Can anyone tell me if i have had a knee replacement can i still get ra round it?
Knees: Can anyone tell me if i have had a knee... - NRAS

Hi Sylvi, not sure about RA but I know you can still get inflammation around the new joint, my sister has had problems with her's since she had the replacement done (5yr ago) her other knee has gone now. Also my brother in law has had his taken out 3 times due to inflammation and infections.
Sorry to sound so negative but I'd be getting in touch with the doctor just to check it.
Hope it feels better soon.
Beth xx
Beth my gp won't refer me for a second opinion,and the consultant has told ne if he takes it out i will be left with a knee that won't bend,but no one will tell why i have the swelling,thats why i'm trying to find out myself.
I had the knee done two years ago and last year i had my ligaments stitched back,but i still get pain and swelling in the knee. The reason i asked is because the ra is all down my right side and i wondered if that was what was wrong with my knee. If i knew what was causing it i could come to terms with it and get on with my life instead of worrying about it all the time.
Thanks Beth. xx
I hope you cannot I have had my new knee since June and was hoping that it would be a pain free knee now. I will be interested to read the answers you receive. Sx
I didn't want to alarm anyone just wanted to check Sylvi has checked with her GP/Consultant as you can have problems after a replacement.
I know many many more people who have had replacements of various joints and have had no problems, they also say it's the best thing they've ever had done.
So for everyone who has problems there are many many more who have a wonderful pain free life after replacements.
Good luck with yours. xxx
Mines been nothing but trouble since i had it done. My other knee will need doing,but i doubt if i will have it done as this one has been soooo much trouble,i wish i'd never had it done.
Sam i'm sorry if this might upset you,but not every one is the same. I really hope yours is working well. You should know by now i think. Mine moved after eight weeks and has been a pain ever since.
Sylvi. xx
Hi Sylvi, I'm a little bit confused.What reason has your GP given not to refer you for a second opinion? I thought everyone had the right to this. Also you don't seem to have received a satisfactory answer from your consultant.
Think with a disease like RA we have to come to terms with so much and it'sso important to know why things are as they are.
Just a thought but would it be possible for you to see someone privately to get an unbiased opinion on your knee.It must be driving you mad not getting a proper answer.
A xx
I need a referal letter from gp and he won't do that. Hassaid i've got to learn to live with it. Its making think i'm crazy to be honest. At the moment i'm going to regroup and leave it until christmas is over and then possible see another gp or get a referal back to the surgeon who did the operation in the first place.
Hi Sylvie,
That all sounds very unreasonable Sylvie and not fair. I think with any surgery there is the risk of the RA flaring and doing damage, thats just my opinion. I think you have to weigh up the risks against the advantages.
Your plan to regroup and wait til after Xmas is a good one, no point in stressing over it at this time. Also, can you change G.P., or do you like this person?
Regards, Gina.
I quite like him Gina he's a no nonsense sort of man,but there are other gps in the practise i can see. Nobody in the nhs dealing withk me won't talk to each other,if you want a referal you have to see your gp,but if you want a scan the hospital will sort it,rheumy nurse said the gp could have done it. Nobody will pick the phone up and ask advice from a doc/surgeon who are dealing with or have dealt with me.
sylvi. xx
Sylvi, I work for the NHS, and you're absolutely right. No one talks to anyone, and some people seem so obsessed with targets and time-keeping, that they just aren't prepared to do everything they can to help someone in their care. And it's faster to give the bare minimum of information than it is to sit down with a patient and really make sure that they understand what's happening to them, why, and what can be done. It's a sad truth that there are very few carers in this so-called caring profession these days (do I sound bitter and twisted already?)!
I guess the only answer is to keep pushing and make sure you get what's right for you, not just what's easiest for the professionals.
Sara xx
Hi Sylvi
My new knee does seem fine apart from stiffness and a bit achy but nothing like it used to be. Mind you I to need the other knee replaced and at this moment in time I cannot find it in me to undergo the pain. I know they said it would hurt but my goodness did it!
I now believe that you have to fight for any help these days. I presume that is because the NHS is struggling. But it does not help when you feel tired in pain and pretty low.
Hi Sylvi I appear to share a similar problem with you ie knee replacements, I had my right one replaced last October and I am with you on it is quite a painful procedure. But I have to say that the replaced one is excellent and I am so chuffed with the outcome, and like you the left knee is working itself and maybe will need replaced, but going through that procedure again is some thing that I am not looking forward to.
I don't think we're told enough about things that are happening to our bodies. If i had known what i was in for i wouldn't have had my knee done.
I wouldn't normally suggest this Sylvi but under the circs re your GP have you thought about getting a private consultation as a one off perhaps? It's been ages now since you had this op and you've never been happy with it since I've been coming here to HU. I think perhaps you need to go back to your GP and be as cool as you can muster and give him a taste of his no nonsense approach back?! Tell him that if he won't refer you then you will have no choice but to pay to have a second opinion privately and then he will have to work with this private consultant and do his bidding. He might not be so no nonsense with you then? Just a thought really. Tilda x
I still need a letter from my gp,we asked about it. we rang his secetary and she said we need a letter. I going to wait until the new year and then i'm going to look at my options. I might see another gp for a letter and see what happens.
No i haven't been happy with it since its been done, i had to have the ligaments stitched back last year. All i need to know is whats wrong,then i can manage it.
Its nice to know there are so many caring people here on this site.
TAke care, sylvi. xx
I have suffered with RA for 20 years,and my doctors still prefer to keep me on pain killers along with drugs for the swelling. My friend has had her knee done recently and says she wish she never had it done! Sorry to sound so negative,but this is all I can tell you. I am sure many do lose the pain,but it is not for everyone.
Tell me about it,i wish i'd never had it done either. Its been nothing but trouble since. I'm sure its the reason my ra is so rough at the moment.I've also fibro as well to add to the mix. The sun is shining outside and here i am laying on my recliner in pain. I've just taken 2 more painkillershopefully that will make it easier.
Its amazing how many people have had problems with these new knees,i've never heard of so many failures.
Take care sylvi. xx
Can you bypass your GP and get a referral through your RA consultant, or go as a one-off private consultation. If you go private, you can filter back into the NHS for further treatment.
Hope you can get a satisfactory answer to this soon. Jo
No Jo i can't, have tried that way and i'm unable to do that as i have already asked. I'm going to wait until the new year and plan a different course of action. Even for a private one i still need a letter of referal. At the moment i trying to keep going as i'm in a flare up and i'm not very good.
Thanks for your ideas. sylvi. xx
Hi i had two knee replacements one 4 years ago and that went well i was pleased with it. then i had the other one done last year and wish i did not had nowt but trouble it was 4 weeks before i could lift my leg up onto the bed by myself, i was in so much pain it was untrue. this last month i have been getting pain in both kneese and when i sit down longer then ten minutes all my thighs get stiff been to docs for blood tests and he says i am low in iron so gave me some to take. and took some more blood to test for pain i am getting in most of my body. feal like i am falling apart.
I know this is a ra site and I have oa but does anyone have their knee pain refer down front and outer side of leg. I do plus the outer part of knee is a bit swollen
Can arthritis pain from knee refer down the leg.