Hi. Have recently had a total hip replacement and while that's gone really well, my hands and wrists are swelling due to using crutches. Wondered if anyone else has had this problem and whether applying Voltarol Gel might help. I am on all the prescribed medication for my rheumatoid disease and the gel was originally prescribed for a mis-diagnosed hip bursa which resulted in the above surgery, therefore I have some left over! Might as well use it up if it helps so anybody's advice or experience welcome. Thanks in advance.
Voltarol Emulgel for swollen hands and wrists. - NRAS
Voltarol Emulgel for swollen hands and wrists.
Of course ask the docs!! I have used it but not sure if you can take tablets and gel at some time so best check withfoc and chemist. You could jut ring and ask. and also got splints to help me pad up my wrists so I can use crutches more comfortably And padded up crutches with plumbers pipe lagging!! Looked daft but worked for me!!! Good luck on your recovery xxxx
Thanks. Have got the splints (haven't we all?!) and will just have to wear them every time I use the crutches for walks as they do protect from the worst of the pressure. I'll ask the doc re the gel as it's not usually used for RD only osteo.
So pleased to hear your hip replacement went well but if it's not one thing it's another with us lot isn't it!?
I would think as allanah does & ask either your GP's or pharmacist's advice. The only thing I would think is it being contradictory to any NSAIDs you're taking, more excessive dose than anything. I'm using it at the mo but only taking etoricoxib prn at the mo so avoid using it the day I take one, as my pharmacist advised. I'm using in for pain not swelling but it does just take the edge off when I'm resting though it returns when I do any walking (knees, ankles & feet) or excessive typing (hands). It does nothing for my neck pain (or headaches from that lol!!!) so have stopped applying it there.
Maybe another option would be to up your dosage of NSAID? Not sure but you can only ask but of course that would be your GP's call. Meantime try & elevate your hands when resting after cold compressing them to see if that would help. Worth a try.
Hope you're sorted soon.
You're so right in saying it's not one thing.....Thanks for your reply. I don't at the mo take anything other than prednisolone and Paracetamol as the most recent biologic (Rituximab) messed up my bloods. My rheumatologist is just waiting for me to heal from the hip replacement before he finds something else heavy duty to put me on. Have to say, without anything very much in the way of drugs, I feel absolutely fine though it's probably because the previous agonising hip pain has gone thank goodness!

Happy days then, apply away!!! Hope you continue to do well
I use voltarol Gel but ask a pharmacist as unsure if you can take Ibuprofen tablets (nsaids) at same time. I do like it and it helps when I have grumbling pain and the gel that cools is really soothing when you have a hot swelling but as I said please ask a pharmacist.
I'd suggest getting new crutches - specifically. ones with an anatomical soft grip. I couldn't get along with NHS crutches for exactly that reason, but having bought my own pair of Kowski crutches, I have very very little problem,if any, and can walk an awful lot more than I used to be able to with the NHS ones. The only bug about the Kowski ones is that they are only a half cuff, so if you let them go, they can drop. Makes it a wee bit different if you are trying to use your hands for something like getting things out of a bag, etc. I've kind of got used to it though.
If you don't want to pay for crutches, then definitely ask for a physio or OT assessment to check your mobility aids - they may be able to suggest something else, or even give you a different sort of crutches.
Hi. Thanks for this. I have been given a set of gutter crutches from the hospital as they take the weight off shoulders and wrists but they're so unwieldy and awkward as they're top heavy, I gave them up and went back to the normal ones. I do have the soft handles on those but my hands have always swollen at the first sign of extra pressure and I'm definitely going to have a think about the Kowsky crutches you suggest. Have been on their website and they look great. Thanks again.
I use the gel. Get it prescription now as it really helps with the RD pain in wrists and ankles.