Knees so they have changed my pip date was this Thursday now next tues EVEN MORE STRESSED now😕
Knees: Knees so they have changed my pip date was this... - NRAS

Oh bless, we are changing to pip so I guess you can hold my hand when mine comes through xxx good luck x
Oh no, as if that was needed. As it's just a week to the reappointed date how about using the time to do a daily diary if you haven't already starting from yesterday. You can hand it in along with any copies of repeat scripts or any other supporting evidence you've gathered before the assessment stars, it will be sent to the decision maker with the assessors report so don't worry if you didn't include one with your application form. The more information you can provide the better. Did you have a look at the Benefits & Work website, scores & self test?
Yes Hun I did according to the self test I did I passed on both care and mobility but they see it differently don't they???? X
True, they write as they see but at least you've an idea how the scoring should be!
That's true what's the daily diary Hun???? X
There was a template for a daily diary which came with your application form section 3 "Keeping a Diary", page 1 bottom right. This one is for just one day but you could copy it & make a diary for a week if you wish. It'sset out in columns Activity Morning Afternoon etc. If you didn't complete it & send it in with the form you can do it now & take it with you to give to the assessor. Might be helpful for them to see how you cope with day to day tasks.
Didn't see it on form but thanks Hun anything that will make it easier I'm just nervous as I have never had an assessment my dla has always just been renewed when I've sent form back in x
I will be thinking of you and everything I can cross I will cross. I am still fighting my way through my DLA renewal form (which is taking ages as I have to keep stopping with brain freeze and fatigue) knowing at the back of my mind that when the DWP receive it they will send me PIP form to complete. It fills me with dread but we just have to keep fighting for what we are entitled to dont we? Good luck and gentle hugs Joolz.x
Awwww thanks Hun it's awful isn't it ??? That we have to go through this again to get what we're entitled to xx