Not been on much of late , not been well , after the worry of if my cancer back (go for test next week ) I got really bad throat , then it went to my chest and was ill for another 3 weeks, and felt drained and tired. Well then got my energy back to a moverable level and promtly fell over an 8 inch wall outside my flat as i lost my balance . Which i do alot of late .
This wall is the bain of my life lol, Have fallen over it 3 times , once when could nto see it as it was under a foot of snow. This time though was taking my grandaughter home as she had stayed with me overnight . Did not want ot worry her or scare her so she helped me up and I managed to drive her home though my knee and hip was killing me .
Later that day was in lot of pain and was a bit worried about my hip as a previous fall had dislocated it for the second time .
My younger daughter took me to A&E to check on it .4 1/2 hours later and in pain discomfort with sitting on horrid chairs and others going in before me and going home. I said lets just go home if my hip goes will call ambulance. But no my daughter said she just ask why been waiting so long. Evidently as had history of hip dislocation hadto wait to see doctor. the other people were seen as they could go through quick but they still had to see a doc!!
When did see doc she told me to get on a bed, but it was too high for me and no step to help me . I had told her I had arthritis OA and RA and the reason i was there was in the notes and still expected me to climb on to this high bed. I tried and it was so painfull on my hip and knee .She shrugged and said well cant look at it then , so looked at my knee.
Arranged an xray which i had to walk to though walking extremly painful even with my stick and holding onto my daughter ,a young lady with a sprained ankle was offered a wheel chair , a man with swollen anckle was offered a wheel chair , another young boy a trolly bed with swollen ankle . I was looked at and looked away.
After the x ray we were told to pass the form to the reception , so we went ot reception a lady was just going to take it and she was distracted by another nurse ,so turned her back on us. they chatted for about 5 mins then she walked away . washed her hands and just looked at us . Then went another way and left us standing there for another 5 mins until I had to say ,about .do we leave this here or hand it in. some one took it . while waiting for the doctor to look at xrays , another two lots of people took their forms to th reception and some one took them straight away . Now I no there prob a reason for why they just ignored me and kept us waiting ,but it made me feel as if I was just a pest , I do feel sometimes that having so many health issues , I get looked as if a freak and as if going to be difficult for them . Only time been to A&E was in ambulance before .Began to wish had rung one or not gone at all. as aready on mophine for my back and ra .But i just wanted to be sure it was not in a postion it may go again . I did nto make a fuss , and only after 4 1/2 hours did we question the wait itme as was told 2 hours when we went in.
sorry all, started as a general comment , but the hos treatment really annoyed me and had to get it out lol, Rant over.......