. I'd love to hear how you got on. I am having a double knee replacement in the next couple of months and have been doing lots of exercises, hoping that it really helps my recovery.
The best of luck for your op.
Marilyn x
I had a knee replacement in March but I am not in your age range as I am 48. The pain in that joint is much better and improving all the time. I am not pain free as there are other areas of me that are affected but that joint is. I sometimes wonder whether people are not just thinking about the one joint when they say they are still in pain. If you are still active I would go for it as I think it is better if you can keep moving it (does not have to be strenuous). The first 3-4 weeks are the worst and you do wonder whether you a have done the right thing but give it time. Farm
I forgot to say that my sister had one a year+ ago and she's very happy with it. She's in early 60s
Yes it is! I was younger than you when I had them replaced (67 and 68) but I was told I was young to have this operation so there must be many people much older than me who have opted to have it done.
I was the same as you, I met as many people who said they were worse off as people who said it was the best thing they ever did. So I put off having both knees replaced for many years and endured severe pain. I finally got to the stage when I figured I couldn't be any worse off if things went wrong as I was very near to having to use a wheelchair.
I have now had both knees replaced and it is fabulous. I honestly cannot tell the difference between my replaced knees and my painfree natural knees. I can move them in exactly the same way.
When I look back to the folk who said it was a bad thing I realised that most of them were that way inclined anyway - I think they needed the sympathy from other folk. The rest were people who did not exercise as required after the operation or felt that they had to `protect' the knee by virtually doing nothing.
I was careful in the way I treated my knee after the operation but I did not stop doing things because of it. Basically I forgot I had the operation and carried on as normal, easy to do when you live alone and don't have others to do things for you. I am convinced that it aided my recovery and resulted in replacement knees that are almost perfect.
I know things can go wrong but the vast majority of knee replacement operations are very successful. If you are in severe pain go ahead and have them replaced.
Thank you all for your replies very positive, still haven't made up my mind as my husband has dementia and I am his carer so won't have time to rest
That wont be easy I'm sure - being a carer as well. I've been told to expect to be in hospital for four days, maybe less if I do well. Will you be able to make arrangement for your husband then, and perhaps continue with additional help afterwards. My sister did need time to herself, to rest and do exercises.
Not easy is it! I hope you can get some support.
If you are able to get extra help with your husband for 2-3 weeks full time and another couple of weeks part time I feel the results would benefit you both in the long run. In an ideal world this would happen but I do not know where you could go for such help or advice. Farm
Hi saxon84,
If you do decide to go ahead with the operation and are going to need help an assistance in looking after yourself and your husband you can apply to the council for a care and support needs assessment. The council is obliged to carry this out for you and at the very least must provide information and signposting to organisations that can help you. As a carer they are required to carry this out for you as well. I have put a link to the NHS website where there is information about this for you to look at:
Whatever you decide to do I hope this information helps and that you et the support that you need.
Beverley (NRAS Helpline)
Hi I had my right knee replaced one year ago when I was 75 it does take time for it to settle down but the end result is well worth it, My replacement knee is absolutely super. I am now waiting to go in for the left one to be replaced and I can not wait to have it done so I can be pain free once more and go for a walk without the limp. Go for it.
My mother in law who is ninety five got her knee replaced when she was ninety two and she says its the best thing she has ever done. I too had my knee replaced 8 weeks ago and I of the same sentiment. The choice is really want to look at the pros and cons for yourself. Creakybones
Had my knee replaced two years ago, it still swells up and is very sore and is quite warm to the touch, been back and forth to orthopaedics, have been told by orthopaedic consultant, that because I suffer from ra as well I will keep on getting these problems with my knee until my ra is better controlled, anyone with some insight to my predicament?
The knee replacement sort out the solid bits in your knee that were worn out, ie the ends of the bones. However, it can't replace the soft stuff and that can still get inflamed from out of control RA even if you have perfect joints. The way I think about it is your can have a rotten old chair, and replace all broken bits of the frame of it - but if you still have useless cushions then it's still not going to be very comfortable....
Do your homework and pick a good surgeon. I got lucky and mine is fine. The technology is much better now too. They do minimal advasive surgeries now which means smaller cuts and quicker healing time because of it.
How did you pick a good surgeon I never seem to see same person whe n I go ?